Case No. IT-04-79-PT
Judge Krister Thelin, Pre-trial Judge
Mr. Hans Holthuis
Order of:
27 April 2005
The Office of the Prosecutor:
Mr. Alan Tieger
Counsel for the Accused:
Mr. Branko Lukic
I, Krister Thelin, Judge of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991 ("Tribunal"),
NOTING the "Prosecution’s Motion for Protective Measures for Victims and Witnesses" filed on 24 March 2005 ("First Motion");
NOTING the "Prosecution’s Second Motion for Protective Measures for Victims and Witnesses and Notification of Protective Measures in Force", filed confidentially on 1 April 2005 ("Second Motion");
NOTING the "Order in Relation to the Prosecution’s Motions for Protective Measures" ("Order"), directing that the deadline of Rule 126bis of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence ("Rules") for the filing of a response to the First Motion and Second Motion ("Response"), run from the time that the accused Mico Stanisic ("Accused") is appointed or assigned counsel;
NOTING that Mr. Branko Lukic was appointed pro bono defence counsel for the Accused ("Defence") on 11 April 2005 and that therefore, pursuant to the Order, the deadline of the Response was 25 April 2005;
NOTING that on 26 April 2005, the Defence filed a "Defence Motion for Extension of Time" ("Defence Motion"), requesting an extension of at least three days, from the filing date of the Defence Motion, to file the Response;
NOTING that the Defence has indicated that, due to communication problems with the Registrar (a) it did not receive the First Motion and the Second Motion, and that (b) although Mr. Branko Lukic was officially appointed pro bono defence counsel for the Accused on 11 April 2005, the Defence learnt of his appointment as defence counsel for the Accused through the Office of Legal Aid and Detention Matters of the Tribunal ("OLAD"), only on 26 April 2005;
NOTING that the Office of the Prosecutor does not wish to file a response to the Defence Motion;1
CONSIDERING the "Order Regarding Composition of Trial Chamber and Designating a Pre-trial Judge", issued on 21 March 2005, whereby I was designated pre-trial Judge in the present case;
PURSUANT TO Rules 65ter(C) and 73 of the Rules,
HEREBY GRANT the Defence Motion and ORDER that the Defence file the Response by, and no later than, 2 May 2005.
Done in English and French, the English version being authoritative.
Dated this twenty-seventh day of April 2005,
At The Hague
The Netherlands
Krister Thelin
Pre-trial Judge
[Seal of the Tribunal]