Tribunal Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

Page 36615

 1                           Friday, 5 April 2013

 2                           [Open session]

 3                           [The accused entered court]

 4                           [The witness takes the stand]

 5                           --- Upon commencing at 9.03 a.m.

 6             JUDGE KWON:  Good morning, everyone.

 7             You have some more questions Mr. Karadzic.  Please continue.

 8             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Thank you.  Good morning,

 9     Excellencies, good morning to all.

10                           WITNESS:  RADOJICA MLADJENOVIC [Resumed]

11                           [Witness answered through interpreter]

12                           Examination by Mr. Karadzic: [Continued]

13        Q.   [Interpretation] Good morning, Mr. Mladjenovic.

14        A.   Good morning.

15        Q.   I just have a short question that had to do with this meeting

16     with General Mladic and the others.

17             Did you have any problems regarding abandoned apartments and, if

18     so, how did you resolve that?

19             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] P1480, could that please be called

20     up.

21             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Certainly.  It was a problem to

22     take care of apartments, but at the very beginning, the civilian police

23     and the military police were given a task.  I believe that you have that

24     in the documentation, a form stating that all apartments that were

25     abandoned both by Serbs and Muslims should be sealed off and, from time

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 1     to time, the police should come and take a look at these apartments and

 2     check whether something had happened.

 3             At first, that did work, but that was only for a very short time.

 4     Practically it was given up then because there was criminal unrest, and

 5     it could no longer be controlled.

 6             As regards taking care of apartments, houses, buildings,

 7     et cetera, you know, Serbs also left.  They went to Belgrade and other

 8     places.  A neighbour would give his neighbour the keys, and people would

 9     visit apartments that were next door and houses that were nearby, so that

10     functioned relatively well, at first.

11             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

12        Q.   Thank you.

13             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Can we have page 69 in Serbian and

14     in English in this document.

15             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

16        Q.   Here, we see that Mr. Kovac from Kalinovik is complaining about

17     poor information, poor connections between municipalities, commanding

18     poorly linked up and so on.  And then you took the floor.  Is that you,

19     the president of the Executive Board?

20        A.   Yes, yes.

21        Q.   Thank you.  Production stopped on two occasions due to power

22     outage.  Can we have the next page, please.

23             You're asking for Mladic's support here and you're complaining.

24     Can we have the next page.  You say that some military personnel are

25     moving into apartments by force.  Are those, those abandoned apartments?

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 1        A.   Yes.  And we asked the military component for their help, to have

 2     this stopped.

 3        Q.   Thank you, Mr. Mladjenovic.

 4        A.   As far as power is concerned, that's true.  And not only because

 5     of production.  At the very beginning, we just had one line of

 6     electricity from Visegrad-Gorazde and then when that transmission line

 7     fell or, rather, when it was cut off, we practically had no electricity.

 8     So, at the very beginning of 1992, or to be more precise, when I went to

 9     see the prime minister in Pale around the 24th of May, for instance, and

10     that is the first time I came, Mr. Cancar, a banker, and the director of

11     the public accounting service, we went to ask for a source of assistance

12     in order to have the government help us so that we could build a

13     transmission line from Celebic 23 kilometres long, from Montenegro that

14     is.  So it was only in 1994 that our power supply was stabilised.  And

15     our production became a bit more intensive in Maglic and other companies.

16        Q.   Who was it that destroyed the transmission line from Gorazde to

17     Foca?

18        A.   Well, I assume it was the units that held that area.  We -- well,

19     as far as units were concerned, from 1992 onwards, units never left the

20     territory of our municipality.  That is to say, towards Gorazde or

21     neighbouring municipalities, irrespective of ethnic background.  That is

22     to say, it was the administrative border of the municipality of Foca

23     towards Gorazde and other municipalities like Trnovo and then no one

24     moved from there up until the end of the war.  That is to say, until

25     Dayton.

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 1        Q.   Thank you.  Yesterday you mentioned that then and now there are

 2     two municipalities of Foca.  If we take that into account, how many Serbs

 3     were there in the Muslim part of Foca during the war?

 4        A.   Well, let me tell you, I didn't have an opportunity, and I didn't

 5     have the ambition to do the accounting.  But I know for a while, say, 12

 6     people or several members of a family who were at a farm, Ekonomija,

 7     perhaps 3 kilometres away from the town that was the farm of the KP Dom.

 8     They worked at that farm and I think they even had some of their

 9     offspring there, some of their offspring were born there.  After the war,

10     they left, all of them, this entire family.

11             As for these other representatives of the Muslim ethnicity, there

12     was a watch-maker, and in villages, I really don't know, up until 1993, I

13     think, the Cengics, old people were probably protected, and they had

14     friendly relations with Mr. Milosevic and with Mr. Mladic.  So they were

15     driven to Belgrade because their son lived in Belgrade.

16        Q.   Thank you.  Thank you.

17             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I have no further questions of

18     Mr. Mladjenovic at this point in time.

19             JUDGE KWON:  Thank you, Mr. Karadzic.

20             Yes, Mr. Mladjenovic, as you have noted, your evidence in-chief

21     in this case has been admitted, in most part, in writing, that is through

22     your written statement, in lieu of your oral testimony.

23             Now you'll be cross-examined by the representative of the

24     Office of the Prosecutor.

25             Do you understand that?

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 1             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I did understand you.

 2             In the hotel room, I found the original, the one can be seen with

 3     different signatures, different pens, ink.  I haven't brought it along,

 4     but I had intended to bring it along.

 5             JUDGE KWON:  Very well.

 6             Yes, Ms. McKenna.

 7             MS. McKENNA:  Thank you, Your Honour.  Just to note before I

 8     start, I will do my very best to complete within the one hour and

 9     15 minutes that you have allocated for me but I may have to ask your

10     indulgence for a little extra time.  But perhaps we can see how we go.

11             JUDGE KWON:  Yes, let us see.  Please proceed.

12             MS. McKENNA:  Thank you.

13                           Cross-examination by Ms. McKenna:

14        Q.   Good morning, Mr. Mladjenovic.

15        A.   Good morning to you, too.

16        Q.   We're quite limited in time today, so I'm going to be asking you

17     a series of questions about your statement.  I'd appreciate if you could

18     listen carefully and answer as precisely and concisely as possible.

19             I'd like to start with a preliminary point regarding the

20     Foca Territorial Defence.  In paragraph 12 of your statement, you state

21     that at the level of the Foca TO staff reservists were issued with

22     weapons, both Muslims and Serbs, as well as the reserve police force.

23     And you also mention Focatrans a number of times in your statement.

24             Now, the Focatrans company had its own Territorial Defence unit,

25     didn't it?

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 1        A.   I'm not aware of that.  As a matter of fact, I doubt that, but I

 2     cannot say for sure because the staff of the Territorial Defence was at

 3     the level of the municipality, and there was a Chief of Staff,

 4     Mr. Sulejman Pilav.  His term of office had expired two years before

 5     that, the 6th of May.  I remember that because that's my patron saint's

 6     day.  So that was in 1998 before the elections and this -- sorry, let me

 7     just finish this sentence.  And this went on up until the war conflict

 8     itself.  So it was him, although Serbs, according to the inter-party

 9     agreement, were allocated that post, but it wasn't possible.  You have

10     that in the documentation.  There was urging of this kind and that,

11     and --

12        Q.   Thank you.  Once again I'd just like to remind you to focus very

13     specifically on the question that I'd asked which relates to the

14     Focatrans company.

15             MS. McKENNA:  If we could please have 65 ter number 24821.

16        Q.   And, Mr. Mladjenovic, I'd just like to clarify this point

17     because it's relevant to both your testimony and the testimony of

18     previous Defence witnesses.

19             This is a document dated the 14th of March, 2013, from the

20     Republika Srpska Ministry of the Interior Criminal Investigation

21     Department to the ICTY, and it states in the first paragraph:

22             "We established that Lazar Kunarac, who was in charge of the

23     documentation of the then TO of Foca including the TO unit Focatrans, was

24     killed in the beginning of the war."

25             And the next paragraph states, if we can have -- oh, excuse me,

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 1     me it's page 1 in the English as well.  An interview was conducted with

 2     Momcilo Markovic, who was the commander of the then Territorial Defence

 3     unit in Focatrans.

 4             It is clear from this document, isn't it, that there was a

 5     Territorial Defence unit in the Focatrans company; isn't that correct?

 6        A.   I'm not aware of that.  Absolutely not.  And it almost seems

 7     illogical to me.

 8             This entire Territorial Defence was at the level of the

 9     municipality, and the staff was at the level of the municipality.  So I

10     absolutely cannot assert, there's no way I can do that, that this

11     structure --

12        Q.   Do you accept that this document states --

13        A.   I'm not aware of that.  I'm not aware of that.  That is what is

14     written here, but I claim that I was not aware of that situation, nor am

15     I aware of that situation now.  And this is a document from 2013.  So I

16     did not know about this.  I even didn't know that the late gentleman,

17     Mr. Kunarac worked in Focatrans.  I didn't even know that.

18             MS. McKENNA:  Your Honours, I'd like to tender this document.

19             MR. ROBINSON:  Objection, Your Honours.  First of all --

20             JUDGE KWON:  Let's hear from Ms. McKenna about the basis upon

21     which we can admit this.

22             MS. McKENNA:  Thank you, Your Honour.

23             The witness testified in a number -- mentioned a number of times

24     in his statement the Focatrans company and the suggestion that the

25     Muslims were armed through Focatrans.  If you'd bear with me, I can find

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 1     the reference.  And this is a previous -- this is something that we've

 2     heard from previous Defence witnesses.  I -- we submit that this document

 3     impeaches the witness on this point as it proves that there was a

 4     Focatrans Territorial Defence unit.

 5             JUDGE KWON:  By Defence witness, who do you refer to?

 6             MS. McKENNA:  Excuse me, Your Honour.  It was

 7     Witness Pljevaljcic.

 8             JUDGE KWON:  Whose words is this, that -- that is saying that

 9     Foca TO included Focatrans TO unit and Markovic was the commander of that

10     unit.

11             MS. McKENNA:  Your Honour, this is a letter from the

12     Republika Srpska Ministry of Interior Criminal Investigation Department

13     which was sent to the Office of the Prosecutor in response to a request

14     on this specific point.  Further to the

15     testimony [Overlapping speakers] ...

16             JUDGE KWON:  So we do not know whose words they are.

17             MS. McKENNA:  They're the words of the representative from the

18     criminal investigation department of the present

19     Republika Srpska [Overlapping speakers] ...

20             JUDGE KWON:  [Overlapping speakers] Yes, Mr. -- thank you.

21             Yes, Mr. Robinson.

22             MR. ROBINSON:  Yes, Mr. President.  This has no probative value

23     in contradicting the testimony of this witness because it -- as it -- you

24     picked up from the text it doesn't even say that Mr. Markovic claimed to

25     have been the commander of the Territorial Defence unit.  So, for all we

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 1     know, this inspector of the MUP in 2013 just either made an assumption or

 2     we don't know where he got that information.

 3             So this isn't the type of contradictory information that would be

 4     admissible.

 5             JUDGE KWON:  Do you like to add anything, Ms. McKenna?

 6             MS. McKENNA:  Your Honour, in our submissions, the -- an official

 7     document from the -- the Criminal Investigation Department of the

 8     Ministry of Interior, in response to a request from the Office

 9     of the Prosecutor, stating that an interview was conducted should --

10     has -- has significant probative value and should be taken on its face.

11             JUDGE BAIRD:  But, Ms. McKenna, didn't the witness say, I doubt

12     that, but I cannot say for sure.  I cannot say for sure.

13             MS. McKENNA:  Your Honour, I'm sorry, I don't -- it -- the

14     witness said that he couldn't say for sure whether a -- a Focatrans

15     Territorial Defence unit existed.  This document, in our submission,

16     proves that such a unit existed, which is relevant to both this witness's

17     evidence and the previous Defence witness's evidence.

18             JUDGE BAIRD:  Thank you.

19                           [Trial Chamber confers]

20             JUDGE KWON:  The Chamber is of the view it's not appropriate to

21     admit this document through this witness.  We'll not admit this at this

22     time.

23             MS. McKENNA:  Thank you, Your Honour.

24        Q.   Turning to a completely different topic, Mr. Mladjenovic, at

25     paragraph 16 of your statement, you talk about the SDS rallies in the

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 1     town stadium in 1990 and 1991.  And you state that the messages from our

 2     rallies were worded in the spirit of respect for neighbourly relations to

 3     preserve peace and to preserve our common country.

 4             Now, this Chamber has heard evidence from a Witness KDZ239 that

 5     Vojislav Maksimovic, who as you state in your statement was the president

 6     of the SDS Deputies Club and was present at the rally in Foca,

 7     Mr. Maksimovic at a SDS rally in Gorazde at the end of 1990 stated that

 8     in the previous war, blood flowed in the river Drina and now this time

 9     blood will flow down both the rivers Drina and Cehotina.

10             And also Witness 33 testified in the Kunarac case that at the SDS

11     founding rally in Foca, it was declared that the river Drina would flow

12     bloody again.

13             Now do you agree that this was not a message that was worded in

14     the spirit of respect for neighbourly relations to preserve peace?

15        A.   Let me say straight away that the Serb Democratic Party at the

16     stadium, that is to say, when it was established on the 1st of September,

17     it's true Mr. Maksimovic was there, Mr. Cengic was there, among others,

18     of course, President Karadzic, Plavsic, Koljevic, not to mention

19     everybody now.  I do not remember exactly, but I don't believe that

20     Mr. Maksimovic would say that at that gathering, although later it was

21     later, after the elections, that he became president of the SDS club and

22     the Assembly of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

23             The gathering that you mentioned obviously was held in 1990.  It

24     was an electionary [as interpreted] and then in 1991, the Assembly of the

25     trinity was held and all the leaders of the Serbian Democratic Party were

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 1     there and there was an academician, the late Mr. Raskovic who was present

 2     as a guest.  So these are two gatherings.  One held in 1990 and the other

 3     one held in 1991.  Not in 1992.

 4        Q.   [Overlapping speakers]

 5        A.   Obviously you made a mistake there.

 6             As for what was discussed in Gorazde, please, I cannot confirm

 7     that, because I did not take part except at those two gatherings that you

 8     referred to.  And that is correct, two gatherings.

 9        Q.   Let's talk about later statements that were made.  Witness KDZ239

10     gave evidence that in early April 1992 there was propaganda on Radio Foca

11     where Miroslav Stanic stated that it was not possible to live with Muslim

12     neighbours anymore, that Serbs couldn't permit themselves to be woken up

13     by the Hodza every morning from the mosque minaret, and that there was a

14     danger of the Serb population or units being circumcised.

15             Now, did you hear these messages from Mr. Stanic?

16        A.   I did not hear that.  So I did not hear that.  I confirm that I

17     did not hear that.  But, at any rate, there must be a note or something

18     if that is correct, but I did not hear that.

19        Q.   Well, let's look at Mr. Stanic's own words when speaking in an

20     interview on --

21        A.   Stanic?

22        Q.   Yes, thank you.  When speaking in an interview on the third

23     anniversary of the take-over the Foca, he stated -- and for the parties'

24     reference this is P3476.  Mr. Stanic stated:

25             "If certain individuals had been in the command at the beginning

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 1     of the conflict we would certainly not be sitting here in free Foca and

 2     we would probably have a constant headache from the muezzin singing from

 3     the tops of the minarets."

 4             So, again, I'll ask you, this doesn't suggest a desire to

 5     preserve neighbourly relations and peace, does it?

 6        A.   Correct.  It would not contribute to good relations and peace in

 7     Foca, but -- but, roughly, that is three years into the war, if I

 8     understood you correctly.  That statement can only be confirmed by him.

 9     I did not hear it, but, I mean, quite surely, in that context, I could

10     not -- I mean, I didn't understand that that is what was being said at

11     the time.

12        Q.   [Overlapping speakers]

13        A.   I can understand the beginning of the war but now, no, because he

14     had no one to say this to.

15        Q.   Let's move back to discuss the time prior to the war starting.

16             In paragraph 14 of your statement, you explain that the Serbian

17     municipality of Foca was formed on the 21st of December, 1991.  And then

18     in paragraph 20, you state that the Muslims obstructed the work of the

19     Foca Municipal Assembly in many ways, and energy was wasted and that was

20     why the Serbian Municipal Assembly of Foca was formed in December 1991.

21             Now, in fact, Mr. Mladjenovic, the Serb municipality of Foca and

22     its bodies were formed pursuant to instructions given by Mr. Karadzic,

23     weren't they?

24        A.   It is absolutely not that Mr. Karadzic provided those.

25             Let me explain briefly.  When the Assembly of Bosnia-Herzegovina

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 1     was left by the Serb deputies because they had been outvoted, then

 2     definitely alongside the assertions that I perhaps need not remind you of

 3     but they were to the effect that Alija Izetbegovic was prepared to

 4     sacrifice peace for sovereignty, and so on and so forth.  It was then

 5     that out of caution we established on the 24th and not on the 21st, or

 6     perhaps it may have been the 25th of December, 1991, the Assembly of Foca

 7     Municipality.  I think it was called the Assembly of Foca Municipality in

 8     BiH or something of the sort.  In -- so that we be prepared.  It all

 9     pointed to deteriorating relations and a bad situation.  As a matter of

10     fact, I have a flyer that was distributed at a promotional rally in Foca

11     attended by over 100.000 people which is probably the largest SDA rally

12     in Foca --

13        Q.   MR. Mladjenovic, again I'd like to --

14        A.   -- and they were distributed by Mr. Murat, if I'm not mistaken.

15        Q.   Again, I'm going to have to ask you to focus very clearly on the

16     question I'm asking.

17             MS. McKENNA:  Could we please have P3337.

18             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] It is correct that ... go ahead.

19             MS. McKENNA:

20        Q.   Now, Mr. Mladjenovic, this is an intercepted conversation

21     between Mr. Stanic and Mr. Karadzic on 6th of January, 1992.

22             MS. McKENNA:  Could we please have pages 2 in the B/C/S and

23     English versions, please.

24        Q.   And halfway down the page in the English version, Mr. Stanic

25     says:

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 1             "We have formed a Serb municipality, and you have that

 2     information."

 3             Mr. Karadzic responds:

 4             "All right."

 5             Stanic states:

 6             "If this thing should go differently on the 15th we'll have a

 7     public promotion."

 8             Mr. Karadzic responds:

 9             "Yes, yes, and take complete control of your own affairs?

10             And Mr. Stanic responds:

11             "Yes, yes, everything as it is in the instructions."

