Case No.: IT-95-10-A


Before: Judge Fausto Pocar

Registrar: Mr. Hans Holthuis

Order of: 19 June 2001







The Office of the Prosecutor:

Mr. Upawansa Yapa

Counsel for Goran Jelisic:

Mr. William Clegg, Q.C.
Mr. Jovan Babic


I, Fausto Pocar, a Judge of the Appeals Chamber of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991 ("Appeals Chamber" and "International Tribunal" respectively);

NOTING the "Prosecution’s Notice of Appeal", filed by the Prosecution on 21 October 1999, the "Notice of Cross-Appeal", filed by the Defence for Goran Jelisic on 26 October 1999 and the "Notice of Appeal", filed by the Defence for Goran Jelisic on 15 December 1999;

NOTING the "Scheduling Order", dated 8 June 2001, whereby a status conference was organised on 18 June 2001;

CONSIDERING that the status conference scheduled for 18 June 2001 was adjourned due to the fact that counsel for Goran Jelisic did not make himself available;

CONSIDERING that sub-Rule 65bis(B) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the International Tribunal ("Rules") requires "[t]he Appeals Chamber or an Appeals Chamber Judge" to "convene a status conference, within one hundred and twenty days of the filing of a notice of appeal and thereafter within one hundred and twenty days after the last status conference, to allow any person in custody pending appeal the opportunity to raise issues in relation thereto, including the mental and physical condition of that person";

CONSIDERING that Goran Jelisic is currently in detention at the United Nations Detention Unit in The Hague;

CONSIDERING FURTHER that oral hearings were held on 22 and 23 February 2001;

PURSUANT to sub-Rule 65bis(B) of the Rules;

HEREBY ORDERS that a Status Conference shall be held before Judge Fausto Pocar at 15.00 p.m. on 22 June 2001.


Done in English and French, the English text being authoritative.

Judge Fausto Pocar

Dated this nineteenth day of June 2001
At The Hague,
The Netherlands.

[Seal of the Tribunal]