Tribunal Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

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1 Friday, 28 January, 2000

2 [Open session]

3 [Initial appearance]

4 --- Upon commencing at 10.38 a.m.

5 JUDGE HUNT: Call the case, please.

6 THE REGISTRAR: [Interpretation] This is case

7 IT-98-32-I. The Prosecutor against Mitar Vasiljevic.

8 JUDGE HUNT: Appearances.

9 MS. KORNER: Joanne Korner. I represent the

10 Prosecution, with the assistance of co-counsel,

11 Ms. Nancy Paterson, and case manager Diane Boles.

12 JUDGE HUNT: Thank you. For the accused?

13 Are you appearing for the accused?

14 THE INTERPRETER: Microphone for the Judge,

15 please.

16 MR. PRODANOVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honour,

17 I am Slavisa Prodanovic. I am legal counsel today for

18 the accused Vasiljevic.

19 JUDGE HUNT: Have you had a chance to discuss

20 this matter with your client yet?

21 MR. PRODANOVIC: [Interpretation] Yes, Your

22 Honour. I did have an opportunity of discussing it

23 with my client yesterday and today, and he is aware of

24 the procedure.

25 JUDGE HUNT: And is he aware of the nature of

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1 the allegations made against him?

2 MR. PRODANOVIC: [Interpretation] Yes, Your

3 Honour. Yes, he is aware, and he is also aware of the

4 plea he is supposed to enter. And we wish to suggest

5 to the Court not to have the factual part of the

6 indictment read, only to have the accused enter his

7 pleas.

8 JUDGE HUNT: I am grateful to hear that. But

9 he is ready to enter a plea today, is he?

10 MR. PRODANOVIC: [Interpretation] Yes, Your

11 Honour. Yes.

12 JUDGE HUNT: Thank you. Before we actually

13 take the pleas, I should ask the accused: Are you able

14 to hear the proceedings in a language which you

15 understand? Are you able to hear the proceedings in a

16 language which you understand?


18 JUDGE HUNT: What is your full name?

19 THE ACCUSED: Mitar Vasiljevic.

20 JUDGE HUNT: And what is the date upon which

21 you believe you were born?

22 THE ACCUSED: The 25th of August, 1954.

23 JUDGE HUNT: And what is the address at which

24 you resided before you were arrested?

25 THE ACCUSED: Vojvode Stepe 140, Visegrad.

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1 JUDGE HUNT: And you are now ready to enter

2 pleas to the charges against you in the indictment?


4 JUDGE HUNT: I propose to read out to you

5 just the charge, and then I will ask you: How do you

6 plead to that charge, guilty or not guilty? Your

7 answer in each case should be "guilty" or "not guilty,"

8 as the case may be.

9 The first count against you is a charge of

10 extermination, being a crime against humanity. How do

11 you plead, guilty or not guilty?

12 THE ACCUSED: Not guilty.

13 JUDGE HUNT: The second count is a charge of

14 persecution on political, racial and religious grounds,

15 as a crime against humanity. How do you plead, guilty

16 or not guilty?

17 THE ACCUSED: Not guilty.

18 JUDGE HUNT: The third count is a charge of

19 murder, being a crime against humanity. How do you

20 plead, guilty or not guilty?

21 THE ACCUSED: Not guilty.

22 JUDGE HUNT: The fourth count is another

23 charge of murder, as a violation of the laws or customs

24 of war. Do you plead guilty or not guilty?

25 THE ACCUSED: Not guilty.

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1 JUDGE HUNT: The fifth count is a charge of

2 inhumane acts, being a crime against humanity. How do

3 you plead, guilty or not guilty?

4 THE ACCUSED: Not guilty.

5 JUDGE HUNT: The sixth count is a charge of

6 violence to life and person, being a violation of the

7 laws or customs of war. How do you plead, guilty or

8 not guilty?

9 THE ACCUSED: Not guilty.

10 JUDGE HUNT: The seventh count is a charge of

11 murder, being a crime against humanity. How do you

12 plead, guilty or not guilty?

13 THE ACCUSED: Not guilty.

14 JUDGE HUNT: The eighth count is another

15 charge of murder, being a violation of the laws or

16 customs of war. Do you plead guilty or not guilty?