12             So, Mr. Mladjenovic, according to Mr. Stanic, the formation of

13     the Serb municipality bodies was pursuant to Karadzic's instructions;

14     isn't that correct?

15        A.   I think that the Serb leadership having learned from their

16     previous experience with the municipal -- with the Assembly of

17     Bosnia-Herzegovina suggested as a fallback position to establish the

18     assembly in Foca.  It couldn't function in legal terms because the last

19     assembly session with the Muslims, Serbs and Montenegrins and Croats,

20     because there was a Croat among the deputies, was held on the

21     15th of March, 1992, together.

22             Let me tell you something else.

23        Q.   Mr. Mladjenovic --

24        A.   We --

25        Q.   -- I'm going to -- I'm sorry.  I'm going to interrupt you because

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 1     I would really like to focus on this issue of the formation and the

 2     reasons for the formation of the assembly.

 3             Now you, yourself, attended the extended session of the

 4     Serbian Democratic Party Main Board and Executive Committee which was

 5     held on the 14th of February in Sarajevo --

 6             JUDGE KWON:  Just a second, I'm sorry to interrupt you.  But did

 7     we hear the witness's answer to your previous question?

 8             Mr. Stanisic [sic] said in this intercept that everything is as

 9     it is in the instruction.

10             Do you have anything to say about that, Mr. Mladjenovic?

11             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] The instructions or recommendations

12     had to do with the establishment of the assembly, which never -- was

13     never operational in 1992 up until the 8th of April.  Until then, there

14     was the full municipal assembly of both Muslims and Serbs.  Also, the

15     Executive Board as a collective body functioned until the 8th of April as

16     can be seen in various documents, communiques, and statements.

17             MS. McKENNA:

18        Q.   So just to clarify this point the instructions to which

19     Mr. Stanic was referring are the instructions received from Mr. Karadzic

20     to set up the Serb Municipal Assembly and the Serb bodies; is that

21     correct?

22        A.   I think that it is a matter of recommendation rather than

23     instruction.  An instruction is something different, as a term, as well

24     as its meaning.  I think it was a recommendation.  And if one follows up

25     on that recommendation, concludes that the assembly was established on

Page 36630

 1     the 25th of December, 1991.  I don't think it was the case with the

 2     Executive Board though.  The conversation you referred to, actually

 3     probably refers to an event where I was present at the Main Board of the

 4     SDS, and it was done so as to fill in positions by Muslims, which was,

 5     later on, actually done.

 6        Q.   [Overlapping speakers]... let's --

 7             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Can we ask Ms. McKenna to show us

 8     where does it say that this instruction came from me.

 9             MS. McKENNA:  That -- that.

10             JUDGE KWON:  She asked the question, and he -- so he confirmed

11     that -- that instruction or recommendation was coming from -- was -- came

12     from the Main Board or Mr. Karadzic.

13             Do you confirm that, Mr. Mladjenovic?

14             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Not Karadzic by the Main Board.

15     The Main Board was a collective body.  It can make -- reach conclusions

16     and any of the members of the Presidency of that body can sign it.

17             I also managed a collective body when there were sessions.

18     Everyone voted, and then I was the one who signed it.  That was the rule.

19             MS. McKENNA:

20        Q.   Well, let's explore this issue of what exactly was formed

21     pursuant to these instructions in a little more detail.  We were about to

22     discuss the 14th of February meeting in Sarajevo at the Holiday Inn.

23             MS. McKENNA:  Could we please have 65 ter 11021A.

24        Q.   Now, Mr. Mladjenovic, as you've just confirmed, you attended

25     this meeting.

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 1        A.   I think I was there.

 2        Q.   And the transcript for this --

 3             Mr. Mladjenovic, this is a transcript of your statement at this

 4     meeting.  The transcript should be attached.  Yes, thank you.

 5             MS. McKENNA:  If we could please play the audio.

 6                           [Audio-clip played]

 7             THE INTERPRETER:  [Voiceover] "I'm speaking on behalf of the

 8     Serbian executive committee of Foca and that other one, that is slowly

 9     dying.  I do not wish to participate in the debate here but I would like

10     to ask some questions that I would like to find answers to.  That is, I,

11     as a representative of the people in Foca municipality.  Serbian people

12     in Foca municipality.  Considering the fact that we did everything that

13     the centre had requested us to do and considering the instructions we

14     received in this field when setting up the Serbian Assembly and

15     Executive Committee, we got far ahead with the work of the

16     Executive Committee for a simple reason at least with some operational

17     issues by which we wish to finally round up the Serbian territory of Foca

18     municipality within the Serbian autonomous region of Herzegovina.  Of

19     course, we wouldn't think of resolving the Serbian territory in

20     Bosnia-Herzegovina partially.  For these reasons, I find it necessary to,

21     first of all, establish Serbian municipalities regardless of the borders

22     of existing municipalities.  This is the case with us, and we will not

23     have any regard for that."

24             MS. McKENNA:

25        Q.   Now, Mr. Mladjenovic, can you confirm that this was you

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 1     speaking?

 2        A.   Yes.

 3        Q.   So in this statement, you explicitly emphasise to your colleagues

 4     at the SDS that when setting up both the Serbian Assembly and the

 5     Executive Committee, you did everything that the centre requested you to

 6     do, considering the instructions that you received; isn't that correct?

 7        A.   I don't think the Executive Board was complete, but the assembly

 8     was.  Complete in terms of composition.

 9        Q.   I'm sorry, but just to clarify my question, you -- you formed

10     the -- regardless of whether they were complete in their composition at

11     that point, the assembly and the Executive Committee were formed pursuant

12     to the instructions that you received from Dr. Karadzic and the SDS

13     Main Board; isn't that correct?

14        A.   Yes, from the Main Board.  I don't recall -- well, perhaps it was

15     signed by Karadzic, but I don't think he did because there was no order

16     with any signatures.  It was simply an instruction to react out of

17     caution, and it was not applied until the 8th of April, 1992.  So a

18     meeting with the Muslims was set up in the same composition of the

19     Executive Board as it functioned before the war.  You can see that from

20     the conclusions.  There are documents to support that.

21        Q.   Thank you.

22             MS. McKENNA:  Your Honours, I'd like to tender this.

23             JUDGE KWON:  Yes.

24             MR. ROBINSON:  No objection.

25             JUDGE KWON:  Yes, we will receive it.

Page 36633

 1             THE REGISTRAR:  As Exhibit P6264, Your Honours.

 2             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I apologise, can I ask the

 3     following:  Is the entire transcript of the 14th of February meeting

 4     admitted?  It was a Plenary not the Main Board.

 5             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Well, not all of it was read out.

 6             JUDGE KWON:  If necessary, you may tender it later on.  But we'll

 7     admit this part at the moment.

 8             But I don't follow the -- page 3 of this transcript.

 9             MS. McKENNA:  Your Honour, that's an additional excerpt which we

10     won't be using, so my colleague, Mr. Reid, will simply upload the excerpt

11     of the transcript.

12             JUDGE KWON:  The two pages.

13             MS. McKENNA:  Exactly.  Thank you for pointing that out.

14        Q.   Now I'm going to move on to a different topic, Mr. Mladjenovic.

15             In paragraph 20 of your statement, you discuss the formation of

16     the Crisis Staff on the 3rd of April, 1992, and you state that the local

17     para state and para military factions had stronger influence than the

18     republican commissioner and the local authorities headed by you.

19             And, again, in paragraph 25, you discuss the -- how difficult it

20     was in the circumstances to control the situation which was bordering on

21     anarchy.  I would like to explore the issue of who was in control or

22     authority in Foca at the time.

23             Now, the Crisis Staff led the Serb take-over of the Foca

24     municipality, didn't they?

25        A.   The Crisis Staff -- please, if I may say just a few things that

Page 36634

 1     seem to have been bundled up together without any order.

 2             You understand that I'd like to have that in sequence in terms of

 3     dates and order.  It is true that the Crisis Staff on the Serbian side

 4     was established on the 3rd of April, 1992.  It is true that, as per

 5     function of the Executive Board, as a collective organ, I was the third

 6     person on the list.  There was the president of the party and president

 7     of the municipality, Mr. Milicic, and then it was me, and so on and so

 8     forth.

 9             As regards that body I have to point out, yet again, joint work

10     until the 8th of April in the afternoon took place with members of the

11     Executive Board of both structures, Muslim and Serb, as you can see in

12     the documents.

13        Q.   May I just interrupt you.  Your evidence on this is on the record

14     in your statement.  Now I'm asking about specific aspects of the

15     take-over.  I'd like you to focus on the aspects that I'm asking you.

16             My question is:  In respect of the Serb take-over of Foca, the

17     armed take-over, that was led by the Crisis Staff, wasn't it?

18        A.   The take-over the power took place, because you mention

19     paramilitary structures and unrest and so on and so forth, and, indeed, I

20     mention it in the statement.  But the Crisis Staff reacted after I was

21     actually at the municipal building with four of my associates.  That was

22     myself, Mr. Lakovic Jedhen [phoen], who was the head of the Ministry of

23     Defence, and Dzemal Aganovic [phoen].  We returned to invest another

24     effort on the afternoon -- in the afternoon of the 8th of April to try

25     and save the situation so that, in addition to the communique that I

Page 36635

 1     signed alongside Mr. Taib that people should not leave their apartments

 2     and move about in the streets, and so on and so forth.  However, on the

 3     8th, it was not possible, and it is not true that we took over, or the

 4     Crisis Staff, Serbian Crisis Staff, took over Foca, because only as of

 5     the 9th on, there was combat in Alaca [phoen] which is deep inside the

 6     territory, upstream the Cehotina river.  So Foca was not taken over in

 7     five minutes.

 8        Q.   But again -- it wasn't.  I'm not contending that it was,

 9     Mr. Mladjenovic.  But, again, I'm going to read the statement of

10     Mr. Stanic, who was the president of the Crisis Staff, to you.  And again

11     this is from the interview that I mentioned previously.

12             Mr. Stanic states, and this, again, is P3476 for the parties'

13     reference:

14             "I was the commander on behalf of the SDS which enabled me to

15     become the first war commander."

16             He states:

17             "We liberated the town in six days.  By the 25th of April, we

18     managed to liberate the whole of Foca municipality, the largest

19     municipality in Republika Srpska.  I submitted my war report to the

20     ministerial counsel, as it was then called at the time, at the beginning

21     of June.  We were active in the Crisis Staff and later in the army

22     command."

23             So now, according to Crisis Staff president Stanic, the

24     Crisis Staff, under his authority, led the take-over.  So does

25     Mr. Stanic's statement refresh your recollection on this point?

Page 36636

 1        A.   I didn't have to, and logically speaking, it didn't happen that

 2     we went to Radio Stara Herzegovina or Radio Foca to issue announcements.

 3     Again, it was done by a collective organ.  I need to say, though, that I

 4     definitely worked not in order to justify - I have to say that - but as

 5     of the 3rd, as of the date of establishment, I was active in the

 6     Executive Board until the 8th.  On the 19th of April, I basically

 7     returned to the municipality and began setting up civilian authorities.

 8     I had inherited three members, and we needed to find another three who

 9     were Serbs.  That it true.

10        Q.   Thank you.  I'm -- again, we're focussing on the specific -- the

11     role of -- the issue of the take-over of the municipality.  We'll come

12     onto the civilian authorities in a moment.

13             But just to go back to your statement, in paragraph 30, you state

14     that - and this, again, is during the negotiations - on the 8th of April,

15     you went to the Serb Crisis Staff headquarters in Cerezluk to receive the

16     demands that you were to give to the Muslim side?

17        A.   Correct.

18        Q.   And you state a minister in the BH government and president of

19     the Crisis Staff dictated these requests.

20             Now this reference to the minister is a reference to

21     Velibor Ostojic, who was the minister of information in the

22     Republika Srpska government; is that correct?

23        A.   Yes.

24        Q.   And you stated that communications for the first two or three

25     days when Mr. Ostojic was in Foca were possible.

Page 36637

 1             Just to clarify, Mr. Ostojic was present during the take-over of

 2     Foca, wasn't he?

 3        A.   Not until the end.  Not all the way up to the end.  I can't guess

 4     or estimate because he received information that a government was being

 5     set up in Pale and he was supposed to go there.  As dictated by logic, he

 6     had to resume his work as the then-minister of information in the joint

 7     government of Bosnia and Herzegovina.  So he withdrew and left us to the

 8     commissioners and to us to do the best we could because we had not had

 9     any previous war time experience.  We had to go on our intuition and

10     knowledge that we had obtained in the previous organs or structures.

11        Q.   I want to focus right now on the -- the issue of whether

12     Mr. Ostojic was present in Foca during the take-over.  You've said that

13     he was not there until the end, but he was there at the beginning of the

14     take-over; is that correct?

15        A.   Just a second.  Yesterday I stated here that through activities

16     of joint forces of Gradska and Foca definitely in late September and up

17     until the 10th of October, the territory of Foca was finally determined,

18     administratively speaking.  We stopped at those borders and nothing moved

19     until the Dayton accords.  Our units did not go out to Foca or out of the

20     municipality of Foca to the neighbouring municipalities.

21        Q.   Mr. Mladjenovic, my -- my question relates to when

22     Velibor Ostojic was present in Foca.  Now, there is a report from

23     Mr. Foca [sic] in evidence before the trial that's P -- excuse me, from

24     Ostojic.  That's P3338.  And it's a report from Foca on Belgrade Radio

25     dated 14th of April, 1992, where he states:

Page 36638

 1             "The Serbian Territorial Defence is controlling a huge part of

 2     the town.  The entire Serb Territorial Defence in the Foca commune is on

 3     its feet."

 4             So, again, I'll ask you to confirm that Mr. Ostojic was present

 5     during the Serb take-over of Foca; isn't that correct?

 6        A.   He was definitely not there.  If you believe that the take-over

 7     took place on the 19th, when civilian authorities basically started

 8     functioning.  When I returned to the municipality with my associates, I

 9     think he left Foca before that.  I think he was there on the 7th or 8th.

10     He was definitely there then.

11             As for what you mentioned, the 16th Company, I didn't have time

12     to tell Varac Ekmen [phoen], a member of the Municipal Board, to tell

13     anything because shooting had started.  I simply gave that paper to him

14     and, indeed, he replied, saying we had to have known.  And I didn't even

15     really go to the gist of it, to tell you the truth, because minutes under

16     such circumstances are like years.

17        Q.   Thank you.  Again, I'm focussing right now on the issue of who

18     was in control during the take-over.

19             MS. McKENNA:  Could we please have 65 ter number 40609A, please.

20        Q.   Now, Mr. Mladjenovic, this is a video with Mr. Ostojic and it's

21     an interview with a BBC journalist 18 months after the conflict broke out

22     in Foca.  I'd just like you to listen to what he says about the Foca

23     take-over.

24             MS. McKENNA:  If we could play the video, please.

25                           [Video-clip played]

Page 36639

 1             "... people who were running in the town in the spring and summer

 2     of last year?

 3             "People we have talked to say that you were clearly one of the

 4     people who were running the town in the spring and summer of last year.

 5             "No.  Foca was run by the Crisis Staff.  I was in Foca for a

 6     certain period of time only as I was in other parts of the republic.  My

 7     task was to preserve property and establish civilian authority in all

 8     parts of Republika Srpska."

 9             MS. McKENNA:

10        Q.   So, Mr. Mladjenovic, according to Mr. Ostojic, he was in Foca to

11     help establish civilian authority.  Is that consistent with your

12     recollection?

13             MR. ROBINSON:  Excuse me, Mr. President.  I don't read what

14     Mr. Ostojic said that way.  He said he was in Foca for a certain period

15     of time as he was in other parts of the republic.  And then he said that

16     his task was to preserve property and establish civilian authority in all

17     parts of Republika Srpska.

18             So I don't think that's a very fair question given the text.

19             JUDGE KWON:  In any event, the transcript doesn't seem to be

20     correct.

21             Very well.

22             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Can we see the transcript,

23     Excellency?  Let's see how this was translated.

24             MS. McKENNA:  [Previous translation continues] ...

25             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Do we have a number for the entire

Page 36640

 1     transcript.  There are a lot of redacted places.

 2             JUDGE KWON:  Just a second.  Why don't we play it again.

 3             MS. McKENNA:  If we play it again, I think that should clarify

 4     matters.

 5                           [Video-clip played]

 6             "...  that you were clearly one of the people who were running

 7     the town in the spring and summer of last year

 8             "People we have talked to, the refugees, say that you were

 9     clearly one of the people who were running the town in the --

10             "No, Foca was run by the Crisis Staff.  I was in Foca for a

11     certain period of time only as I was in other parts of republic for a

12     certain period of time.  My task was to preserve property and to

13     establish civilian authority in all parts of Republika Srpska."

14             JUDGE KWON:  And what is your question, Ms. McKenna?

15             MS. McKENNA:

16        Q.   My question was that -- well, as according to Mr. Ostojic, he was

17     in Foca to help establish civilian authority, and -- is that consistent

18     with your recollection?  As ...

19             MR. ROBINSON:  Excuse me, my objection was that this

20     mischaracterises what was said by Mr. Ostojic.

21             MS. McKENNA:  I don't read it as a mischaracterisation, but I can

22     rephrase the question.

23             JUDGE KWON:  Very well.

24             MS. McKENNA:

25        Q.   Mr. Mladjenovic, Mr. Ostojic says that his task was to establish

Page 36641

 1     civilian authority in all parts of the Republika Srpska.  Do you accept

 2     that he was in Foca to establish -- to help establish civilian authority?

 3        A.   I'm more prone to believing that closer to the truth is the fact

 4     that he was in that area because his mother lived there.  He just

 5     happened to be there.  And then he could not return either to Pale or to

 6     Sarajevo, in particular.  I believe that his intentions were good.  But

 7     when I returned a couple of days later, perhaps on the 22nd or 23rd, or

 8     thereabouts, he told me that we, members of the Executive Board, were

 9     dragging our feet and then he -- and then he concluded that he was in our

10     way.  We admitted that that was the fact, and then he left to Pale.  And

11     then, from time to time, he would return.  He returned to Pale and -- he

12     basically got out of our hair and let us do what we could.

13        Q.   Well, according to Mr. Ostojic, Foca was run by the Crisis Staff.

14     Is that consistent with your recollection?

15        A.   During the early days, there was a Crisis Staff, and there was

16     the staff of the Territorial Defence of the Serbian army.  That's what it

17     was called.  These were the roots of the creation of more organised

18     units.  Only after the election of President Karadzic on 12th of May was

19     the military established at that same assembly session which was probably

20     in Banja Luka, but I'm not sure.  Then the situation improved.  The

21     situation in the military improved.  The military was a very serious

22     structure.  It lacked inorganisation [as interpreted] in terms of

23     formations and it lacked in personnel, of course.  And then the officers

24     who had served in the JNA returned because they hailed from the

25     municipality of Foca, and then the military started being more organised,

Page 36642

 1     and it started being organised into military units.

