Tribunal Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

Page 13708

 1                           Wednesday, 3 July 2013

 2                           [Open session]

 3                           [The accused entered court]

 4                           --- Upon commencing at 9.36 a.m.

 5             JUDGE ORIE:  Good morning to everyone.  Madam Registrar, would

 6     you please call the case.

 7             THE REGISTRAR:  Good morning, Your Honours.  This is case

 8     IT-09-92-T, the Prosecutor versus Ratko Mladic.

 9             JUDGE ORIE:  Thank you, Madam Registrar.  There was a preliminary

10     matter to be raised by the Defence.

11             MR. IVETIC:  Yes, Your Honour.  I rise in relation to the witness

12     I handled last week, RM279.  On 28th June, 2013, the Prosecution's

13     65 ter --

14             THE INTERPRETER:  Kindly slow down for the interpreters.  Thank

15     you very much.

16             MR. IVETIC:  65 ter number 18589 was tendered and marked as

17     D316 MFI pending upload of an English translation.  The translation has

18     been uploaded by the Prosecution as doc ID number 0320-2965-ET, and we

19     thus would ask that the Registrar attach that document to D316 MFI and

20     that the joint document then becomes an exhibit.  Thank you,

21     Your Honours.

22             JUDGE ORIE:  Since the translation comes from the Prosecution I

23     take it that there's no problem with that.

24             Madam Registrar, you are hereby requested or instructed to attach

25     the English translation to D316, and D316 is admit into evidence.

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 1             Any other matter, Mr. Ivetic?

 2             MR. IVETIC:  None from the Defence, Your Honour.

 3             JUDGE ORIE:  Then we turned for a minute in closed session in

 4     order to allow the witness to come in and to preserve the protective

 5     measures.

 6                           [Closed session]

 7   (redacted)

 8   (redacted)

 9   (redacted)

10   (redacted)

11   (redacted)

12                           [Open session]

13             THE REGISTRAR:  We're in open session, Your Honours.

14             JUDGE ORIE:  Thank you, Madam Registrar.

15             Before you will continue, Mr. McCloskey, I would like to remind

16     you, Mr. Erdemovic, that you're still bound by the solemn declaration

17     you've given at the beginning of your testimony, that is that you'll

18     speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

19                           WITNESS:  DRAZEN ERDEMOVIC [Resumed]

20                           [Witness answered through interpreter]

21             JUDGE ORIE:  Mr. McCloskey, please proceed.

22             MR. McCLOSKEY:  Thank you, Mr. President.  Good morning.  Good

23     morning everyone.

24                           Examination by Mr. McCloskey:  [Continued]

25        Q.   Good morning, Witness.  I would like to take you and show you a

Page 13710

 1     short video-clip, something that you've seen before and that was not very

 2     clear in the -- in the record that we have introduced for you.  It is

 3     P1147, the trial video V000-9265, and we should be starting from

 4     20 minutes and go 15 seconds to 20:15, and then I'll ask you a question

 5     or two.

 6                           [Video-clip played]

 7             MR. McCLOSKEY:

 8        Q.   Okay.  What I want to ask you about is this fellow that we see on

 9     the far right of the screen that is holding his helmet, which I think we

10     should all recall we saw a flash of blue on that helmet, and he gets on

11     the APCs a little bit later with clearly the blue helmet on his head.

12             Do you know who that person is holding that helmet?

13        A.   This is a man from my unit.  His nickname is Cico.  I don't know

14     his real name.

15        Q.   All right.  Thank you.  Now I would like to go to something else

16     that you have seen.  This time I think the video still we can do it.

17     It's -- should be P1148 and e-court page 53.  And you will recall that

18     you have mentioned many times about Pelemis ordering the murder of a man

19     in the centre of town in Srebrenica, and your -- again you have testified

20     about this before, but it is not in our current record.

21             Do you recall seeing the video-clip that goes along with this

22     still?

23        A.   Yes.

24        Q.   And from that video-clip and this still have you been able to

25     identify, well, whether this body is related to the Pelemis order?

Page 13711

 1        A.   Yes.

 2        Q.   And what is it about what you've seen in this -- in this video

 3     and in this still that leads you to believe -- make you any conclusion

 4     about this body and the person that was killed in -- based on Pelemis's

 5     order?