17 THE ACCUSED: Not guilty.

18 JUDGE HUNT: The ninth count is a charge of

19 inhumane acts, being a crime against humanity. Do you

20 plead guilty or not guilty?

21 THE ACCUSED: Not guilty.

22 JUDGE HUNT: The tenth count is a charge of

23 violence to life and person, being a violation of the

24 laws or customs of war. Do you plead guilty or not

25 guilty?

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1 THE ACCUSED: Not guilty.

2 JUDGE HUNT: The eleventh count is a charge of

3 murder, being a crime against humanity. Do you plead

4 guilty or not guilty?

5 THE ACCUSED: Not guilty.

6 JUDGE HUNT: The twelfth count, a charge of

7 murder, being a violation of the laws or customs of

8 war. Do you plead guilty or not guilty?

9 THE ACCUSED: Not guilty.

10 JUDGE HUNT: The thirteenth count is a charge of

11 inhumane acts, being a crime against humanity. Do you

12 plead guilty or not guilty?

13 THE ACCUSED: Not guilty.

14 JUDGE HUNT: And the fourteenth and final count is

15 a charge of violence to life and person, being a

16 violation of the laws and customs of war. Do you plead

17 guilty or not guilty?

18 THE ACCUSED: Not guilty.

19 JUDGE HUNT: Sit down, please, sir.

20 The Registrar will be instructed to fix a

21 date for trial, when appropriate. And the accused is

22 remanded in custody until further order.

23 Is there any matter which the Prosecution

24 wishes to raise at this stage, Ms. Korner?

25 MS. KORNER: Your Honour, just to say this:

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1 We are in a position to make immediate disclosure of

2 the Rule 47 supporting material, both in English and in

3 B/C/S. But, as I understand the matter, Defence

4 counsel will not be instructed or may not be instructed

5 by his client, and so it may well be that for the

6 moment we'd better, as it were, hang onto it.

7 Can I just mention one other matter?


9 MS. KORNER: Your Honour, we filed a motion

10 for protective measures. We were unaware, at the time

11 that we filed the motion, that Your Honour had issued a

12 scheduling order in respect of another matter, of which

13 Your Honour is seized, effectively asking for

14 clarification of the order that was dealt with in that

15 case. So we will re-examine the motion that we filed,

16 in the light of the order that Your Honour has made.

17 JUDGE HUNT: Well, I am grateful to that.

18 There is another matter which you should consider, and

19 that is the definition of the public includes various

20 persons other than the Judges of the Tribunal and the

21 staff of the Registry.

22 Now, that may be interpreted as a term of

23 art, which means those people who work in the Registry,

24 rather than the staff of the Registrar, who also work

25 in Chambers. So at the moment you are denying us the

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1 opportunity of showing our own legal officers and

2 secretaries the material that we have to deal with.

3 MS. KORNER: Your Honour, I am very grateful

4 for that. We will reconsider that matter as well.

5 JUDGE HUNT: Yes. This is a new form, this

6 one, so far as I am aware, and it does need a little

7 bit of cleaning up, I think.

8 MS. KORNER: Your Honour, I'll make sure that

9 the appropriate steps are taken.

10 JUDGE HUNT: Thank you. Mr. Prodanovic, do

11 you want to raise any matter at this stage?

12 MR. PRODANOVIC: I have nothing special to

13 add, Your Honour. It is true that I shall no longer

14 appear as Defence counsel in this case, because I am

15 busy with another case. However, the accused is

16 quickly going to find a new attorney and all

17 communication will go through him. Thank you.

18 JUDGE HUNT: Well, I am grateful to you for

19 telling us this. You might enforce this with your

20 client, however, that the sooner he does obtain Defence

21 counsel, the sooner he will find out what this is all

22 about, by the material which the Prosecution will

23 provide.

24 It is necessary, of course, to notify the

25 Registry, or the Defence counsel unit anyway, so that

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1 the Prosecution are aware of to whom the material

2 should be sent. So will you make sure, before you

3 leave the case, that you explain to your client, your

4 current client, the importance of moving quickly.

5 Well, that's all. We'll adjourn.

6 --- Hearing adjourned at 10.50 a.m. sine die