 2        Q.   But you agree that in the early days, the Crisis Staff was the

 3     authority in the town.

 4        A.   Well, perhaps some of the component affiliated with the army and

 5     the TO staff.  And this certainly didn't interfere.  Maybe they

 6     overlapped with the civilian issues that were topical at the time.  In

 7     other words, that situation imposed the tasks of the Crisis Staff which

 8     you can see in the published documents.  You can see that the

 9     Crisis Staff stopped working at the moment when conditions were in place

10     for the municipal assembly to start functioning.  Then the conclusions

11     and decisions would be taken over and approved by the assembly itself.

12        Q.   Thank you.  We'll come onto that stage.

13             MS. McKENNA:  I'd like to tender this video.

14             MR. ROBINSON:  No objection.

15             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Can we ask for the number of the

16     integral transcript because we may want to use parts thereof once we see

17     what has been redacted.

18             MS. McKENNA:  Certainly we'll forward it to you.

19             JUDGE KWON:  Mr. Robinson, could you expand on the reason why

20     you're objecting to the admission.

21             MR. ROBINSON:  Actually, I said we had no objection.

22             JUDGE KWON:  Oh, I'm sorry.  My fault.  We'll admit it.

23             THE REGISTRAR:  As Exhibit P6265, Your Honours.

24                           [Trial Chamber confers]

25             MS. McKENNA:

Page 36643

 1        Q.   Just finally on this topic of law and order at that time,

 2     Mr. Ostojic said in -- actually, could we have P4986, please.

 3             So, Mr. Mladjenovic, this is a report dated the

 4     30th of April, 1992, from Velibor Ostojic to the Republika Srpska

 5     government providing information on the achievements of the

 6     Serb Territorial Defence in the Foca area.

 7             And it's stated that the Foca Serb TO has been cleaning up the

 8     Foca area and has liberated the Ustikolina area.

 9             And in the final paragraph it states:

10             "Situation in the liberated areas is stabilising because of the

11     rule of law and because the institutions of civilian authority have

12     control over the overall situation."

13             So, in fact, the local authorities had a significant degree of

14     control over what was going on in Foca, didn't they?

15        A.   I don't want to brag, but let it be the way you put it.

16             We tried to have the civilian authorities functioning and dealing

17     with all the issues.  At that time, a significant number - and I repeat,

18     a significant number - of the Muslims were in the city.

19             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Transcript, please.

20             JUDGE KWON:  Yes.

21             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] The witness said -- didn't say, "I

22     don't want to brag."  He said that he bragged, that Mr. Ostojic bragged,

23     that he was trying to take a more credit and that was due to him.  That's

24     on line 25, page 27.

25             JUDGE KWON:  Do you confirm that, Mr. Mladjenovic?

Page 36644

 1             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Madam Prosecutor, I would be much

 2     happier if the situation was as described in here.  But I am afraid that

 3     Mr. Ostojic, who was minister at the time, bragged a little.  It was not

 4     all a bad -- a bed of roses, you know.

 5             MS. McKENNA:

 6        Q.   Okay.  Well, let's come on to the issue of the Serb forces that

 7     were present in Foca.

 8             Now, at paragraphs 42 to 44 of your statement, you discuss at

 9     some length the Serb forces who were in Foca at the start of the

10     conflict.  You speak about one group of men commanded by a Lainovic, one

11     group of men known colloquially as the Belgrade Battalion who came

12     around --

13        A.   Lainovic.

14        Q.   So there was Lainovic's men.  There was a group of men you

15     referred to as the Belgrade Battalion who came around 15th of May and

16     withdrew at the same time as the JNA and there were other officers

17     operating as part of the Serbian TO forces until their withdrawal with

18     the JNA in May 1992.

19             Now, in your discussion of Serb forces during the take-over, it's

20     strange that there's no mention of the officers operating as part of the

21     Serb forces who remained in Foca after the JNA left --

22             JUDGE KWON:  Ms. McKenna, I apologise.  Chamber needs to rise at

23     this moment.  We'll have a break for half an hour.

24                           --- Recess taken at 10.15 a.m.

25                           --- On resuming at 10.50 a.m.

Page 36645

 1             JUDGE KWON:  Yes, Ms. McKenna.  I apologise again for the

 2     interruption.  Please continue.

 3             MS. McKENNA:  Thank you, Your Honour.

 4        Q.   Mr. Mladjenovic, we were just coming onto discuss the Serb

 5     forces that remained in the Foca area after the JNA withdrawal.

 6             Now, the civilian authorities in Foca closely liaised with the

 7     military authorities in pursuit of their shared goals, didn't they?

 8        A.   I have to correct you straight away.  Military formations and

 9     paramilitaries that appeared at the very beginning of the war in Foca --

10     on the 15th of May, the Army of Republika Srpska was officially set up,

11     and they withdrew.  It was not a battalion.  There were some 60 men or

12     so.  That's we called them, because the locals who hailed from Belgrade

13     and Foca -- and, for that reason, that's what we called them.

14        Q.   Thank you.  And we're going to come on to discuss those soldiers

15     who remained in Foca.  But I would just like to ask you to confirm that

16     the civilian authorities and the military authorities liaised closely.

17        A.   Only to the extent necessary.

18        Q.   Thank you.

19             MS. McKENNA:  Could we please have 65 ter number 24897.

20        Q.   Now, Mr. Mladjenovic, you'll see that this is a document dated

21     17th of September, 1992, and it's an appointment by Mr. Karadzic of

22     members of the War Commission.  And it lists Mr. Stanic, Marko Kovac,

23     yourself, and Nedo Radovic.

24             Now, just to confirm, Marko Kovac was the commander of the

25     Tactical Group Foca; isn't that correct?

Page 36646

 1        A.   Yes.

 2        Q.   So this is Mr. Stanic, yourself, and yourself on a commission

 3     with Commander Kovac suggests a close liaison between you, doesn't it?

 4        A.   Let me tell you straight away.  I've not seen this paper before.

 5     Ever.  I suppose that I was in that group because of supplies and

 6     logistic support.  I liaised with companies to make sure that they

 7     received salaries.  That was my role.  I have not seen this paper before.

 8     And that commission or whatever body that was, that was the only manner

 9     in which I could be engaged in it.

10             And let me tell you also that on the 17th of September, 1992, the

11     Crisis Staff had long stopped working when the regular Army of

12     Republika Srpska was set up, and that was on the 12th of July, 1992.

13        Q.   Thank you.  We're discussing the co-operation between the

14     civilian authorities, that's you, and the military authorities.

15             MS. McKENNA:  Your Honour, I'd like to tender this document,

16     please.

17             MR. ROBINSON:  No objection.

18             JUDGE KWON:  Yes.  We'll receive it.

19             THE REGISTRAR:  As Exhibit P6266, Your Honours.

20             MS. McKENNA:

21        Q.   Now, on the same date as you were appointed to this commission,

22     you attended the meeting with Mladic that you just spoke about earlier in

23     your testimony today.

24             If we could have P1480, please.

25             While the document is coming up, Mr. Mladjenovic, other

Page 36647

 1     attendees of this meeting, included the Tactical Group Foca commander

 2     Kovac, Mr. Stanic, Mr. Maksimovic, and the Foca Municipal Assembly

 3     president, Milicic.

 4             I'm interested in page 66 of the document, when we have it.

 5             So you'll see here a statement by Mr. Stanic, who is head of the

 6     War Presidency, and he states that until the 2nd of June, 1992, he was

 7     troops commander.  And he goes on:

 8             "The population of Foca, before the war, was 42.000, of which

 9     number around 51 per cent were Muslims, and 49 per cent Serbs and

10     Montenegrins.  Now the percentage of Serbs in Foca is 99 per cent."

11             States they can receive 5.000 refugees and the civilian

12     government is functioning.

13             So this update by Mr. Stanic to Mr. Mladic, in the presence of

14     these other military and civilian authorities, suggests a close liaison

15     between those authorities, doesn't it?

16        A.   It existed to the extend needed.  As far as the civilian

17     authorities are concerned, they were concerned with logistics, the supply

18     of food, clothes, footwear, and the salaries.  And I suppose that both

19     Milicic and I appeared in that sense.

20        Q.   Okay.  Well, let's talk about who the military forces were.

21             At paragraph 52 of your statement, you say that - with reference

22     to adjudicated fact number 797 - that the house at the address

23     Osmana Djikica 16 was never the headquarters or housed any units of the

24     regular army at that time.

25             Now, it's on the record before this Chamber that, among those who

Page 36648

 1     lived at that address, were members of the group led by

 2     Dragoljub Kunarac.  That for the parties' reference is adjudicated fact

 3     797 and 799.  Kunarac was known as Zaga; isn't that correct?

 4        A.   It is correct that he was known by his nickname, but I claim

 5     categorically that he -- there was never a military staff there.  He

 6     didn't have a military staff.  He acted together with a few people in the

 7     early days of the war, and those units were outside of regular units.

 8     And when it comes to the staff, the staff of the tactical group or the

 9     military command was 3 kilometres away from Foca, east of Foca, in the

10     former women's prison.

11        Q.   So --

12        A.   I don't know whether it was used for any other purposes, but it

13     is possible.

14        Q.   Is it your position that the unit led by Zaga was not part of the

15     Tactical Group Foca?

16        A.   Not at first.  I believe that they were subjected to destructive

17     activities and inflicted a lot of harm to the Serbian citizens of Foca

18     and all the other honest people of Foca.  So their activities were

19     detrimental to them.

20             MS. McKENNA:  Could we please have P3354.

21        Q.   Now, Mr. Mladjenovic, this is an order from the commander of the

22     Foca Tactical Group.  And it's dated the 7th of July, 1992.

23             MS. McKENNA:  Could we -- and if we go to the last page --

24        Q.   You'll see that it's signed by Commander Marko Kovac.

25             MS. McKENNA:  Now could we please have page 4 of the B/C/S and

Page 36649

 1     page 3 of the English version.

 2        Q.   And I'd like to focus your attention under the heading command

 3     post Ustikolina.  And the second bullet point it states:

 4             "The independent Zaga detachment shall take part in mopping up

 5     settled areas in the direction of the 5th Battalion's attack."

 6        A.   Yes, that's bullet point 3, right?  Bullet point 3.

 7        Q.   So this document, according to this document, the unit led by

 8     Zaga was part of the Tactical Group Foca; isn't that correct?

 9        A.   I can't agree with that.  At the beginning of the war, I believe

10     that he had worked in Montenegro, and then he arrived.  And after the

11     12th most certainly because this date followed the setting up of the

12     tactical group and the consolidation of the army, so after the 12th of

13     May, you can check that.  After the 12th of May.  Then it was possibly

14     involved or his unit became a part or acted in concert with the regular

15     units of the Army of Republika Srpska but not at the very beginning, no.

16        Q.   And so Kunarac and his men who committed systematic rapes and

17     abuse at Osmana Djikica 16 and other locations in and around Foca were

18     part of tactical group Foca which was a part of the regular armed forces

19     at the time.

20        A.   All of that happened in the month of April.  I just associated

21     that that facility was not used for the unit command but for other

22     purposes.  Maybe you will recall that that's exactly what I stated for

23     something that was detrimental and stirred the humanity, i.e.,

24     contributed to a phase of uninterrupted hatred and against the Serbian

25     population with regard to what they did.  And I stated what I thought

Page 36650

 1     about that, and I honestly and deeply apologise to the victims who were

 2     treated in that way, and I sincerely sympathise with them.  And I also

 3     have to say that I have a need at one moment not to justify anything but

 4     to present a fact, if you allow me, in a closed session, of course.

 5     Perhaps it may benefit somebody and particularly the Prosecutor and the

 6     Trial Chamber.

 7        Q.   I suggest that if Mr. Karadzic wants to pursue this issue he will

 8     do it in his re-examination, but right now I'd like to focus on the -- my

 9     questions.

10        A.   [In English] Okay.

11        Q.   And you have stated that these abused happened in the month of

12     April.  The Trial Chamber has heard evidence that at the partisan sports

13     hall at Foca high school in the Buk Bijela huts in Karaman's house in

14     Miljevina and in other detentions in and around Foca throughout 1991 --

15     sorry, excuse me, 1992, many Muslim women were subjected to repeated

16     rapes by multiple perpetrators.  And one witness, KDZ216 stated that it

17     was generally known that soldiers were -- stated in regard to the women

18     at the partisan sports hall:

19             "It was generally known that soldiers were coming and taking them

20     away and forces them to have sexual relations with them."

21             Now, in your statement, you, at paragraph 49, you state the

22     perpetrators were processed and punished.

23             Firstly let's talk about the protection that was afforded to the

24     women by the Foca authorities in these detention centres.  It is on the

25     record before this Chamber that the chief of police and the member -- and

Page 36651

 1     a member of the Foca Crisis Staff, Dragan Gagovic, to whom you refer in

 2     your statement, was one of the men who came to Kalinovik school, Foca

 3     high school, and partisan sports hall and take women out and rape them.

 4     And that's adjudicated fact 814.

 5             Were you aware of Mr. Gagovic's participation in the rapes?

 6        A.   [Interpretation] Absolutely not.  I would be disappointed,

 7     although we're talking about a deceased man, I would be very disappointed

 8     if he took part in that.

 9             Let tell you straight away that I cannot believe that in view of

10     the personality involved.  This person was involved in protection and

11     other forms of co-operation.  Old women, children, old men who were in

12     the territory of the municipality of Foca for a while.  As for partisan,

13     I mean, there were certain police structures.  I mean, there was guard

14     duty.  However, pathological persons and persons who got hold of weapons,

15     they were all armed, it was hard to stand up to these bullies and --

16        Q.   Well, let's -- let's talk about the identity of some of these

17     pathological persons who were involved.

18             Pero Elez was identified by KDZ216 as the commander of the

19     soldiers in Karremans house.  He decided which soldiers would be given to

20     which girls.  And the reference for what is P69, page 43, and P90,

21     page 10.

22             Secondly, Gojko Jankovic was in charge of the detention centre at

23     Buk Bijela where women from the village of Trosanj were taken and

24     multiple rapes were perpetrated.  And that reference is P90 and pages 7

25     and 14 and adjudicated fact 2407.

Page 36652

 1             Now Gojko Jankovic was convicted by the Court of BiH in 2007 for

 2     his role in the attacks on Foca's non-Serb civilian population.

 3     Brane Cosovic commanded the military unit to which Radomir Kovac and

 4     Zoran Vukovic belonged.  And again that's KDZ216, P69, page 73, and both

 5     Kovac and Vukovic were convicted of rape by this Tribunal, not by any

 6     court in Foca.

 7             Now, these three individuals, Elez, Jankovic and Cosovic, were

 8     all praised by Stanic for their achievements in the liberation of Foca,

 9     in his interview that we have referred to previously.  That's at P6081

10     for the parties' reference.

11             So, in fact, the perpetrators were not punished by the civilian

12     and military authority, were they?

13        A.   They could not have been punished.

14             As for praise to these individuals by Mr. Stanic, that is his

15     private view.  I would absolutely disagree.  Perhaps they were

16     combatants, good combatants, but as for the crimes they were charged with

17     before this Tribunal and for which they were punished there is absolutely

18     no justification and I sincerely regret the fact that this happened.  And

19     I believe that all persons of integrity in Foca also regret because of

20     this stain on the reputation of Foca.

21        Q.   Well, let's see how the authorities dealt with another one of the

22     rapist.  Radovan Stankovic was convicted by the court of BiH in 2006 for

23     rapes and abuse committed at Karaman's house.  Were you aware of this

24     conviction?

25        A.   Yes.  And he served his sentence at the KPZ Foca and by way of a

Page 36653

 1     manoeuvre, obviously there was some lack of attention, and he managed to

 2     escape.

 3        Q.   [Overlapping speakers]

 4        A.   And again, again -- sorry.

 5             MS. McKENNA:  Could we please have 65 ter number 23625.

 6        Q.   Now this is an order dated 7th of April, 1995, from

 7     President Karadzic to the VRS Main Staff to transfer a group of

 8     conscripts from the VRS to the Ministry of Interior in order to form a

 9     detachment of special police forces in Srbinje?

10             And if we could go to page 2 of this document in both versions.

11             You'll see that entry number one is Radovan Stankovic, detachment

12     commander.  So, again, this shows that, rather than being processed and

13     punished as you contend in your statement, Stankovic remained within the

14     VRS; isn't that correct?

15        A.   I have to tell you that Mr. Karadzic acted probably - most

16     probably - on someone's proposal because he absolutely did not know

17     Radovan Stankovic, I think, and he had no reason to know him.  Then

18     someone from the military structure either knew of what he did during the

19     first years of the war - well, that I don't know - but it is quite

20     certain that, had Mr. Karadzic known, he would have eliminated him,

21     100 percent.  And many other proposals that had come from Foca.  Believe

22     me, I don't know who proposed him unless there's a signature after that

23     proposal.  I assume there is a signature?

24        Q.   Thank you, Mr. Mladjenovic.

25             MS. McKENNA:  I'd like to tender this document, please.

Page 36654

 1             MR. ROBINSON:  No objection.

 2             JUDGE KWON:  Yes, we'll receive it.

 3             THE REGISTRAR:  As Exhibit P6267, Your Honours.

 4             MS. McKENNA:

 5        Q.   I'd like to return briefly to the issue of the village of

 6     Trosanj.  You described your role in negotiating the agreement of

 7     24th April 1992 between the people of Trosanj and the government of Foca

 8     representatives and the contents of that agreement.

 9             MS. McKENNA:  Could we please have D3316.

10             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] The document is a familiar one.

11             MS. McKENNA:

12        Q.   It's your signature on this agreement; is that correct?

13        A.   Yes, yes, yes.

14        Q.   And at paragraph 5 of the agreement, it states that:

15             "All inhabitants of the village of Trosanj of Muslim ethnicity

16     who surrender their weapons shall be guaranteed all the rights and

17     freedoms stipulated by the constitution of the Serb republic of

18     Bosnia-Herzegovina which includes the security of their lives, their

19     families' lives, and of their property."

20             Now statements were made to the OTP by villagers from Trosanj

21     that the weapons were, indeed, handed in, and receipts were given for

22     this hand-over.  And Witnesses 75 and 96 in the Kunarac case testified to

23     that effect.  And yet were you aware of this happening?