 6        A.   When we came to Srebrenica town itself, I concluded that was the

 7     centre of town in Srebrenica.  That person came out of a building and

 8     said that he was not in the army, that he had nothing against Serbs and

 9     so on, and then the rest of the units came down to the town of Srebrenica

10     from the surrounding mountains, and they began to maltreat him, beat him,

11     and then Pelemis ordered Zoran, whose nickname is Maric, to kill that

12     man.

13        Q.   And do you think this man in this photo is the man that you saw

14     killed?

15        A.   Yes.

16        Q.   And why do you -- how can you conclude that?

17        A.   In this footage that you showed me, I could see the building, the

18     buildings that were in the centre of town, the mosque was there, and how

19     that person was wearing a green jacket and jeans, so I concluded on the

20     basis of those things that that was the place where this happened.

21        Q.   And the person that you say was wearing jeans and a -- and a

22     jacket, do you see similar garments on this person in this video and this

23     still?

24        A.   Yes.

25             MR. IVETIC:  Your Honour, I'm told there is a problem with

Page 13712

 1     translation.

 2             JUDGE ORIE:  I didn't hear you, Mr. Ivetic.  Could it be that

 3     there's voice distortion, that we plugged in in the right --

 4             MR. IVETIC:  I think the problem is with the translation of the

 5     English, Your Honour.

 6             JUDGE ORIE:  Translation of the English.  Is Mr. Mladic on the

 7     right channel?  I'll switch for a second to the -- I hear B/C/S on

 8     channel 6.  Volume, right channel?  I'm still hearing myself translated

 9     into B/C/S.  Anyway to use another socket?

10             You now can hear the B/C/S translation?  I see that Mr. Mladic is

11     nodding yes.

12             Let's continue.

13             MR. McCLOSKEY:  We can please take this image down and go to

14     another topic.

15        Q.   And, sir, you say on -- I believe it's page 854 of your Rule 61

16     hearing that shortly after the events at this farm you were in a bar and

17     were shot by a member of your unit and that you had to seek medical

18     treatment in -- in Bijeljina that didn't -- was not effective and that

19     someone helped you in further medical treatment.  Can you tell us who

20     that person was that helped you get further medical treatment?

21        A.   Deputy commander of our unit, Kremenovic.

22        Q.   And did you -- where did you go to get that further medical

23     treatment?

24        A.   To the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, to the military hospital,

25     the VMA.

Page 13713

 1        Q.   And did you get an official pass that helped you cross over into

 2     the FRY?

 3        A.   Yes.  Everyone who was in the army had to have a pass in order to

 4     be able to cross from Republika Srpska to the Federal

 5     Republic of Yugoslavia.

 6             MR. McCLOSKEY:  Could we have 65 ter 18127 on the board.

 7        Q.   So we now see this document dated in February, the 11th, 1996, by

 8     General Mladic, and we see your name in number 1.  Is this the pass you

 9     were talking about?

10        A.   Yes.

11        Q.   And do you know what those other people under you are?  Do you

12     know who those people are?

13        A.   No.

14        Q.   And at some point around this time did you ever get issued with

15     a -- a fake ID?

16        A.   Yes.

17        Q.   And where did you go to get that fake ID?

18        A.   To the Bijeljina MUP.

19        Q.   And did you go with any other members of your unit that also got

20     fake IDs?

21        A.   Yes.

22        Q.   And of -- were there any of the members that got fake IDs with

23     you that had actually been it the farm that day and involved in the

24     executions?

25        A.   Yes.  Marko Boskic and Franc Kos.

Page 13714

 1   (redacted)

 2   (redacted)

 3   (redacted)

 4   (redacted)

 5   (redacted)

 6   (redacted)

 7   (redacted)

 8   (redacted)

 9        Q.   All right.  And when you went to get the medical treatment in

10     Belgrade, did you on your own meet with a journalist?

11        A.   Yes.

12        Q.   And did you tell the journalist of your involvement in the farm

13     murders?

