Before: Judge Antonio Cassese, Presiding

Judge Haopei Li

Judge Elizabeth Odio Benito

Judge Fouad Riad

Judge Mohamed Shahabuddeen

Registrar: Mrs. Dorothee de Sampayo Garrido-Nijgh

Order of: 11 November 1997








The Office of the Prosecutor:

Mr. Grant Niemann
Mr. Michael Keegan

Counsel for the Appellant:

Mr. Milan Vujin
Mr. John Livingston



NOTING the Request for extension of time limit filed by the Defence on 8 September 1997, seeking an extension of time for filing the Appellant’s Brief from 29 October 1997 to 29 December 1997 ("the Request"),

NOTING the filing of a further Motion for the Extension of the Time Limit filed by the Appellant on 6 October 1997 ("the Motion"), and the response of the Office of the Prosecutor ("Prosecution") thereto, filed on 20 October 1997,

NOTING FURTHER the Defence request to schedule a status conference filed on 27 October 1997, seeking the scheduling of a status conference at some time after 29 October 1997 at which "the Defence can explain the reasons for an [extended time limit] for an Appeal" ("the Status Conference Request"),

NOTING with sadness the death of Judge Li, a member of this Appeals Chamber, on 6 November 1997,

NOTING FURTHER that the term of office of Judge Odio Benito will cease in respect of this case as at 17 November 1997 and that after that date the International Tribunal will have a different composition,

CONSIDERING the Scheduling Orders issued by the Appeals Chamber on 17 and 22 September 1997 and the Order Granting Request for Extension of Time issued on 9 October 1997, which extended the time for filing of the Appellant’s brief and the filing of the Cross-Appellant’s brief to 20 November 1997, pending the decision of the Appeals Chamber on the Request and the Motion,


PURSUANT TO Rule 54 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the International Tribunal,

HEREBY ORDERS as follows:

subject to the provisions of paragraph (2), consideration of the Request, the Motion and the Status Conference Request is deferred pending the determination by the President of the International Tribunal of the future composition of the Appeals Chamber;

(2) pending the decision of the President of the International Tribunal and without prejudice to the consideration of the Request, the Motion and the Status Conference Request by the newly constituted Appeals Chamber, the time for filing of the Appellant’s brief and the filing of the Cross-Appellant’s brief is extended to 11 December 1997.


Antonio Cassese

Presiding Judge

Dated this eleventh day of November 1997

At The Hague

The Netherlands

[Seal of the Tribunal]