24        A.   Could you explain this to me?  What is it that was happening?  I

25     know that I was in my office.  Three men came.  And the head of a company

Page 36655

 1     or a battalion - I'm not quite sure - came, escorted by them, and we

 2     talked about what could be done in order not to wage war and to spare

 3     property.  Please --

 4        Q.   Sorry to interrupt you.  Were you aware that weapons were, in

 5     fact, handed in by Muslims and receipts given to them by the Serb

 6     authorities for those weapons pursuant to this agreement?

 7        A.   No.  Let me say that straight away, but may I just draw your

 8     attention to paragraph 2, the hand-over of weapons of all Serbs who are

 9     not involved in military units.  And also that weapons will be taken over

10     along with receipts, and so on.  I already said in my statement that

11     perhaps I did not get return information.  Do read that.  That was

12     truthful, but what was said was that they had started bearing weapons,

13     and so on, and then this agreement was not observed.

14             So I did talk to people with the best of intentions.  I even

15     talked to Jelec, the representative.  Although an influential person from

16     Miljevac talked to Jelec, too, a person I knew myself, and somebody who

17     was involved in trade.

18        Q.   Mr. Mladjenovic, as I stated, the previous Trial Chambers have

19     heard evidence that weapons were, in fact, handed in.  And yet despite

20     this fact, on the 3rd of July, the village was surrounded and attacked by

21     Serb soldiers.  And, again, Gojko Jankovic, a man praised by Stanic, was

22     involved in this attack.  That's adjudicated fact 2398.

23             Now, during this attack, villagers were -- civilian villagers

24     were brutally beaten and some were killed.  And today you say -- and

25     excuse me, and women were taken from -- civilian villagers -- civilian

Page 36656

 1     women were taken from the village of Trosanj into detentions at the

 2     workers's huts in Buk Bijela where many were raped repeatedly.

 3             Now, in your statement you say that you may not have been

 4     properly informed by your side of the events of Trosanj.  But were you

 5     aware that civilians were brutally beaten and killed in the Serb attack

 6     on the village?

 7        A.   I have to tell you quite sincerely that after this talk and this

 8     written trail, I did not contact people so that was this obligation on

 9     the part of the military component to check this, to take weapons from

10     Serbs and Muslims and to return weapons when the conditions were right.

11     That is what is written there, and that's why I signed this paper.  I was

12     counting on seriousness.

13             I left open the possibility that perhaps my side, the military,

14     had not come back to me on this, whether this was being buried or not.

15     Unfortunately, I did not have an opportunity for seeing -- of seeing this

16     myself.  And that was the case with Jelec, too.  A bit modified --

17        Q.   Thank you.

18             MS. McKENNA:  Your Honours, I am aware I'm over time.  I would

19     like to move on to the final topic which is the KP Dom, with your

20     indulgence.

21             JUDGE KWON:  How long would that take?

22             MS. McKENNA:  15 minutes, Your Honour.

23                           [Trial Chamber confers]

24             JUDGE KWON:  Very well.  Yes, please proceed.

25             MS. McKENNA:  I'm very grateful, Your Honours.

Page 36657

 1        Q.   Mr. Mladjenovic, in paragraph 48 of your statement, you state

 2     that the KP Dom became a military prison in war time.  And you state that

 3     the civilian authorities' relationship with the KP Dom was minor.

 4             The Trial Chamber has heard evidence that the detainees at KP Dom

 5     were civilians.  And these detainees included civilians brought from

 6     Livade, which you mention in your statement, at paragraph 36.  And for

 7     the parties' reference, I'm referring to KDZ239's testimony at T 18915.

 8     And this witness stated:

 9             "They took us prisoner at our places of work in the streets, in

10     our homes.  Some people were hiding in the woods.  And they found them

11     there and brought them to the KP Dom.  At any rate, no was one there who

12     had been at the front line."

13             So it's not correct, is it, that as you contend in your

14     statements only perpetrators of violations of military rules and crime

15     were held in the KP Dom?

16        A.   Let me tell you straight away that I did not even have time to

17     say yes or no to you; but I want to tell you, as far as the KP Dom is

18     concerned, it became a military prison, having been an civilian prison

19     beforehand, but chronologically I would like to go back to that.

20             Indeed, some persons, some Muslims, were brought from Livade,

21     three physicians included.  I think that they were in the area of the

22     separation line on that day by the health centre.  Dr. Avdo Sadinlija is

23     somebody I knew personally.  We were friends from the tennis club, and so

24     on.  He was brought in.  As far as I found out, Dr. Asima Pilav and

25     Ibrahim Karovic, who headed the SDA list for Foca for the BH National

Page 36658

 1     Assembly.  I'm not saying there weren't any Serbs; I'm just not sure.

 2     They stayed for a few days and they were released.  They were allowed to

 3     go home.  Whereas Dr. Avdo Sadinlija was exchanged because he had an

 4     influential brother and probably other relatives, so he was exchanged for

 5     a professor of the medical faculty of Sarajevo, Milutin Najdanovic.  I

 6     think that originally he had come from Nis but he was monstrously killed

 7     in Sarajevo after the exchange.  I think he was even a member of

 8     parliament, but I'm not sure.  So that's the package of -- or, rather,

 9     it's the fate of these persons.  I do apologise.  That's how it was.

10             As far as the KP Dom is concerned, it is correct that on the

11     15th of April, at an ad hoc meeting, but -- well, so when the command was

12     at the school, on the 15th of April, 1992, we appointed Mr. Krnojelac as

13     acting warden of the KP Dom when nobody --

14        Q.   I'm sorry to interrupt you.  We will come on to the appointment

15     of Mr. Krnojelac.  I just want to focus --

16        A.   This is the chronology of events.  And you go ahead and ask.

17        Q.   Thank you.  I'd like to focus on the fact that civilians were

18     detained at the KP Dom.  Now, at paragraph 31 of your statement, you

19     mention a large number of refugees who had fled to Montenegro.  The

20     Trial Chamber has heard evidence from a Muslim refugee who, together with

21     other Muslim refugees, was arrested in Montenegro on the

22     21st of May, 1992, by a senior police officer from Foca and transferred

23     back to the KP Dom where he was detained for 29 months and 16 days.  And

24     that's KDZ017; P3567, pages 7 to 16.

25             Mr. Mladjenovic, were you aware that civilians who had left Foca

Page 36659

 1     were being brought back by Foca police and detained in the KP Dom?

 2        A.   I think that the Office of the Prosecutor of Montenegro dealt

 3     with some of the people who took part in that.  That means that they were

 4     prosecuted and convicted.

 5             As for the day of appointment of Mr. Krnojelac, not a single

 6     detainee was at the KP Dom.  That happened later.  Let me tell you

 7     straight away.  Indeed, there was withdrawal involved, but it was the

 8     Muslim units that were first to arrive at the KP Dom because they had

 9     inhabited Donje Polje, that's what it's called.  This is the local

10     terrain there.  After that, it was used as a military prison and the

11     military command, or rather, the army, absolutely totally had its

12     disposal, the security and everything, except that civilian structures

13     provided food for humanitarian reasons and also --

14        Q.   [Overlapping speakers]

15        A.   -- soap and detergents and things likes that.  Well, not to

16     discuss it at great length.

17        Q.   Let's discuss then in greater detail the involvement of the

18     civilian authorities in the KP Dom.  There is a request dated

19     8th of May, 1992, from Mr. Stanic as the commander of the TG Foca to the

20     KP Dom for the allocation of rooms within the compound for the

21     accommodation of prisoners of war.  That's P3341.  And then on a decision

22     from Mr. Krnojelac pursuant to this request, allocating the premises of

23     the KP Dom for the accommodation of prisoners of war and detainees, and

24     that's P3342.

25             So in fact the KP Dom was set up as a detention centre on the

Page 36660

 1     instructions of Crisis Staff President Stanic; is that correct?

 2        A.   I think, or, rather, I claim that this was a military prison.

 3     And as for the further treatment, in terms of judicial processes and how

 4     it was treated, believe me, I don't know.  But certainly the army was in

 5     charge.  They brought people in.  They took them for exchanges.  It was

 6     only the military factor.

 7             As for this correspondence between Mr. Stanic and Mr. Krnojelac

 8     believe me, I don't know.  I didn't have to know about this.  But do

 9     believe me that I don't know what kind of rooms he asked for.  Probably

10     for putting up these person who were being brought in.

11        Q.   You acknowledge that civilian authorities appointed Mr. Krnojelac

12     as warden of the KP Dom, but you were also actively involved in the

13     appointment and engagement of KP Dom employees, weren't you?

14        A.   No, I mean, for Mr. Krnojelac, yes, and I'm not challenging that

15     at all.  He was appointed.  This area was not inhabited.  Not a single

16     person had been brought in when he was appointed.  This was done in order

17     to protect this property that was vast.

18        Q.   [Overlapping speakers]

19        A.   He was a exemplary person, a mathematics teacher, and reserve

20     captain, and that was it.  Well, we didn't know --

21        Q.   Mr. Mladjenovic, we're very limited in time.  I'm going to move

22     on.

23             MS. McKENNA:  Could we please see P3340.

24             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I'm sorry.

25             MS. McKENNA:

Page 36661

 1        Q.   So this is a decision of 26th of April, 1992, signed by you, in

 2     your capacity as president of the Executive Board, allowing the Foca

 3     penal and correction facility - that's the KP Dom - to introduce the work

 4     obligation for people who are able to work and not engaged in the VJ.

 5             So you, on behalf of the Crisis Staff, approved the engagement of

 6     certain workers in the KP Dom under obligation; isn't that correct?

 7        A.   No.  This has to do with the guard service or, rather, the

 8     security service.  Because I assume that Krnojelac had asked.  And then

 9     we agreed to provide persons for work obligation, people who were capable

10     of work.  Muslims, perhaps, did not appear in the army in 1991 and 1992,

11     so it had to do with Serbs who were supposed to guard the premises.

12     Because, of course, Krnojelac himself could not have guarded the entire

13     property.  Very often, these were retirees, employees of the KP Dom or

14     other persons like policemen who were outside or, rather, who had worked

15     before within the security service there.  Either on the premises or

16     outside.

17        Q.   Thank you.  Could we please have 65 ter number 8479.

18             Now we've seen how you were involved in the appointment of the

19     guards for the KP Dom.  This --

20        A.   This is all the personnel that was there before or after people

21     were being brought in or before things were moved under military control.

22     That's why.

23        Q.   This is a request, Mr. Mladjenovic, from KP Dom warden Krnojelac

24     to the Crisis Staff, dated 20th of May, 1992.  And he says:

25             "We hereby request the appointment of authorised persons for

Page 36662

 1     questioning and examination of captured persons who have been brought to

 2     the penal and correctional facility Foca."

 3             So the Crisis Staff approval was also required for the

 4     appointment of interrogators at the KP Dom; is that correct?

 5        A.   I suppose so.  I suppose so.  But these were military security

 6     officers, as well as some MUP inspectors.

 7             MS. McKENNA:  May I tender this document, please.

 8             MR. ROBINSON:  No objection.

 9             JUDGE KWON:  Yes, we will receive it.

10             THE REGISTRAR:  As Exhibit P6268, Your Honours.

11             MS. McKENNA:

12        Q.   And in addition to decisions on who was employed at the KP Dom,

13     the Crisis Staff was also involved in decisions on detention and release

14     from the KP Dom; isn't that correct?

15        A.   There was no room for that or need.  Actually, there was no time

16     for it because the expire date of the Crisis Staff had passed.  I think

17     you mentioned the 2nd of June.  Ultimately, this tallies with the

18     establishment of regular units and making the military structure more

19     responsive or serious, so to say, to do away with all those who came to

20     loot.

21        Q.   Mr. --

22        A.   As I said previously, all of the citizens thought that it would

23     have been better if they had not come.

24        Q.   Mr. Mladjenovic, there are release letters issued by the Foca

25     Crisis Staff to KP Dom detainees, dated 7th of May, 1992,

Page 36663

 1     21st of May, 1992, and 7th of July, 1992, in evidence before the Chamber.

 2     And that's P5540, P5539, and P5526.

 3             There is also a list dated the 9th of May, 1992, of people --

 4             MS. McKENNA:  Actually, if we could just briefly look at this

 5     document.  It's P3346.

 6        Q.   It says a list of people to be released without interrogation,

 7     signed by the Foca Crisis Staff.

 8             Mr. Mladjenovic, Witness KDZ239 testified before this Chamber

 9     that all those listed in this document were dead, and that's at T 18921

10     and 18979.

11             In your statement, at paragraph 38, he state that with regard to

12     the killings in the town, attempts were made to prevent them as much as

13     possible and they were isolated individual cases.

14             There's a wealth of evidence before this Trial Chamber of

15     systematic killing of groups of KP Dom detainees.

16             MS. McKENNA:  For the parties' reference, KDZ239, P3335, T 1235

17     to 1259, T 1265 to 1266; KDZ017's evidence, that's P56 -- sorry.  P3566,

18     at page 2387; and adjudicated facts 878 to 900.

19             So contrary to your statement, the killings of non-Serbs in the

20     KP Dom in Foca were not isolated incidents but, rather, they were

21     frequent and they were systematic.  Do you agree?

22        A.   Let me tell you, I cannot agree with that for the simple reason

23     that it was taking place within the KP Dom with their personnel.  As

24     regards Miljevina and the people mentioned on the list, I don't know who

25     signed it, but Miljevina is some 11 kilometres away.  I didn't know about

Page 36664

 1     it.  I wasn't familiar with it.  I had no intention to say anything wrong

 2     to you or the public.  Simply put, in the town where I spent the most of

 3     my time, it was not my impression that there were any mass killings there

 4     but, rather, that these were individual cases that could be investigated

 5     by experts.  So individual cases.

 6             As regards Miljevina and the KP Dom when people were being

 7     brought in and taken away, it was said that they were going to be

 8     exchanged.  Now whether they were or not, I can't say, because I was not

 9     a witness to it.  I couldn't be in every place as physics dictates.  I

10     couldn't have been in two places at the same time.

11             In any case, if this was confirmed through witness testimony,

12     then it must have taken place.  However, it is in the area of Miljevina

13     which I did not visit in the war much.  The road could only be used in

14     1993 to travel between Foca, Trnovo and Sarajevo.  That was in 1993, I

15     think.

16        Q.   Thank you, Mr. Mladjenovic.  And thank you for answering my

17     questions.

18             MS. McKENNA:  Your Honours, I have no further questions for the

19     witness.

20             JUDGE KWON:  Thank you.

21             MS. McKENNA:  Thank you for your indulgence in relation to the

22     time.

23             JUDGE KWON:  Yes, Mr. Karadzic.

24             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Thank you.

25                           Re-examination by Mr. Karadzic:

Page 36665

 1        Q.   [Interpretation] Mr. Mladjenovic, on page 48, you said if this

 2     was confirmed by witness testimony, then it must have happened.

 3             Does it mean that we accept that the witness in question told the

 4     truth?

 5        A.   Well, that's a bit -- that's the big question.  I'm trying to

 6     testify here fairly and honestly.  That was my intention.  Indeed, it

 7     could happen that the person in question was not honest.  It happened

 8     that Muslims who reported a victim, then appear at elections as was the

 9     case in many locations throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina.

10             So this doesn't need to be true.

11        Q.   Thank you.

12             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Can we have the document back,

13     P3346.

14             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

15        Q.   It was suggested to you that the decision to release these people

16     was made by the Crisis Staff of Foca.  Please read out aloud the first

17     sentence underneath the title which says "list."

18        A.    "Pursuant to a request of the Miljevina Territorial Defence and

19     the approval of the 7th Battalion Command, the following persons shall be

20     released without interrogation."

21             You are correct, Mr. Karadzic.  It doesn't say the Crisis Staff.

22     It says the 7th Battalion Command and Miljevina.  I'm surprised to see

23     that they were released without any interrogation.  I don't know what it

24     was about.

25        Q.   Thank you.  Tell us this, please, did they ask for it or request?

Page 36666

 1     What is the third word?  Did they demand it or ask for it?

 2        A.   "Pursuant to a request of the Miljevina Territorial Defence and

 3     the approval of the 7th Battalion Command, the following persons shall be

 4     released without interrogation."

 5             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Your Excellency, this is nothing to

 6     do with the witness.  It has to do with interpretation.  It has to be

 7     interpreted by "demand," rather than "request."

 8             THE INTERPRETER:  Interpreter's note:  It is our professional

 9     assessment as stated in the interpretation.  Mr. Karadzic can request

10     clarification.

11             JUDGE KWON:  Just a second.

12             I think a word -- is a word missing from the English translation?

13             Mr. Mladjenovic, could you kindly read out the sentence which

14     appears below "the list."

15             THE WITNESS: [No interpretation]

16             JUDGE KWON:  I'm sorry, above "the list."  So --

17             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Above "the list":

18             "Pursuant to a request by the Miljevina Territorial Defence and

19     the approval of the 7th Battalion Command, the following persons shall be

20     released without an interrogation."

21             And then we have a list of 18 people, I think.

22             JUDGE KWON:  Thank you.  I note that the "request" is missing

23     from the English translation.

24             You confirm that, Ms. McKenna?

25             MS. McKENNA:  I've also observed that, Your Honour.

Page 36667

 1             JUDGE KWON:  Shall we proceed?

 2             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Yes.  But the word "zahtjeva" is

 3     still in question.  The Territorial Defence cannot request.  Can we have

 4     that clarified.

 5             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

 6        Q.   How would you translate "pursuant to their asking for"?

 7             JUDGE KWON:  Mr. Karadzic, if you have problem -- issue with the

 8     translation of this word "zahtjeva" you may request officially to the

 9     CLSS in writing.

10             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Thank you.

11             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

12        Q.   But I'd like to ask the witness whether there's a difference

13     between "zahtjev" [phoen] and "tranzinje" [phoen].

14        A.   Of course.  But the sheer nature of things, the two words exist

15     due to their difference in meaning and not ...

16        Q.   Thank you.  You said that, at the outset, the KP Dom prison was

17     under the civilian authorities.  What happened with the people after

18     interrogations?  What was the outcome of such interrogations?

19        A.   I have to say that, at the beginning of the war, it was never

20     under the civilian authorities.  It was under the military component,

21     which, at the time, first, was the units of the TO, and then in May, on

22     the 12th, regular units were established.  By virtue of that, the

23     civilian authorities lost any competence.  It was converted to a military

24     prison.  Indeed, during their -- during the withdrawal, the Muslims

25     entered there as the prison is situated in the settlement mostly

Page 36668

 1     populated by Muslims.  And then they moved onto Gorazde, of course.