14        A.   Yes.

15        Q.   And shortly after that were you arrested by the FRY authorities?

16        A.   Yes.

17        Q.   And did you soon thereafter go in front of an investigating judge

18     in the FRY and again knowledge your involvement in the farm killings?

19        A.   Yes.

20        Q.   And a short time after that did you then come to The Hague to

21     this Tribunal and eventually plead guilty?

22        A.   Yes.

23             MR. McCLOSKEY:  Mr. President, I have nothing further.

24             JUDGE ORIE:  Thank you, Mr. McCloskey.

25             Before I give Mr. Stojanovic an opportunity to cross-examine the

Page 13715

 1     witness, I have one or two questions for you, Witness.

 2             The fake ID -- ID that was issued to you by the Bijeljina MUP, I

 3     think you said, how was that to be used and when was it issued?

 4             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I cannot remember precisely when

 5     the fake documents were issued, but the command just told us to go to the

 6     Bijeljina MUP and that we would be issued these IDs.  They told us that

 7     we need to do that, that we had to do it.  They didn't explain all the

 8     reasons why, just that we had to go and get those fake IDs.

 9             JUDGE ORIE:  If you say "command," could you be a bit more

10     specific?  Do you remember which person told you to do so and what his

11     function or rank was?

12             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] It was the commander of our

13     detachment, Lieutenant-Colonel Milorad Pelemis.

14             THE INTERPRETER:  Interpreter's correction:  2nd lieutenant.

15             JUDGE ORIE:  Was it to be used internally within the

16     Republika Srpska, or was it to be used for travelling abroad?

17             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] It was just a personal ID card that

18     could be used only within Republika Srpska and in the

19     Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

20             JUDGE ORIE:  I'm asking you this because the pass that was issued

21     to you so that you could go to Belgrade was issued under your own name,

22     and I wondered whether there was not a conflict between the two

23     documents, the one with your own name on it, the other one a fake ID.

24             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I think that I had to have the pass

25     because I was going to the hospital in Belgrade, and in Belgrade at the

Page 13716

 1     hospital they knew my real name.  I went there under my real name.

 2             JUDGE ORIE:  Thank you for those answers.

 3             Mr. -- yes.  Mr. McCloskey, you stayed well within your

 4     30 minutes, so I take it that you would use the time to tender the pass

 5     or --

 6             MR. McCLOSKEY:  Mr. President, I've -- I just wanted to clean up

 7     what we had.  We had that document yesterday that had a stamp from an old

 8     case on it as you recall.

 9             JUDGE ORIE:  Yes.

10             MR. McCLOSKEY:  We now have a new document now that has been

11     uploaded.  It's 00399985, which if we could replace that -ET-1.  If we

12     could replace that and get rid of the other one.

13             JUDGE ORIE:  So to replace the other one.

14             MR. McCLOSKEY:  Yes.

15             JUDGE ORIE:  And put this one in its place.

16             MR. McCLOSKEY:  Yes, and you can see that at transcript 13705,

17     lines 1 through 5.

18             JUDGE ORIE:  Madam Registrar is hereby instructed to replace the

19     document bearing a stamp of the previous case with a clean copy for this

20     case --

21             MR. McCLOSKEY:  And the document --

22             JUDGE ORIE:  -- as -- on the basis of the numbers given by you.

23             MR. McCLOSKEY:  And the document I had just mentioned, the pass,

24     I also have noticed it has a stamp on it as well, and that's 18127.  So

25     we'll do the same process and get that --

Page 13717

 1             JUDGE ORIE:  Yes.  Nevertheless, I'd like to have already a

 2     number assigned to it so we can decide on its admission into evidence but

 3     it's then generally understood that it is a clean copy of the same

 4     document.

 5             MR. McCLOSKEY:  Thank you.  Then I would offer that into

 6     evidence.

 7             JUDGE ORIE:  Madam Registrar.

 8             THE REGISTRAR:  May I have 65 ter number, please.

 9             MR. McCLOSKEY:  That was 18127.

10             THE REGISTRAR:  Therefore, document 18127 receives number P1677,

11     Your Honours.

12             JUDGE ORIE:  P1677 is admitted into evidence, and leave is

13     granted already to Madam Registrar to replace the now uploaded copy with

14     the stamp of the previous case with a clean copy, the number to be

15     provided and the document to be uploaded by the Prosecution.

