Tribunal Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

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 1                          Wednesday 7 February 2007

 2                          [Open session]

 3                          [The appellant entered court]

 4                           --- Upon commencing at 8.43 a.m.

 5            JUDGE MERON:  Please be seated.

 6            Let me start from apologising to Mr. Brdjanin, particularly, and

 7    to Mr. Ackerman, and to the representatives of the Prosecution for a

 8    slight delay this morning which was for inevitable reasons.  We will now

 9    start with our proceedings.

10            Mr. Registrar, would you please call the case.

11            THE REGISTRAR:  Good morning, Your Honours.  This is case number

12    IT-99-36-A, the Prosecutor versus Radoslav Brdjanin.

13            JUDGE MERON:  Thank you.  Appearances of the parties.  The

14    Prosecution.

15            MR. WIRTH:  Good morning, Your Honour.  Steffen Wirth appearing

16    for the Office of the Prosecutor.  With me my colleague Katharina

17    Margetts, and our case manager is Ms. Lourdes Galicia.

18            JUDGE MERON:  Thank you, Mr. Wirth.

19            For the Defence.

20            MR. ACKERMAN:  Good morning, Your Honour.  I'm John Ackerman.  I'm

21    here for Mr. Brdjanin.  And I hope you recover quickly, Your Honour.

22            JUDGE MERON:  Thank you very much.

23            Mr. Brdjanin, I want to make sure that you can follow the

24    proceedings in a language you understand.

25            THE APPELLANT: [Interpretation] First of all, good morning to

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 1    everyone.  Yes, I can understand and follow the proceedings in the

 2    language that I understand.

 3            JUDGE MERON:  Thank you, Mr. Brdjanin.  You may be seated.

 4            This is, as you know, a Status Conference called in accordance

 5    with Rule 65 bis of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence.  Rule 65 bis (B)

 6    requires a Status Conference to be convened within 120 days of the last

 7    Status Conference to allow any person in custody pending appeal the

 8    opportunity to raise issues in relation to -- including the mental and

 9    physical condition of that person.  The last Status Conference in this

10    case was held on 18 October 2006.  Almost 120 days have now passed since

11    that Status Conference.

12            I note that on the 7th December and the 8th December, 2006, we had

13    the appeal hearings in this case.  I want you all, and particularly

14    Mr. Brdjanin, to know that we continue to work hard on reviewing the

15    appeals and on preparing the judgement which we will be issued in due

16    course.

17            Mr. Brdjanin, do you have any issues that you would like to raise

18    at this time, particularly any concerns regarding your mental and physical

19    well-being?  Mr. Brdjanin?

20            THE APPELLANT: [Interpretation] No, thank you very much.

21            JUDGE MERON:  Thank you, Mr. Brdjanin.

22            Before concluding the Status Conference, I want to ask counsel for

23    the Prosecution and Defence whether they have any other issues that they

24    would like to raise at this point.

25            Mr. Wirth?

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 1            MR. WIRTH:  Nothing from our side, Your Honour.

 2            JUDGE MERON:  Thank you.  Mr. Ackerman.

 3            MR. ACKERMAN:  We have nothing, Your Honour.  Thank you.

 4            JUDGE MERON:  Thank you, Mr. Ackerman.

 5            As there are no other issues, I thank the parties for their

 6    attendance and call the proceedings to a close.

 7                          --- Whereupon the Status Conference adjourned at

 8                          8.47 a.m.