 2        Q.   Thank you.  But before the 12th of May, before a decision was

 3     made to establish the army, you said it was the Crisis Staff had

 4     authority before the army was established.

 5             Can you tell us whether people were released after interrogation?

 6     Were some released after interrogation?  What happened with one group and

 7     what with the other?  What effect did it have?

 8        A.   I have to say this:  Before my departure, I asked one of the

 9     military officers whom I held in high regard -- in one go, there were 64

10     persons who obviously could not have been engaged by the military, Muslim

11     military.  According to his words, the 64 persons were released.  They

12     were Muslims.  That was right after the take-over when the KP Dom was

13     taken up by the military.

14        Q.   Thank you.

15             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] 65 ter 16752, please.

16             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

17        Q.   Did you know Pilav, Hasan Pilav?

18        A.   Hasan Pilav.  I knew him.  He was an agricultural engineer by

19     profession.  I was his son's teacher in high school.  He worked in the

20     public utility company for roads, and before that in the Zelen Gora

21     company.  I knew also knew another physician from the Pilav family, and

22     one of their members was also a TO staff head and he was much discussed.

23     That's as far as my knowledge goes regarding that family.

24        Q.   Thank you.  Let's look at this.  This is before the 12th of May.

25     That is to say, the 26th of April.  This man was captured in combat

Page 36669

 1     operations.  And was released from the Foca penal and correctional

 2     facility because after the informative processing he was supposed to

 3     report to the police station.  Was this standard treatment in terms of

 4     those who were not prosecuted?

 5        A.   I suppose so.  The 64 people, due to their age, and probably the

 6     same goes for Mr. Hasan, because I see he was born in 1938 and he was not

 7     a military conscript by that time, so they were treated the same way

 8     probably.  Interrogated first.  But I don't know why criminal reports

 9     were not submitted, if they could be proven.  I don't know about that.

10        Q.   Thank you.

11             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Can we have this document admitted.

12             JUDGE KWON:  Yes.  We'll receive it.

13             THE REGISTRAR:  As Exhibit D3318, Your Honours.

14             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Thank you.

15             And now I would like to see 1D1688.  This is a Defence exhibit.

16     I would like to see it briefly.

17             No, that's not that.

18             JUDGE KWON:  Do you have number 1 before D?

19             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] No.  D1688.  The document should

20     have been admitted.  That's why I said that this was a Defence exhibit

21     which has been admitted.

22             Now we have it.

23             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

24        Q.   Can you comment upon this document?  What is it about?  Who was

25     in charge of releasing people on the 18th of July, 1992?  Who was the one

Page 36670

 1     who did the screening and decided on their release?

 2        A.   The signatory is the commander of the tactic group, Mr. --

 3     Colonel Marko Kovac.  It says here that Mirsad Alic is hereby being

 4     released from prison.

 5        Q.   Why?

 6        A.   The check has been -- that Alic did not have any participation --

 7     participation, did not take part in such dealings and is therefore

 8     released into Foca:

 9             "A check has been carried out by competent organs into the work

10     and impact of enemy activity in Foca."

11        Q.   Thank you.  How does this tally with what you know about the

12     screening procedures and decisions as to who would be prosecuted and who

13     would be released?  How does this tally -- or, rather, how does this

14     conform with what you knew, not about this particular individual, but

15     about the whole phenomenon?

16        A.   To be honest, I did not really keep abreast.  I don't know

17     whether this happened frequently.  This is a military story.  This is

18     military conduct.  I did not get involved in that.  I don't know how

19     commonplace that was.  Believe me, I can't confirm anything here.

20     Although, the Prosecutor also asked me about a case, or perhaps two, a

21     person was processed and let go.  The person was released based on the

22     information that he had not taken part in any crimes; for example, the

23     arming activities, and so on and so forth.

24        Q.   What is Mirsad Alic's ethnicity?

25        A.   I suppose he is Muslim.  You can tell, of course.  You can tell

Page 36671

 1     by his name.

 2        Q.   We know, we can tell, but the other participants do not hail from

 3     the Balkans.

 4        A.   I apologise, but we know how to tell each other apart by our

 5     first and last names.  Unfortunately, the roots of that should be

 6     studied.  It's an entirely different story.

 7        Q.   On page 45, Ms. McKenna suggested that you wrote something in

 8     P3340 -- or, rather, that you acted on behalf of the Crisis Staff with

 9     regard to work obligation.  However, in that paper, it says the

10     Executive Board and you signed your name as the president of the

11     Executive Board there.

12             Was that within the purview of the Executive Board?  Did you

13     issue that order on behalf of the Crisis Staff?

14        A.   Let's be clear on one thing immediately.  I didn't notice that,

15     to be honest.  I didn't notice whether I signed that or not.  But never

16     or rarely did I sign on behalf of the Crisis Staff, but I did sign on

17     behalf of the Executive Board.

18             On the composition of the Executive Board, there was

19     Milica Miletic [phoen], who was a new member, and he was also the head of

20     the military department who was in charge of mobilisation and all the

21     other such activities.  That department was in charge of those

22     activities.  Therefore, although I signed the document that would have

23     been done on behalf of the collective body that was in charge of that but

24     that concerned the sentry service that was about pulling out people who

25     were not militarily able-bodied men or did not belong to the units or who

Page 36672

 1     worked in the KP Dom or perhaps were not even guards there but worked on

 2     other things, and they were of ill health, for example, so we wanted to

 3     have them at least the sentry duty.  They wanted them to be nominated on

 4     the request of Mr. Karac [phoen].

 5        Q.   Can you tell the Trial Chamber briefly what is war obligation;

 6     who is subjected to that?  And what is work obligation; who is subject to

 7     that?

 8        A.   The so-called war obligation concerns the military component.

 9     And this is established by the act of mobilisation.  We are talking about

10     people who are under 65 years of ages, who are healthy, who had served in

11     the army previously and who are on the records of the military

12     department.

13             And now, the work obligation - and I subscribed to that from the

14     very beginning, from the 19th - that concerns work in those bodies in

15     companies, in the outpatients' clinic or hospital, and other such

16     institutions.  All the perks that were enjoyed by the soldiers, by the

17     military component, did not pertain to people who were under work

18     obligation.  For example, they had double years of seniority and things

19     like that.

20        Q.   In terms of ethnic affiliation, who was subjected to work

21     obligation?  Was a distinction made there at all?

22        A.   When it comes to work obligation, we made sure that we also

23     called those people who were necessary.  For example, a colleague of

24     mine, my school buddy Mustafa Smajovic [phoen] was supposed to be engaged

25     as well as a woman who was from a mixed marriage.  And there was a woman

Page 36673

 1     who was supposed to work in a company.  She was Muslim -- the wife of an

 2     officer.  So, of course, since the requirements were reduced for

 3     personnel in the municipality, I engaged perhaps only five or six clerks

 4     in the municipality.  And the rest, if they were able-bodied men, were

 5     sent to the front line to be engaged in combat there.

 6        Q.   On page 36, lines 16, to -- the question about punishment, i.e.,

 7     that -- those who Miroslav Stanic praised they were not punished.  You

 8     say that they couldn't be punished, why?  Can you tell us why?

 9        A.   They could not be punished because they, at that time, acted in

10     concert with the regular units of the army and they represented a

11     component which meant a lot at that time.

12             The second reason is that some of them -- I didn't agree, I would

13     never agree with that assertion and that was a part of the package deal.

14     If some of them committed, and it was proven that they were involved in

15     some dodgy deals and then they were convicted.  They were found guilty.

16        Q.   Thank you.  On page 37, within the same context, you were asked

17     why Radovan Stankovic asked to be transferred from the military into the

18     police.  And bearing in mind both of these examples, can you tell us when

19     did you learn about that.  What did you know about the time, about the

20     things for which they were subsequently charged?

21        A.   I can -- I have to tell you honestly.

22             MS. McKENNA:  Just before the --

23             JUDGE KWON:  Just a second.  Yes, Ms. McKenna.

24             MS. McKENNA:  Just before the witness answers.

25             Mr. Karadzic has stated that Mr. Mladjenovic was asked why

Page 36674

 1     Radovan Stankovic asked to be transferred from the military into the

 2     police.  That's incorrect.  That wasn't asked of Mr. Mladjenovic.

 3     Perhaps it's a transcript issue.

 4             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] It's a transcript issue.

 5             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

 6        Q.   You were asked about a list with Radovan Stankovic featuring in

 7     the place.  My question is this:  What did you know at the time and what

 8     could I know about the accusations subsequently raised against them.

 9        A.   I have it tell you that I paid attention only to number 1.

10     Mr. --

11             JUDGE KWON:  Ms. McKenna.

12             MS. McKENNA:  I don't think it's a correct question to ask the

13     witness what Mr. Karadzic knew at the time.

14             JUDGE KWON:  Mr. Karadzic?

15             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] No, no, no.  It is I who he is

16     asking, if I understood things correctly.  I'm supposed to answer; right?

17             I believe that Mr. Karadzic asked me what I knew about Stankovic.

18             JUDGE KWON:  Yes, Ms. McKenna.  Do you confirm that?

19             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] That's the way I understood the

20     question.

21             JUDGE KWON:  I think witness is correct in so understanding.

22             MS. McKENNA:  If the question is simply what the witness knew

23     about Stankovic, of course, there is no problem.

24             JUDGE KWON:  Oh.  Just a second.  But also -- I missed this part.

25     What could I know about the -- [Overlapping speakers]

Page 36675

 1             MS. McKENNA:  It's at line 18 of the transcript.

 2             JUDGE KWON:  That's not an appropriate answer -- question for the

 3     witness.

 4             Yes --

 5             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] May I be allowed to answer?

 6             JUDGE KWON:  Yes.

 7             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] As far as Mr. Stankovic is

 8     concerned, I was disappointed when I learnt, but I did not know anything

 9     about that during the proposition phase, the suggestion phase.  I didn't

10     participate in that.  I knew him as my fellow citizen, as a lad.  He was

11     rather robust and a nice fellow.  I didn't know that he was engaged in

12     those activities that he was convicted for.

13             How did he end up on the list for the special police?  Somebody

14     had to serve that for approval to the ministry or to some other

15     structure - I don't know which.  I suppose it would be the ministry - for

16     his presence to be approved.  Obviously with hindsight I would certainly

17     never have approved that.  I'm sure that Karadzic would not either, or

18     the ministry, or the minister himself.  Nobody would have approved such

19     appointment.  But that's with hindsight, of course.

20             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

21        Q.   Thank you.  On line [as interpreted] 5 of today's transcript, you

22     said that the mandate of the Territorial Defence commander expired in

23     1998.  I believe that this should be correct.  When did his mandate

24     expire?

25        A.   I may have misspoken.  It was on the 6th of May, 1898.

Page 36676

 1        Q.   Could you please look at the transcript.  Look at what is on the

 2     screen.  Look at the screen.  It's the nineteenth century?

 3        A.   No, no, 1989 [Realtime transcript read in error "1998"].

 4        Q.   Thank you.

 5        A.   I apologise.  I didn't mean to -- therefore -- one gets tired and

 6     attention wanders.

 7        Q.   Again this was misrecorded.  You said "1989," right?

 8        A.   On the 6th of May, 1989.  It is my religious holiday.

 9             But he remained the TO commander until the very -- very end.  It

10     was a body which comprised both Serbs and Muslims until the end of the

11     war.  At the same time, did he -- he discharge you as the president of

12     the Crisis Staff, they told us that painstakingly, and some other persons

13     whom we only guessed about.

14        Q.   Just as Ms. McKenna asked you, could you please provide the

15     shortest answers possible.

16             In -- in P6265, there is a reference to mopping up of Foca but

17     that was not completed.  What does that term mean in military terms?  Who

18     is Foca mopping up --

19             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Excellency, the term "mopping up"

20     was used so it may be construed differently.

21             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] "Mopping up" is a military term.

22     It's sanitation of the area.  For example, you can sanitise the area from

23     mines from and explosives, so this is the term that should be used,

24     "sanitisation."

25             I apologise, what else did you ask me?

Page 36677

 1             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

 2        Q.   Does that include removing civilians from the area?

 3        A.   When it comes to the movement of civilians, I have to say that

 4     this will require me to go to a somewhat greater length, but it will not

 5     go amiss, I'm sure.

 6             According to my statement and some other documents the media did

 7     their bit, and in addition to sowing hatred among the two people, they

 8     also saw -- sowed fear, and the ground was very fertile because in the

 9     two world wars, the First World War and the Second World War, the Muslims

10     and the Serbs also suffered trauma and remained --

11             JUDGE KWON:  Just a second.  I think we heard enough.  I don't

12     think we heard the word "mopping up" in Exhibit P6265.

13             I rarely do intervene, but how much more do you need for your

14     conclusion?  Today we need to rise exactly at 2.45, and bear that in

15     mind.

16             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] If our lunch break is at customary

17     time, at half past 12.00, I will finish before the break --

18             JUDGE KWON:  I'm referring to the next witness, whether we can

19     finish him by the end of today.

20             MR. ROBINSON:  I think we if we start at the beginning of the

21     next session since you have an allotted one hour for cross-examination,

22     we can finish him, but it will be close.

23             JUDGE KWON:  That's why I'm asking whether he can conclude as

24     soon as possible.

25             Yes, let's continue.

Page 36678

 1             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Thank you.

 2             Excellencies, in this document, P6265, in the English

 3     translation, this word "ciscenje" was translated as "mopping up."

 4             JUDGE KWON:  Is P6265 not the interview of Ostojic?  Where he

 5     said Foca was run by the Crisis Staff.  I think the saw the mopping up in

 6     the P3544 where the Zaga detachments were referred to, but I may have

 7     been mistaken.  But --

 8             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] You are right.  You are probably

 9     right.  I apologise.

10             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

11        Q.   Mr. Mladjenovic, in the questions she put to you, Ms. McKenna

12     repeated this suggestion of taking over power.  Can you tell us who was

13     in power in Foca?  Before the war, during these events, and during the

14     war.

15        A.   Before the war, at the multi-party elections --

16        Q.   Please just keep it short, if possible.

17        A.   Muslims and Serbs.  Possibly there might have been some

18     Montenegrins or perhaps Croats.  Montenegrins were not a constituent

19     people but personnel solutions like that could be found.

20        Q.   In line 15 - thank you - you said that you filled the positions

21     that had previously been held by the Muslims in the Executive Board.  The

22     Muslim side, did they have, in accordance with the agreement reached, the

23     right to have their own municipality and their own Executive Board?

24        A.   They could have, had agreement been reached, of course, as they

25     have now.  Indeed, things have changed now because there are different

Page 36679

 1     institutions and a president of the municipality.  However, the executive

 2     branch remained the same, the departments, et cetera.

 3        Q.   Thank you.  Help us with this:  On the 8th or 9th, or any time in

 4     April, did you take over power in Foca and if so from whom?

 5        A.   No way.  Civilian authorities, indeed, we met on the 15th, when

 6     we appointed some other persons as acting officer holders who were

 7     supposed to keep an eye on property of companies so that the police could

 8     secure peace throughout the town itself and possibly in the villages too.

 9             So, on the 19th of April, I came to the municipality with my

10     co-workers, this was a small number of people, and they were immediately

11     involved in work obligation.

12        Q.   You mentioned in line 19 your co-workers, Edhim [phoen] and

13     others.  Can you tell the Chamber what their ethnic background is?

14        A.   Three of them were ethnic Muslims:  Aganovic,

15     Edhim Varajic [phoen], and --

16        Q.   Lojo?

17        A.   No, no, Taib Lojo was present in the municipality.  So Aganovic,

18     and Senad, I think I have forgotten the name, who was head of finance.

19     And on the other side there were three Lakovic, Bodiro [phoen],

20     Gavojislav [phoen] and I as the president.  Taib Lojo was president of

21     the municipality.

22        Q.   [Microphone not activated]

23             THE INTERPRETER:  Interpreter's note:  Mr. Karadzic's microphone

24     is off.

25             JUDGE KWON:  Mr. Karadzic, microphone.

Page 36680

 1             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I can hear now.

 2             JUDGE KWON:  Could you repeat.

 3             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

 4        Q.   On page 13, and more frequently in that segment, on that topic,

 5     it was persistently suggested that the municipality, the Serb

 6     municipality of Foca, was established on the basis of some instruction

 7     that had arrived from me.  And on page 14, you said that this was a

 8     recommendation.  D1183 is the document that I'd like us to take a look at

 9     now.  I'd like to ask you whether that is what you meant.  So it's a

10     Defence document, 1183.

11             MS. McKENNA:  Just that -- excuse me, before --

12             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Yes, that's it.

13             MS. McKENNA:  Before we show the witness the document,

14     Mr. Karadzic might want to lay a foundation.  Otherwise, he will be

15     leading with the document.

16             JUDGE KWON:  He was asking whether this is the document he

17     referred to.

18             Is it leading?

19             We'll allow the question.

20             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

21        Q.   Mr. Mladjenovic, please, take a look at what is says here:

22     "Recommendation, 15th of January, 1992."

23             And that's the Official Gazette.  And look at the date, please.

24     And who sent this recommendation on the establishment of assemblies of

25     municipalities of the Serb people in Bosnia-Herzegovina?

Page 36681

 1             Could we please zoom in on this.

 2        A.   I can see that.  It was signed.  This recommendation was signed

 3     by the president of the Assembly of the Serb people in

 4     Bosnia-Herzegovina, Mr. Momcilo Krajisnik, master of sciences.  Yes, you

 5     can see it now.

 6        Q.   Thank you.  When was this session of the assembly held?

 7        A.   11th of December, 1991, in Sarajevo.

 8        Q.   Thank you.  Was it suggested to you that this recommendation was

 9     based on some meeting that was held on the 19th of December?

10        A.   Well, I cannot say with any certainty before I look at the

11     document.  But, quite certainly, on the basis of this recommendation, on

12     the 25th of December, 1991, we established -- well, to play it safe, not

13     to be unprepared, if there is this disaster of conflict.  On the

14     15th of March, we held a joint session, in 1992, and I remember that we

15     stopped halfway, and we did not meet again, all of us together.

16        Q.   Tell us precisely which recommendation you followed, the

17     recommendation I sent or the one that you see before you?

18        A.   Momcilo Krajisnik's recommendation.  He was president of the

19     assembly, so it is analogous that the president of the assembly can make

20     a recommendation to the president of the assembly --

21             THE INTERPRETER:  The interpreters did not catch the name.

22             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Who was elected, proposed,

23     25th of December 1991.

24             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation] Thank you.

25        A.   The Executive Board went on working together with the Muslims

Page 36682

 1     until the 8th of April, 1992.

 2        Q.   Thank you.

 3             JUDGE KWON:  Just a second.

 4             It's ... I will read out your answer as reflected in the

 5     transcript, and please correct me or supplement what is missing:

 6             "Momcilo Krajisnik's recommendation."

 7             It is answer to the question from Mr. Karadzic:

 8             "Tell us precisely which recommendation you followed ..."

 9             "Momcilo Krajisnik's recommendation.  He was the president of the

10     assembly so it is," somebody, "that the president of the assembly can

11     make a recommendation to the president of the assembly."

12             So that part is not clear.  Could you repeat that

13     Mr. Mladjenovic.

14             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I have to tell you that in this

15     last part -- oh, yes, I see, this is zoomed in, this recommendation.  I

16     really haven't read it but I know the essence, because action was taken

17     on the basis of his recommendation that at the level of municipality --

18             THE INTERPRETER:  Interpreter's note:  We cannot see where the

19     witness is reading from.  Very fast.

20             JUDGE KWON:  Mr. Mladjenovic, did you hear my question?

21             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] My understanding was that this is a

22     recommendation that we received from the president of the assembly of the

23     Serb People in BH, Momcilo Krajisnik.  The 11th of December, 1991.

24     Whether there were any other ones, I really don't know.  It is quite

25     possible, but I don't know.

Page 36683

 1             JUDGE KWON:  Yes, let's continue, Mr. Karadzic.

 2             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation].

 3        Q.   I think that His Excellency Kwon asked you what the connections

 4     were between the Assembly of the Republic and the Assembly of the

 5     municipality.  Can you tell us who was in charge of the Assembly from

 6     central level and who was in charge of the Executive Board from central

 7     level?

 8        A.   If we look at this from the point of view of substance, the

 9     Assembly of the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina was in charge of passing

10     laws, resolutions, and such enactments.  And at lower level, that is to

11     say, at levels of municipalities, these laws are brought down to the

12     level, if I can put that way, of decisions, conclusions, and so on, and

13     these are the usual type of enactments at this lower level, lower than

14     the republican assembly.

15        Q.   So the republican parliament to municipal parliament --

16        A.   The Executive Board prepares these decisions or resolutions for

17     the assembly of the local parliament, the local assembly.  Adjusts them,

18     prepares them.

19        Q.   Thank you.

20             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] P3333; could we have a look at that

21     now, please.  Uh-huh, yes.

22             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

23        Q.   Can you tell us, can you take a look, the Official Gazette of the

24     Serb municipality of Foca, you passed this decision on the establishment

25     of the municipality.  Or, actually, the Assembly of the Serb

Page 36684

 1     municipality.  Article 4 reads as follows:

 2             "Members of the assembly of the Serb People of the Municipality

 3     of Foca will continue working and all working bodies," et cetera

 4     et cetera?

 5             Could you tell me what the difference is between the

 6     establishment of a municipality and the Assembly of the Serb People in a

 7     territorial sense?

 8        A.   The assembly is an organ that is elected according to inertia,

 9     when Serb MPs were outvoted in the People's Assembly of BH and then, just

10     in case so as not to be taken aback, the Assembly of the Serb People was

11     established, and it included assemblymen who were elected at the

12     elections, mostly from the SDS and Durakovic's Communists, two or three,

13     I think, then Ante Markovic's reformists.  These were the structures that

14     comprised this assembly.

15        Q.   Thank you.  Could you just explain the substance of Article 5?

16             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Could we please have the next page

17     in English now.

18             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] "The Assembly of the Serb People in

19     the municipality of Foca recognises the validity of documents issued by

20     the Assembly of the Municipality of Foca, unless they run counter to the

21     interests of the Serb people."

22             That is what Article 5 says.

23             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

24        Q.   Do you remember that that was written in the recommendation as

25     well, the one that we had in the previous document?  The same wording was

Page 36685

 1     there as well?

 2        A.   Possibly.  I didn't really pay attention.

 3             THE INTERPRETER:  Interpreter's note:  We do not have the text

 4     that Mr. Karadzic is reading.

 5             JUDGE KWON:  Just -- what are you reading from?

 6             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] The previous document, the

 7     recommendation.

 8             I would like to indicate that Article 5 reflects the first

 9     paragraph of the recommendation and its essence.

10             Actually, I can deal with that in my final submissions too.

11             Is it break time now, Excellency?

12             JUDGE KWON:  We can continue, if necessary.  I'd like you to

13     conclude your re-examination.  Then we'll have a break.

14             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I have to show something from the

15     video so I'll need at least 15 minutes.

16             JUDGE KWON:  Oh.  Then we'll have a break.

17             We'll have a break for 45 minutes and resume at quarter past

18     1.00.

19                           --- Luncheon recess taken at 12.31 p.m.

20                           --- On resuming at 1.19 p.m.

21             JUDGE KWON:  Yes, Mr. Karadzic, please continue.

22             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Thank you.

23             Can we look at 65 ter 11021.

24             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

25        Q.   You were shown the minutes or, actually, the transcript, and we

Page 36686

 1     could hear you speak at the SDS meeting of the 14th of February.  I

 2     wanted to ask you - well, can we have page 9, please - so that can you

 3     explain to us what you had in mind when you said that.  Page 9.  Can we

 4     zoom in, please.  I will read it out:

 5             "Secondly, as regards the other questions that need to be defined

 6     and ultimately make the Serbian municipality functional, I don't think it

 7     was discussed here."

 8             What did you mean when you said ultimately there may be a

 9     necessity to make the Serbian municipality into operation?

10        A.   I don't know what the context was.

11        Q.   When was it established; and when did it become operational?

12        A.   It was established on the 25th of December, 1991, and it became

13     operational, I think, officially, it started working after the

14     dissolution by the commissioner.  I think it was in September that it

15     began working in full capacity.

16        Q.   1992?

17        A.   Yes.  Because there was a dissolvement, then for a while we did

18     not meet, and all of the work had to be done by the Executive Board.

19        Q.   Further below, you complain that in terms of the TO and the

20     staffing, there seems to be something wrong.  I wanted to read out the

21     MUP part.  Is the identical situation with the MUP.  The regional centre

22     of Gorazde, the place which belonged to the state security and the SDS

23     almost saw a Muslim being promoted and appointed.  Please, people, who is

24     dealing with this and what is being done?

25             Can you tell us what this is about and what does it have to do

Page 36687

 1     with the establishment of Serb institutions?

 2        A.   Those persistent avoidance to implement the agreements that were

 3     signed, and it was avoided by relevant Muslim representatives to honour

 4     their agreement with the Serbian side.  The magical Territorial Defence

 5     Staff, existed practically up until the war, and at its helm was someone

 6     whose term of office was expired.  It was done also in the centre for

 7     state security and some other positions that had been agreed upon and

 8     signed.  Unfortunately, that is why I expressed my concern, asking what

 9     was it that you people were doing there, and I had in mind certain

10     officials who were higher up the hierarchy.

11        Q.   Thank you.

12             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I seek to tender this page,

13     although partially it has been admitted.  In the English language, this

14     is not the correct one, and the Defence will shortly inform you of the

15     appropriate page.  It is page 9 in the Serbian.

16             MS. McKENNA:  I think it's page 13 in the English, if that

17     assists.

18             JUDGE KWON:  Do you know what the previous exhibit number is?

19             THE REGISTRAR:  Exhibit P6264, Your Honours.

20             JUDGE KWON:  Shall we add this part to the exhibit?  Shall we do

21     that?

22             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Very well.

23             JUDGE KWON:  Yes.  We'll add this page.

24             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Thank you.

25             Can we next have 65 ter 40609.  That was the interview we partly

Page 36688

 1     heard.

 2             Can we also have the transcript?  It is -- it is 40609, and the

 3     other one is [In English] D00007261A, [Interpretation] the recording.

 4             Can we have page 2 of the transcript on the display for the

 5     participants?  Can we play from 7 minutes and 50 seconds to 8 minutes and

 6     42 seconds.

 7             THE INTERPRETER:  Interpreter's note:  We do not have that entire

 8     transcript.  It will be impossible to interpret.

 9             JUDGE KWON:  I note it.  I take it you didn't circulate the

10     translate to the interpreters.

11             MR. ROBINSON:  I'm told that we did, Mr. President.

12             JUDGE KWON:  I heard they don't have it.

13             THE INTERPRETER:  Can we please have an exact reference.

14             JUDGE KWON:  Could you tell us where it is again?

15             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Page 2, the bottom.  "VO, Foca is

16     one of the ..."

17             JUDGE KWON:  Very well.  Let's try.

18             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] 7 minutes 50 to 8 minutes 42.  Can

19     we hear it, please.

20                           [Video-clip played]

21             THE INTERPRETER: [Voiceover] "Foca is one of the points in the

22     territory of former Bosnia-Herzegovina with terrible conflicts between

23     Serb Orthodox Christian and Muslim population broke out for the simple

24     reason that Muslims had envisaged Foca to be a European Islamic cultural

25     centre, and in town the Serb population were the majority and because, on

Page 36689

 1     April the 8th, last year, a group of Mujahedin and local Muslims in Foca

 2     wanted to kill respectful Serbs in this town.  That is how the war

 3     started on the religious basis in Foca."

 4             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

 5        Q.   The words of the late Mr. Ostojic, how true are they, in your

 6     view?

 7        A.   As regards the month of April and the establishment of units, I

 8     can confirm that, I can confirm that there -- as regards the presence of

 9     the Mujahedin, in that context and in that period, I did not pay much

10     attention to it, although I did have certain knowledge.  I was threatened

11     in 1991, and I was on a list.  Now whether those were the Mujahedin or

12     some other radical currents in their policy, that's something I don't

13     know.  But I did mention the flyers distributed by Mr. Sabanovic at the

14     rally in Foca in 1992 in terms of how Serbs were to be treated.  It is

15     quite an ugly document, unfortunately, and I have it with me.

16        Q.   I'll ask you about that.  In other words there were lists of

17     prominent Serbs to be liquidated?

18        A.   Yes.  I was one of them.  Perhaps the first one on the list.

19     There were others too.  It probably is somewhere in the documents.  I

20     didn't pay much attention to it, because, well, what could I do?

21        Q.   Thank you.

22             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Can we next hearing something from

23     page 3.  It is the second paragraph from the top, which is 9 minutes

24     6 seconds to 9 minutes 45 seconds.

25                           [Video-clip played]

Page 36690

 1             THE INTERPRETER: [Voiceover] "I claim with full responsibility

 2     that civilian population in Foca, both Serb and Muslim, remained intact.

 3     And that in fact the first clashes were between the armed groups, the

 4     Mujahedin and local Muslims, who wanted to conquer the town and turn it

 5     into a prison, similar to Gorazde.  But the Serb population resisted and

 6     liquidated those armed groups and made it possible for the Muslim

 7     civilians to withdraw in the direction of Gorazde and Sarajevo."

 8             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Thank you.

 9             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

10        Q.   Is it correct that Foca, as a town, had a majority Serb

11     population?

12        A.   As per the 1991 census, well, I have to say that it was never

13     verified by the People's Assembly of Bosnia-Herzegovina, but it is an

14     application even nowadays.  Since the town is on both sides of the

15     Cehotina and the Drina, in any case the population was predominantly

16     Serb.

17        Q.   Is it true what Mr. Ostojic says that they attacked Foca trying

18     to seize control?

19        A.   There was indeed an attack on Foca executed by the Muslim forces

20     from Sukovac and that other hill Siriste [phoen].  They used mortars, as

21     far as I know, and the launcher that produced terrifying sound that

22     probably scared both Muslims and Serbs.  They were targeting our Crisis

23     Staff, which was in the direction of the church.

24        Q.   I just wanted to confirm whether it was true what is stated.

25             Now as for what is said about the civilians, that both Serb and

Page 36691

 1     Muslim civilians remained intact in the first clashes of the armed

 2     groups.

 3        A.   Yes.  In the course of those first few day, definitely so.

 4             I have to say that around the 10th or so, perhaps later, a Muslim

 5     soldier was killed, three Serb soldiers were killed, and a KP Dom inmate

 6     who was standing by obviously.

 7             THE INTERPRETER:  Interpreter's correction:  Who was a bystander.

 8             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] That is why we established a

 9     commission, comprising Dr. Zijo Ajanovic --

10             THE INTERPRETER:  Could the witness please repeat the names.  We

11     didn't catch them.

12             JUDGE KWON:  Mr. Mladjenovic, could you repeat your answer

13     from -- after you said, "... three Serb soldiers were killed ..."

14             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Two in Aladza.  If there is any

15     need, I can comment on it further.  I attended the funeral because they

16     could not be buried in the town.  They were buried in a nearby village.

17     On behalf of the Crisis Staff, I was tasked with going there.

18             There was also a KP Dom inmate.  The story was that he was

19     supposed to throw a hand-grenade on our soldiers, but it exploded in his

20     hand.

21             There was another soldier who was killed on a nearby hill where

22     the main clash between the Serb and Muslim side occurred.  It was at the

23     very beginning, on the 8th and the 9th of April, 1992.

24             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

25        Q.   Let's be brief.  When you say a joint commission, you mentioned

Page 36692

 1     some names.  Please always tell us what you mean when you say a joint

 2     commission, in terms of ethnicity.  And also when you say the names,

 3     could you please specify their ethnicity.

 4             THE INTERPRETER:  Interpreter's note the witness needs to

 5     re-start his answer.

 6             JUDGE KWON:  You started answering the question while we are

 7     hearing the interpretation of Mr. Karadzic's question.

 8             So could you put a pause.  And please start over again.

 9             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Apologies.

10             As regards the commission, when I say a joint or a mixed

11     commission, it comprised the following physicians:  Dr. Zijo Ajanovic,

12     neuropsychiatrist; Cedo Skipina, judge; and Dr. Maric Junior, Radmilo,

13     that is.  They worked for a few days, perhaps seven or eight days.  They

14     carried out an on-site investigation at the foot of Celovina hill and in

15     Djedjevo village where the clashes were.  I think there were 14

16     casualties, and their report confirmed that they were killed in a clash.

17             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

18        Q.   Zijo Ajanovic, what is his ethnicity?

19        A.   Muslim.  I believe I said so.

20        Q.   It was not recorded because of the overlap.

21             In the excerpt, late Mr. Ostojic says that it was made possible

22     for the Muslim civilians to withdraw to Gorazde and Sarajevo.

23             Were these civilians driven away, driven out, or were they

24     enabled to leave?

25        A.   First of all, no one drove them away.  There was no opportunity

Page 36693

 1     to do so.  They were withdrawing when the separation line was near the

 2     health centre.  I kindly ask you for your patience.

 3             What did the media do?  Mr. Semsko Tusakovic [phoen],

 4     Radio Sarajevo journalist, announced the arrival of Serbo Chetniks from

 5     Serbia and Montenegro.  He said there were 4- or 5.000 of them and it

 6     scared everyone, Serbs and Muslims.  He even used that figure when at

 7     Ustikolina there were Muslim units present.  That is why the population

 8     was afraid, having the experience of the previous wars, and they withdrew

 9     in the evening and during the night.  Donje Polje and most of the centre

10     of town withdrew in that way, in their vehicles, and on foot.

11             The other part withdrew to Pluzine.  It included Serbs and

12     Montenegrins and Muslims.  So the figure was around 2300 not all at once,

13     but in different periods.  They went to their friends because they

14     expected the conflict to last for a short time only and that a solution

15     would be found.

16             It is also interesting to note that when the Muslims turned to

17     the SUP, requesting -- and to the civilian authorities, requesting that

18     they be allowed to leave, they -- we had to consult the military

19     structures because pressure was brought to bear on me, in particular,

20     when it was said that we are waging war whether it is Radojica and his

21     civilian structures are bussing them here and there.  They expressed

22     their wish to the MUP to leave collectively and it was probably for

23     safety reasons that they opted for that, saying that they wanted to go to

24     Serbia, Montenegro, and Macedonia.  No one asked to go to Gorazde or

25     Sarajevo, and that can be checked.

Page 36694

 1        Q.   Thank you.  Tell us briefly what is the faith and ethnicity of

 2     their friends in Pluzine where some 2300 Muslims from Foca took shelter?

 3        A.   Well, it wasn't only the Muslims.  The first wave of population

 4     withdrawal included Muslims, Serbs, and Montenegrins.  Well, for

 5     Montenegrins, it may have seemed natural because they were, they were the

 6     so-called Pivljani, were employed in Foca working in the town hospital

 7     and elsewhere.

 8             THE INTERPRETER:  Interpreter's note:  Could Mr. Karadzic kindly

 9     repeat his answer [sic].

10             JUDGE KWON:  Could you repeat your question, Mr. Karadzic.

11             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

12        Q.   I am grateful to you for being so extensive, but I'd just like

13     you to tell us what the religion was of their friends in Pluzine where

14     they sought shelter?

15        A.   Orthodox.

16        Q.   Thank you.  I would like to remind the participants -- actually,

17     let me just ask this.

18             Did you have a situation in which you prevented people from

19     leaving and then did you lift that ban?  Do you remember that?

20        A.   I think that that happened too.  I -- actually, in my building,

21     on the floor where I lived, in different apartments, of course, there

22     were some that were owned by Muslims.  There were over 30 people staying

23     there.  Serbs gave me trouble too.  They were saying the president is

24     protecting them, and so on and so forth, when the situation became

25     unbearable.  Actually, I also had a friend from school there and I

Page 36695

 1     advised her that they should go somewhere more peaceful so they could

 2     survive.  And to tell you the truth, they grabbed the chance.  They went

 3     to the MUP.  They announced their departure, and they were transported by

 4     bus to destinations in Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro, Skopje.

 5        Q.   Thank you.  The lady who went to school with you, what was her

 6     ethnic background?

 7        A.   She was a Muslim.  She had two children.  She lived one floor

 8     above me.  Otherwise she worked at the court there.

 9        Q.   P2642.  That's what I'm going to read out to you, or, rather,

10     just one sentence, "The decision is from the 18th of June, 1992" --

11             THE INTERPRETER:  Interpreter's note:  This is too fast to follow

12     what is being read out.

13             JUDGE KWON:  Could you repeat your question.

14             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I identified the document.  It is a

15     document of the War Commissioner of the Serb municipality.  It's sent to

16     the operative staff and the Executive Board of the Serb municipality of

17     Foca.  The third paragraph says --

18             THE INTERPRETER:  Interpreter's note:  We do not have the

19     document.

20             JUDGE KWON:  Please read slow.  Very slow.  Slowly when the

21     interpreters do not have the documents.

22             Shall we switch to the e-court.

23             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] P -- it's a Prosecution Exhibit.

24     P2642.

25                           [Trial Chamber and Registrar confer]

Page 36696

 1             JUDGE KWON:  While we are waiting, Mr. Karadzic, do you like to

 2     tender or add the clip and transcript of Ostojic to the previous exhibit?

 3             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] The previous one was a Prosecution

 4     document.  All right.  But finally I do have a few more excerpts.  We'll

 5     go back to that?

 6             JUDGE KWON:  Very well.

 7             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

 8        Q.   Now I don't want to us read out all of this but please look at

 9     the beginning of the third paragraph, the current civilian and military

10     authorities of the Serb municipality of Foca have so far prohibited both

11     Serbs and Muslims from leaving the territory of Foca.

12             And then the War Commission suggests the following:

13             "The civilian and military authorities shall allow all loyal

14     citizens who have no violated laws to leave," and so on.  And paragraph 3

15     midway it says, "to compile lists with all necessary data of those loyal

16     citizen who have expressed a wish to leave, who are to be informed of

17     this decision and who are to give a short signed explanation of their

18     reasons for leaving the municipality."

19             And now can we have the next page in Serbian.

20             This is number 5:

21             "The Executive Board should compile a list of the property that

22     remained in Foca, meaning the property that could not be transported

23     under current conditions."

24             So can you tell us whether people were being chased away or

25     whether you had actually prohibited them from leaving at that point in

Page 36697

 1     time?

 2        A.   It was prohibited both for Serbs and Muslims.  Serbs, even

 3     military conscripts, intended to leave, to take their families away, and

 4     this pertained to Serbs, and this could have been considered military

 5     desertion because they were military conscripts.

 6             Of course, I have another statement too that was signed by the

 7     president of the municipal assembly to return to the situation the

 8     5th of April, 1992.  And it says --

 9             THE INTERPRETER:  Interpreter's note:  It is being read out too

10     fast.

11             JUDGE KWON:  Could you concentrate on answering the question.  If

12     necessary, Mr. Karadzic will ask further questions.

13             And if you are reading a document, please read very slowly for

14     the benefit of interpreters.

15             Please continue, Mr. Karadzic.

16             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I just wanted to ask whether there

17     was a ban and whether the Executive Board, as Article 5 says, registered

18     property and tried to protect the property that they could not transport

19     at that point in time.

20        A.   The civilian authorities, that is to say the Executive Board,

21     tried, and I mean -- well, they did this paperwork, stating that entry

22     was prohibited into all apartments and houses and this was supposed to be

23     ensured by the civilian police and the military.  I already said that at

24     first the results were good, but, later, on -- how do I put this?  This,

25     in other words, well, it -- they had to rely on neighbours and other

Page 36698

 1     people to take care of their houses.  If they decided to leave, then a

 2     Serb would take over -- no, not take over.  To have the keys and, in that

 3     way, a neighbour would take care of his neighbour's apartment or house.

 4     This would have to be a longer story.  But I hope that you see what the

 5     essence is.

 6        Q.   Thank you.  That will do.

 7             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Can we go back to the interview,

 8     07261/2 and the transcript is 40609.  Number 3 -- no, it's on the fourth

 9     page.  13 minutes, 29 seconds, up to 14:01.  In the transcript, it is

10     page 4.  40609 is the 65 ter number of the transcript.  And the video ...

11     oh, we don't have to listen to it.  All right.  Let us look at the

12     transcript.  It's the third paragraph.  I'm going to read it out now in

13     the English language.  Oh, we are going to play it after all, yes.  13:29

14     to 14:01 and the transcript can be followed on page 4.

15                           [Video-clip played]

16             THE INTERPRETER: [Voiceover] "I do not have that information.  I

17     think that did not happen, and from the very beginning of the war and

18     conflict in Foca and the International Red Cross and UNPROFOR were there.

19     And, as far as I know, all detained Muslims in the Foca prison have been

20     exchanged in the meantime and these are extremists who had started the

21     armed struggle against the Serb people in the territory of Foca."

22             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

23        Q.   What can you say with regard to the accuracy of this statement of

24     Ostojic's, in the briefest possible terms?

25        A.   Well, as far as this, that they were exchanged, they were every

Page 36699

 1     now and then.  Not all of them.  I wouldn't agree with that.  And what

 2     would happen was that people would go for an exchange and then I remember

 3     that they were even brought to Kula and then they waited for a few months

 4     to be exchanged.  I remember Dr. Selimovic, Dr. Karovic, and others and

 5     their turn came only -- well, I don't know whether they had not reached

 6     agreement with the Muslim side.  Believe me, I don't know.  But -- but I

 7     do know that they went out for an exchange as did many others, but, on

 8     the whole, I'm not sure that I would agree with the statement.

 9             So, in part, yes.  But in its entirety, no.

10        Q.   Thank you.  Did the Red Cross have access?  Did UNPROFOR have

11     access to Foca?

12        A.   The International Red Cross did.  I think that UNPROFOR did too.

13     Believe me -- well, the International Red Cross, yes, for sure.

14        Q.   Thank you.

15        A.   A list had been compiled.  As for the numbers, I didn't go into

16     that.  I didn't have the opportunity of looking at these lists.  It would

17     be a good thing to consult the International Red Cross, and, of course,

18     institutions that entered the KP Dom.

19        Q.   Thank you.  Can we now hear the next answer.  That is also on

20     page 4 from 14:17 to 14:45.

21                           [Video-clip played]

22             THE INTERPRETER: [Voiceover] "However, a certain practice was

23     discovered both with the Muslim and Croatian authorities which is this:

24     When they cannot explain a large number of casualties an armed clashes

25     with the Serbs, then they justify it by telling families and the

Page 36700

 1     international community that they had perished in Serb prisons.  By the

 2     way, I myself have never been in the Foca prison."

 3             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

 4        Q.   Were there manipulations in your experience that sometimes people

 5     would be reported as civilians and sometimes as combatants and --

 6        A.   Yes, that was the practice, for sure.  And not only at this

 7     location, but also in other places.  Many things were hyperbolised.

 8     These are Muslims who were well known.  Why they did that, I don't know,

 9     maybe to justify their objectives.  Quite possible.

10        Q.   Thank you.  On page 5 in the transcript, can we play 15:45 to

11     16:09.  I skipped some.  So from 15:46 to 16:09, so the transcript page

12     is 5 from the top of the page.

13                           [Video-clip played]

14             THE INTERPRETER: [Voiceover] "Let those facts be established as

15     well.  If something like that happened, I have nothing against it.  I'm

16     not defending individual crimes, and I am not defending anything that

17     could have happened out of control of both state authorities and the

18     regular army because the dirtiest of all wars is being waged in the

19     territory of Bosnia-Herzegovina, and that is a religious war."

20             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation] Did the authorities contribute to

21     the commission of crimes?  Did they encourage them or did they hide them

22     in Foca?

23        A.   Absolutely not.  From the level of the republican authorities or

24     the local level, absolutely the situation was not being exacerbated and,

25     of course, it was not being suggested to anyone that they should commit

Page 36701

 1     crimes.  I absolutely assert that.  Except for exceptions.  Of course,

 2     there were exceptions.  But at the level of the town, it's a lot if one

 3     person falls victim.  Let me tell you that straight away.  I would agree

 4     with that.  But there wasn't any major victimisation.

 5        Q.   What did you say about the republican level?  It wasn't recorded.

 6        A.   Such orders did not arrive from republican level either.  I know

 7     that in Foca 551 civilian --

 8             THE INTERPRETER:  Could the speaker please repeat the numbers

 9     slowly and the references.

10             JUDGE KWON:  Just a second.  Could you -- could you repeat your

11     answer again.  And very slowly.

12             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] So, as far as the Serb side is

13     concerned, in the conflict, throughout the war, 551 soldiers lost their

14     lives, 95 civilians -- so the total was 646.  I would like the Muslim

15     side to present sincerely and reliably the losses.  The loss of a single

16     life is a loss for all, for humankind, and that is how I view that.

17             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

18        Q.   Thank you.

19             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] 25:36 to 36 [as interpreted]

20     transcript page 7.  So could we have that played, please.

21                           [Video-clip played]

22             THE INTERPRETER:  Interpreter's note:  We cannot find the

23     reference on this page.

24             JUDGE KWON:  Should we play this part again.  Could you give the

25     reference to the interpreters.

Page 36702

 1             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] The third paragraph on page 7.  And

 2     then it's the middle of the third paragraph.

 3                           [Video-clip played]

 4             THE INTERPRETER: [Voiceover] "Accepting this story.  In every

 5     war, there are crimes that are really crimes, and neither state authority

 6     nor its institutions are behind it, and they should be looked into and

 7     sanctioned.  But to build an attitude towards one people on an account of

 8     individual cases is really immoral and impermissible."

 9             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

10        Q.   This presented position of Mr. Ostojic's, how does that tally

11     with your own experience in terms of the position of state organs and

12     local organs in respect of crimes?

13        A.   Quite certainly, I share the position of the late Mr. Ostojic.

14     Namely, that all of those who committed crimes, this is a personal act,

15     and they should be held responsible for the judiciary organs

16     unequivocally, regardless of nations or nationality involved.

17        Q.   Thank you.

18             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Excellencies, I would like to

19     tender all the transcripts of what we have played.  You can add a D or a

20     P, whichever you wish.

21             JUDGE KWON:  Ms. McKenna.

22             MS. McKENNA:  Your Honours, given the extensive Defence reliance

23     on this, I suggest tendering the transcript in its entirety.  It will

24     make the record clearer.

25             JUDGE KWON:  Yes, we'll admit it in its entirety.  So that -- so

Page 36703

 1     Exhibit P -- what is --

 2             THE REGISTRAR:  Exhibit P6265, Your Honours.

 3             JUDGE KWON:  Yeah, will be.

 4             THE REGISTRAR:  65 ter number 40609.

 5             JUDGE KWON:  Yes.

 6             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Thank you.

 7             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

 8        Q.   You said earlier today that on the 8th, you reached an agreement

 9     with the leadership of the Muslim community and that, at the same time,

10     or immediately thereafter, fire was opened, an attack was carried out; is

11     that correct?

12        A.   It is correct.  That's what I said.  While I was in the

13     municipality with my associates, because we had agreed to meet there and

14     to make another effort towards co-ordinating our positions, we spoke on

15     the telephone, and very simply, fire was opened from the Muslim side.

16     There was a response from the Serb side.  On our way back, or, rather,

17     when decided to say our good byes and I suppose that everybody went to

18     their own Crisis Staff.  I suppose they did.  I did.  I went with

19     Mr. Markovic.

20             The town was empty.  The main streets were absolutely empty.  The

21     town was a ghost town.  There was nobody.

22             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] can we look at 65 ter 1501.  On the

23     8th of April, 1992, Mr. Ostojic gave an interview on Radio Belgrade.

24     1501.  In Serbian, we are looking at the second paragraph.

25             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

Page 36704

 1        Q.   And it says:

 2             "Just as inter-party talks began between representatives of the

 3     Serbian and Muslim peoples on delineating territory and separating organs

 4     of authority, in the Serbian territorials in a peaceful and democratic

 5     way a unit of the Muslim people attacked positions of the Serbian

 6     territories not far from Foca."

 7             Is this correct?

 8        A.   Yes.  From the territory of Sukovac and that is a -- not far from

 9     the municipality, perhaps some 100 metres as the crow flies.

10        Q.   And now the first sentence:

11             "On behalf of the Crisis Staff of the Serbian people in the Foca

12     commune, we are calling on citizens of all nationalities in Foca to

13     remain calm because" -- and so on and so forth.

14             Was any such appeal sent out to people?

15        A.   Yes.  From me personally and from Mr. Lojo Taib, the president of

16     the municipality, it aired on the radio.  It was a four-sentence long

17     communique.  If you wish I can read it.

18        Q.   Thank you.  Taib Lojo is what by ethnicity?

19        A.   He was a Muslim.  He was at the Muslim representative of the

20     municipality.

21        Q.   Thank you.

22             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Can the document be admitted.

23             JUDGE KWON:  Ms. McKenna.

24             MS. McKENNA:  No objection, Your Honour.

25             JUDGE KWON:  Yes, we will receive it.

Page 36705

 1             THE REGISTRAR:  As Exhibit D3319, Your Honours.

 2             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I don't want to call up the next

 3     document, but similar things are repeated in P3338 issued on the 14th of

 4     April.  Also Mr. Ostojic sent a report to Radio Belgrade.  We don't have

 5     the time to call this up.

 6             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

 7        Q.   Mr. Mladjenovic, a statement was read to you by a witness who

 8     testified under pseudonym about rallies and what was said at those

 9     rallies.  First of all, tell us this:  Were those rallies accessible to

10     the media and to journalists?

11        A.   Yes, both.  Journalists had access to both if you have in mind

12     the Serbian ones in 1990 and 1991.  But the same is true of the Muslim

13     rallies.  They were widely covered by the media.  I have that videotape,

14     the promotion of the Serbian Democratic Party.  Unfortunately, I could

15     not get hold of the Muslim audio recording because I had to check some of

16     the sentences.  I did not want to mislead the Trial Chamber, the

17     Prosecution and the Defence -- and give them something that is not

18     correct.

19             In any case, everything was recorded by camera and by tape

20     recorder.

21        Q.   Thank you.  When it comes to the media, was the allegedly drastic

22     sentence academician Maksimovic highlighted in the media?  Was any other

23     war mongering, chauvinist statement conveyed from those rallies?

24        A.   Let me tell you this:  As far as I can remember, if anything like

25     that was uttered, it could have been in the shape of a warning based on

Page 36706

 1     various experiences, both of the Muslim and the Serbian peoples from the

 2     previous wars.  I believe that Mr. Kilibarda uttered some harsher words.

 3     Mr. Muhamed Cengic, who was a Muslim, was very moderate in his

 4     appearance.  So I really did not see anything.  Mr. Karadzic is

 5     absolutely, in favour of living together in the former Yugoslavia.  And

 6     other speakers who were more or less of a minor importance at that first

 7     rally.  Before the elections after the SDS was set up in 1990.

 8             And then the tripartite rally in 1991 also saw appearances by

 9     speakers who presented very similar things.  At the SDA rally, when the

10     SDA was set up in 1992 I did not attend that for personal reasons.

11        Q.   That witness who said that academician Maksimovic uttered those

12     drastic words, was he telling the truth?

13        A.   I don't know who you are talking about, but I can assume that he

14     was not telling the truth.  Or at least not the whole truth.  Everything

15     can be spined in different ways.  But he is a bit short-tempered in real

16     life but he did not embark on that adventure.  I'm sure.

17        Q.   Thank you.  Do you remember if Mr. Muhamed Cengic, who was the

18     vice-president of the SDA, and I and our teams paid homage to the victims

19     of the Second World War?  Did we do that in 1992 during the setting up of

20     the SDS in Foca?

21        A.   Yes, that's correct you threw flowers from the bridge of the

22     Drina across the street from the KP Dom.  And also from the bridge on the

23     Drina, the young people and children threw flowers into the river.  I

24     don't know which of the politicians were there.  There was a lot of

25     people --

Page 36707

 1             JUDGE KWON:  It is impossible to catch up the speed in which both

 2     of you are speaking.

 3             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

 4        Q.   Give us a short summary of what you just said.  You said about

 5     throwing flowers, and in addition to the children who followed us, do you

 6     remember anybody else but Muhamed Filipovic and myself?  We went to the

 7     bridge and threw flowers to pay homage to the victims of the Second World

 8     War.  Do you remember who else was there?

 9        A.   I believe that you misspoke, because Cengic was there.

10     Muhamed Cengic and you and the children who followed you.  Not Filipovic.

11        Q.   I apologise, it was Cengic, yes.  So how would it tally with the

12     words that were ascribed to Professor Maksimovic?

13        A.   The two don't together of course.

14        Q.   And my last question.  Could you please tell us something about

15     the leaflet that you mentioned in the cross-examination but you were not

16     allowed to show it to the Trial Chamber.

17             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Can the usher please display it on

18     the ELMO.

19             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I believe that you have it at your

20     disposal.  The Defence has it, I'm sure.

21             This is it.  Only this part.

22             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Thank you.

23             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

24        Q.   Whose the person who distributed the leaflets?

25        A.   At the August rally in 1990, when the SDA was promoted as a

Page 36708

 1     party, that leaflet was distributed among the people and you see who the

 2     promotion was dedicated to.  It was Sabanovic from Visegrad who

 3     participated in the destruction of the bus.  Murat Sabanovic was his

 4     name.  He was the one who distributed it, the leaflets.  Look at the

 5     contents and it will be self-explanatory indeed.  How shall I put it?  I

 6     was the consumer.  Somebody would ring my bell late at night and then I

 7     couldn't go back to sleep, and so on and so forth.  But you can read the

 8     thing for yourself and then you can see how welcome as neighbours we were

 9     to them.

10        Q.   Bells would be rung late.  Children should be prohibited to play

11     with the Serbian children.  Garbage should be left in front of the doors.

12     People should urinate in front of doors.  Newspapers should not be

13     delivered.

14             MS. McKENNA:  Your Honour.

15             JUDGE KWON:  Yes.

16             MS. McKENNA:  If I may, it is unclear to me at this stage what

17     this leaflet is.  But it seems to be linked to -- and purportedly the SDA

18     rally that's outside the scope of the cross-examination.  The

19     cross-examination dealt solely with the SDS rally and statements that

20     were made during it.

21             JUDGE KWON:  Yes, Mr. Karadzic.  Would you like to respond?

22             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Yes.  The witness was asked.  And

23     he tried to show this leaflet in responding to that question.  The

24     Prosecutor didn't want him to do that.  I suppose that they were waiting

25     for me to do it in my re-direct; right?

Page 36709

 1             JUDGE KWON:  Could you point us the relevant part of the

 2     transcript?

 3             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Let me see if I noted that during

 4     the cross-examination.  Just a moment.

 5             JUDGE KWON:  Is it true this leaflet is related [Overlapping

 6     speakers] ...

 7             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] The leaflet, on page 12, page 12 of

 8     the today's transcript.  A question was put to the witness.  He tried to

 9     say something about the leaflet, but he could not.  Line 8.

10                           [Trial Chamber confers]

11             JUDGE KWON:  Very well.  We will allow the question.

12             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

13        Q.   Mr. Mladjenovic, how does this leaflet which was distributed

14     among the 100.000 people reflect on the mindset of the Serbian community

15     in Foca?

16        A.   Not only this leaflet.  But before bullet point 1, could you

17     please read the content of the text in this leaflet?

18             THE INTERPRETER:  The interpreters in the booth cannot do sight

19     translation especially if the witness is reading very fast.

20             JUDGE KWON:  It is impossible for the interpreters to follow.

21             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Very well.  I will read the first

22     sentence slowly:

23              "It is clear that we can no longer live calmly with the Serbs

24     and that the crisis that we are now experiencing will not be resolved for

25     long as a single Serb remains living in our republic.  That's why we have

Page 36710

 1     to do everything in our power to get rid of them in the most efficient

 2     and fastest way.  Before we use the last argument which is weapons, we

 3     will try and use some more subtle weapons or methods to remove imposters

 4     from our country."

 5             Mr. Mladjenovic do you know who Senad Sahinpasic, Saja, is?  Was

 6     he the owner of a newspaper "Vox" and what is the link between this

 7     leaflet and "Vox."

 8        A.   We are thinking along the same line.  I am sorry you didn't read

 9     the next sentence where it says that we were dirty and ugly.

10     Mr. Sahinpasic was an MP in the National Assembly.  I now him as my

11     fellow citizen.  He is a poet.  He puts together verses and is the author

12     of that infamous verse that was uttered in the National Assembly of

13     Bosnia-Herzegovina when he said there is a duck swimming, there is a

14     goose swimming, and this country will be Turkey eventually.  And with or

15     without that the emotions were running very high because for 413 years,

16     not minutes but years, Turkey ruled the area of Bosnia, Serbia and other

17     countries in the Balkan peninsula.

18        Q.   I have --

19             JUDGE KWON:  Yes, please continue.

20             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] The name on line 23 is

21     Senad Sahinpasic, Saja.  On line 25 the witness didn't say that we were

22     thinking along the same lines.  He said that this leaflet and newspaper

23     "Vox" were on the same line, and said Sahinpasic was its publisher.

24             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] It was a newspaper that was printed

25     in order to add fuel to the hatred and to orchestrate the Sharia laws and

Page 36711

 1     regulations.  I'm sure that you had the examples of those and you were

 2     privy to them, and I'm sure that you will know that what I'm say

 3     something very honest and very fair.

 4             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] On line 8, it should read "Sharia

 5     law," and that has not been recorded.

 6             Excellencies, I'm tendering this leaflet for admission.  I would

 7     like it to be marked for identification, and when we have dealt with

 8     that, I will have no further questions for this witness.

 9             JUDGE KWON:  Shall we leave the leaflet on the ELMO?  Yes.

10             Who is -- who was it that got this leaflet or flyer?  Is it the

11     Defence or the witness?

12             Mr. Mladjenovic, is it you that got this flyer?

13             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] It's a book, which holds the gist

14     of it and quotes the text distributed by Sabanovic.  I think it was in

15     circulation because it was distributed at this rally of 100.000 people

16     and they couldn't tell Serbs from Muslims, and they were distributed by

17     Sabanovic and his group.  Of course, it ended up in the hands of Serbs

18     and it was very much in circulation.  That is how he stirred unrest among

19     Serbs, especially where he says we've lived long with the Serbs.  We have

20     become familiar with them.  We have strengthened our hatred towards them

21     because they are dirty and ugly, and so on and so forth.

22             JUDGE KWON:  Please concentrate on the answer.  So what we are

23     seeing now is part of a book, published by a Serb.

24             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Yes, yes.

25             JUDGE KWON:  Yes.  Can I hear from you, Ms. McKenna.

Page 36712

 1             MS. McKENNA:  Your Honour, it's -- I don't think the provenance

 2     of this document is clear at all.  We don't know who published it.  We

 3     don't know when it was published.  I think the standards for

 4     admissibility are clearly not met.

 5                           [Trial Chamber confers]

 6             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Can I ask you?

 7             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

 8        Q.   How did you get by this flyer and the book?  Who published it and

 9     is there an original anywhere?

10        A.   I think I can say with credibility that there is the original

11     leaflet.  The book was written by Velimir Djurovic.  It is called "Lies,

12     Hatred, the Crime."

13             THE ACCUSED:  For you, Excellencies.

14             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] And you have it in that book with

15     some other words uttered by Ivo Andric, some journalists and others.

16             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

17        Q.   Before having seen this in the book, were you aware that it had

18     existed before, that there was the original somewhere?

19        A.   Yes.  I saw it dozens of times, and I didn't need the book for

20     that.  You could easily find it, and I have one even.  And I'm surprised

21     I did not offer it to counsel.  That is to say, to those who were

22     proofing me.

23             JUDGE KWON:  We'll marked for identification until this Chamber

24     is satisfied with its provenance.  And when we -- until we have the

25     English translation.

Page 36713

 1             THE REGISTRAR:  MFI D3320, Your Honours.

 2             JUDGE KWON:  Very well.  Then that concludes your evidence,

 3     Mr. Mladjenovic.  Thank you for your coming to The Hague to give it.

 4     Please have a safe journey back home.

 5             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Thank you as well.

 6                           [The witness withdrew]

 7             JUDGE KWON:  And for the remainder of time, shall we proceed with

 8     the examination-in-chief of next witness.

 9             MR. ROBINSON:  Yes.  He has been waiting for a long time.  It

10     would be nice if we could do that.

11             JUDGE KWON:  But it's evident he should remain over the weekend.

12             MR. ROBINSON:  Yes, it is.  Mr. President, while we're waiting if

13     I could also indicate to the Trial Chamber next week the testimony of

14     President Milorad Dodik is actually fixed for Tuesday at 9.00 in the

15     morning.  So to the extent that we don't complete the witness on Monday,

16     we will ask that his testimony be interpreted so that President Dodik can

17     testify and then we will resume when he is finished.

18             JUDGE KWON:  And I take it there's no position from the

19     Prosecution.

20             MR. TIEGER:  No, Mr. President.  I think we have relied on -- or

21     understood the need for certain witnesses to have fixed times and the

22     necessity to work around those times.

23             MS. McKENNA:  Your Honour, on -- just on the topic of the

24     document we were just discussing, I understand from my colleagues that it

25     is -- maybe a reproduction of D2768.  So perhaps the Defence can -- which

Page 36714

 1     is currently MFI'd.  I think a translation has come through.

 2             JUDGE KWON:  Could you repeat that?  Actually I didn't follow.

 3             MS. McKENNA:  The document that we were just discussing appears

 4     to be a reproduction of MFI D2768.

 5             JUDGE KWON:  Do you mean the leaflet?

 6             MS. McKENNA:  Exactly.

 7                           [The witness entered court]

 8             JUDGE KWON:  We'll check it.

 9             MS. McKENNA:  Thank you, Your Honour.

10             JUDGE KWON:  Good afternoon, Mr. Skoko.

11             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Good afternoon.

12             JUDGE KWON:  If you could make the solemn declaration, please.

13             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I solemnly declare that I will

14     speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

15                           WITNESS:  MILORAD SKOKO

16                           [Witness answered through interpreter]

17             JUDGE KWON:  Thank you, Mr. Skoko.  Please be seated and make

18     yourself comfortable.

19             Yes, please proceed, Mr. Karadzic.

20                           Examination by Mr. Karadzic:

21        Q.   [Interpretation] Good afternoon, Dr. Skoko.

22        A.   Good afternoon, Mr. President.  Good afternoon, Your Honours.

23     Good afternoon to the gentlemen and the ladies of the Prosecution and of

24     the Defence.

25        Q.   Thank you.  Dr. Skoko, did you provide a statement to the Defence

Page 36715

 1     team?

 2        A.   Yes.

 3             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Can we have in e-court 1D07983.

 4     1D07983.

 5             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

 6        Q.   Dr. Skoko, kindly look at the screen before you.  Do you see the

 7     statement you provided to the Defence on the screen?

 8        A.   I do.

 9        Q.   Kindly pause until the interpretation of my questions is

10     complete.

11             Did you sign and read the statement?

12        A.   Yes.

13             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Can the witness be shown the last

14     page so that he can identify his signature.

15             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

16        Q.   Is this your signature?

17        A.   Yes.

18        Q.   Thank you.  Does the statement faithfully reflect your words?

19        A.   Yes, it does.

20        Q.   Thank you.  If I were to put the same questions to you today,

21     would your answers be the same, in essence?

22        A.   Yes.

23        Q.   Thank you.

24             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I seek to tender this package under

25     92 ter.

Page 36716

 1             MR. ROBINSON:  Yes, Mr. President.  There are five associated

 2     exhibits that we are offering.  We would ask that they all be added to

 3     our 65 ter list as we hadn't interviewed the witness at the time that

 4     list was filed.  In addition, Mr. President, we're not going to be

 5     tendering the three additional exhibits, and we therefore will redact

 6     paragraphs 28 and 29 of the statement.

 7             JUDGE KWON:  Thank you.

 8             Good afternoon, Ms. Sutherland.  Any objections?

 9             MS. SUTHERLAND:  Good afternoon, Your Honours.

10             We have no objection to the additional exhibits but we note that

11     the provenance is unclear from the documents and the statements, and so

12     we would have no objection if the Defence would elicit from the witness

13     how the map was produced or who produced the map.  The maps.

14             JUDGE KWON:  You -- you -- you mean the four maps referred to as

15     associated exhibits.

16             MS. SUTHERLAND:  Yes, Your Honour.

17             JUDGE KWON:  As to the provenance.

18             MS. SUTHERLAND:  It simply says a map showing data between 1992

19     and 1995.  But it doesn't actually say who produced the map and it is

20     unclear from the witness's statement whether he produced the map or he

21     got it from somebody else.

22             JUDGE KWON:  Fair enough.  I think Mr. Karadzic can do that.

23             Yes, shall we give the numbers.

24             THE REGISTRAR:  Your Honours, the 92 ter statement 1D7983 will be

25     Exhibit D3321, and the five associated exhibits will be Exhibits D3322

Page 36717

 1     through to D3326.

 2             JUDGE KWON:  Thank you.  Please proceed, Mr. Karadzic.

 3             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Thank you.  I will read out a brief

 4     summary of Dr. Milorad Skoko's statement in the English language.

 5             [In English] Dr. Milorad Skoko was born on 15th of January, 1945,

 6     in Jugovici village, Gacko municipality, Bosnia-Herzegovina and now

 7     Republika Srpska.

 8             On 21st of December, 1991, the Ministerial Council was formed in

 9     response to the unconstitutional and unlawful conduct of the leadership

10     of the SDA and HDZ.  Dr. Milorad Skoko was appointed as a minister

11     without a portfolio.

12             On 1st of August, 1992, Dr. Milorad Skoko was appointed as

13     general director of the Republika Srpska electric Supply Board.  The

14     electric power system of the former Yugoslavia collapsed first because of

15     the war operations in Croatia in 1991 and later because of war operations

16     in B and H in 1992.  Almost all power transmission lines were damaged and

17     the supply of electricity to utmost all areas in B and H was prevented.

18     This prevented normal production of electricity in B and H power plants,

19     reducing production capacity by 75 per cent which had a direct impact on

20     the supply of Sarajevo.  Of the remaining 25 percent of total power,

21     40 per cent was produced in the territory under the control of the VRS

22     and 60 per cent was produced in the areas under control of the BH Army

23     and HVO, military formation.

24             At the beginning of the war, parts of both Serbian and Muslim

25     Sarajevo experienced an irregular supply of electricity because of power

Page 36718

 1     network failure.  There were never deliberate cuts of power supply to

 2     Sarajevo from the Serb side.  Interruptions occurred when transmissions

 3     and distribution lines were damaged because of war operations.  From 1992

 4     to 1995, over 550 million kilowatt hours of electricity was supplied to

 5     the area of Sarajevo which was under the control of the BH Army.  There

 6     were great distributions in the supply of power from the Visegrad

 7     hydropower plant to Sarajevo because of failures deliberately caused by

 8     members of BH Army who sabotaged power transmission lines.  Throughout

 9     the conflict, Sarajevo did receive power from a small grid on the

10     water-pipe line from Sarajevo, and from a power transmission lines and

11     cable laid under Sarajevo airport.  All other came through the Serbian

12     territory.  Considering this, and the fact that industrial production had

13     almost completely stopped, the population was able to be supplied with

14     sufficient electricity.  The amount of electricity received allowed

15     households in the federal Sarajevo to satisfy basic household needs.  The

16     supply of electricity to the people of federal Sarajevo during the war

17     was not a power supply disaster, as the Muslims and world media --

18     Muslims and world media often portrayed it.

19             Dr. Milorad Skoko was not aware of any sabotage, destruction of

20     pylons or any other interference with the transmission system taking

21     place in the territory of Republika Srpska.  Failures mostly occurred in

22     the territory of BH Federation.

23             Discussions between Elektroprenos, this means electro

24     transmission, and the BH Federation took place in the presence of the

25     UNPROFOR representatives, and the necessary repairs and restoration of

Page 36719

 1     damaged transmissions -- transmission lines were carried out.  There were

 2     never any decisions, orders, or instructions to cut off power supply to

 3     federal Sarajevo from the Serb side.  Nobody from the Republika Srpska

 4     ever obstructed the power supplies to Sarajevo.

 5                           [Defence counsel confer]

 6             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I would like to lead live on a

 7     particular document.  Can we have 1D10082.

 8             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

 9        Q.   Dr. Skoko, did you have knowledge or an overview of the amount of

10     electricity delivered to the other side during the war in Sarajevo?

11        A.   Mr. President, first of all, all of the four schematics that have

12     been attached to the documentation for the Tribunal today as well as

13     another document which confirms that in the less than four years of war

14     Sarajevo received 550 million kilowatts of electricity were provided by

15     the Elektroprenos of Bosnia and Herzegovina.  Nowadays it is a unified

16     institution at the level of Bosnia-Herzegovina.  In other words, these

17     documents were received from a BiH institution and its commission, as you

18     can see.

19        Q.   Can you look at the table and tell us what it represents.

20        A.   The table shown indicates the distribution of electricity per

21     year delivered to the Muslim part of Sarajevo.  That is to say, the part

22     of Sarajevo that had allegedly been under complete energy blockade.  I

23     need to correct myself.  I didn't say that there were no problems in the

24     delivery of electricity but there was enough electricity for basic needs.

25     What I assert is true is that when we take the total electricity and its

Page 36720

 1     amount divided over 45 months of the siege of Sarajevo, one easily

 2     calculates that every household received some 308 kilowatt hours of

 3     electricity.  Nowadays in Serbia and many poor countries, 350 kilowatts

 4     of energy is considered the minimum level to satisfy basic human needs.

 5     I cannot discuss whether that electricity was used to this or that end.

 6     It is simply a fact of how much electricity was delivered.

 7        Q.   If it was used to this or that end, or to produce weapons or

 8     something similar, how did that reflect on the supply of households?

 9        A.   In any case, the households simply did not receive the amount of

10     electricity used for other purposes.

11        Q.   Thank you.  I wanted to ask you this.  The map of the electricity

12     system of Bosnia in 1991, what is the provenance and who created it?

13             THE INTERPRETER:  Interpreter's note:  The witness needs to

14     re-start his answer.

15             JUDGE KWON:  Dr. Skoko, could you repeat your answer.  Please --

16     please put a pause before you start answering the question because we

17     have to hear the interpretation of Mr. Karadzic's question.

18             Yes, could you repeat your answer.

19             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I understand.

20             All of the four maps provided as attachments to this -- to the

21     documents, as well as the total of 550 million kilowatt hours is

22     something that was put together by the Elektroprenos of BiH which is a

23     unified institution of the Federation and the RS.  Production is

24     separate, distribution is separate, but Elektroprenos which is to say,

25     distribution, is joint -- is a joint company.

Page 36721

 1             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

 2        Q.   Thank you.  You mentioned a stamp.  What document is it?  It's

 3     the level -- or the report on the level of electricity supplied to

 4     Sarajevo.

 5             THE INTERPRETER:  Could Mr. Karadzic kindly repeat the number.

 6             JUDGE KWON:  Could you repeat.

 7             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Can we look at -- well, can we have

 8     this document that's on the screen admitted.

 9             JUDGE KWON:  So it -- it's your evidence that this document we

10     are seeing in front of us was also produced by Elektroprenos?

11             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Yes.

12             JUDGE KWON:  Ms. Sutherland.

13             MS. SUTHERLAND:  No objection, Your Honour.

14             JUDGE KWON:  We will admit this.

15             THE REGISTRAR:  As Exhibit D3327, Your Honours.

16             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Can we look at 1D10078.  It is

17     attached to the maps.

18             MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]

19        Q.   Tell us what is this?  Who drafted it?  And who certified it?

20        A.   That is the document I just mentioned.  It states that the --

21     that federal Sarajevo, that is to say, the Muslim part of Sarajevo,

22     during the period in time, between 1992 and 1995, received 550 million

23     kilowatt hours of electricity.  This document was provided by

24     Elektroprenos of Bosnia-Herzegovina, which is a unified institution at

25     BiH level.  They certified it.

Page 36722

 1        Q.   Thank you.

 2             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] If this is not part of the

 3     associated exhibits, I tender it, and, for the time being, I have no

 4     further questions.

 5             JUDGE KWON:  I think it is.  And --

 6             THE REGISTRAR:  That's Exhibit D3326 now, Your Honours.

 7             JUDGE KWON:  Dr. Skoko, as you have noted, your evidence in-chief

 8     in this case has, in most part, been submitted in writing, that is

 9     through your statement.  And now you will be cross-examined by the

10     representative of the Office of the Prosecutor, but given the time, we'll

11     adjourn for today.

12             So can I advise you, while you are staying over the weekend at

13     The Hague.  You are not supposed to discuss with anyone else about your

14     testimony.

15             Do you understand that, doctor?

16             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Yes.

17             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Your Excellencies --

18             JUDGE KWON:  Just a second.  Finally, I would like the parties to

19     check D2768, referred to by Ms. McKenna, and come back to the Chamber

20     whether it is, indeed, the identical with the leaflet we dealt with.  I'm

21     not sure about it.

22             Yes, Mr. Karadzic.

23             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I only wanted to have a few minutes

24     on Monday to ask about some studies that were not admitted.  Perhaps I

25     won't even need to tender them, but I wanted to have something confirmed

Page 36723

 1     with the witness and put a few questions only.

 2             JUDGE KWON:  There's no difficulty with it.

 3             Hearing is adjourned.

 4                            --- Whereupon the hearing adjourned at 2.48 p.m.,

 5                           to be reconvened on Monday, the 8th day of April,

 6                           2013, at 9.00 a.m.