16             MR. McCLOSKEY:  And, Mr. President, I do have the -- the list of

17     associated exhibits.  I can deal with that when you wish.

18             JUDGE ORIE:  We could deal with them now.  Let me just have a

19     look.  Associated exhibits.  I think we have dealt with two of them, the

20     testimony, 29019 and 29020.  It is a rather long list, Mr. McCloskey.  I

21     suggest the following:  That Madam Registrar prepares a list for the

22     ones, unless there's any change, and I'm reading from a document dated

23     the 1st of July, 2013, being the last version, as far as I understand,

24     and let's see whether there's any -- have you used any of those?  I don't

25     think so.  These are really associated exhibits.

Page 13718

 1             Madam Registrar will prepare a list containing the 65 ter

 2     numbers, the provisionally assigned exhibit numbers, and a short

 3     description, and we can deal with those then on a rather quick basis by

 4     hearing from Mr. Stojanovic whether he has any objections.

 5             Mr. Stojanovic, could you already inform us on whether there will

 6     be objections against any of those appearing on the list of the

 7     1st of July?

 8             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] At this moment, no, Your Honour.

 9     We have no objection to any of the exhibits on the list.

10             JUDGE ORIE:  There are 11 remaining, I think.  We'll receive the

11     list from Madam Registrar.  We'll again verify whether there are any

12     objections looking at that list, and then we'll decide on admission.

13             MR. McCLOSKEY:  Thank you, Mr. President.  I would like to delete

14     one exhibit because it was the fuzzy -- a fuzzy still of the blue

15     helmeted person, and that is -- that we went over with the video, so I

16     would like to delete from the list 05205, otherwise the list stands.

17             JUDGE ORIE:  So then ten, Madam Registrar, will remain to be

18     included in the list with the provisional assignment of exhibit numbers.

19             Mr. Stojanovic, are you ready to cross-examine the witness?

20             Mr. Erdemovic, you'll now be cross-examined by Mr. Stojanovic.

21     Mr. Stojanovic is a -- is counsel for the Prosecution [sic] of

22     Mr. Mladic.

23                           Cross-examination by Mr. Stojanovic:

24        Q.   [Interpretation] Good morning, sir.

25        A.   Good morning.

Page 13719

 1        Q.   I should like to ask you to tell the Court the main reason why

 2     you decided to leave the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina and move to

 3     Republika Srpska.

 4        A.   The principal reason was that I was helping Serb residents in the

 5     area of Tuzla to move to Republika Srpska, and I was arrested for that.

 6     At that time, one of the people whom I had helped, together with his

 7     family, to move to Republika Srpska promised me that he would help me to

 8     go to Switzerland.

 9        Q.   Did you receive any monetary remuneration for transferring Serb

10     residents to Republika Srpska?

11        A.   I received only money for the fuel, because petrol was very

12     expensive.  I got money to be able to tank up to drive these people, and

13     they confirmed that when I moved to the side of the VRS.

14        Q.   Did they tell you why the Serb residents were leaving the

15     territory of the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina?

16        A.   Some did give their reasons, others didn't, but I could suppose

17     that they didn't feel safe and they wanted to move to Republika Srpska.

18        Q.   How many people in total, to the best of your recollection, did

19     you move to Republika Srpska?

20        A.   I cannot give you a precise answer.  I would not wish to say

21     that.  I don't know, perhaps 50, perhaps 60.  I can't tell you exactly.

22        Q.   How much time did you spend in prison in Tuzla on account of

23     these activities?

24        A.   I was not in prison.  I was in the military remand prison,

25     perhaps three, four days.  I can't remember exactly.

Page 13720

 1        Q.   They suspended your remand.  They allowed you to go free and to

 2     make your case while at liberty.

 3        A.   No.  Instead they sent me to the detention centre of the HVO, and

 4     it was then they told me that I would probably be tried.  I couldn't

 5     understand why, because as far as I could understand, I had not done

 6     anything against the law.

 7        Q.   Did you get married after moving to Republika Srpska?

 8        A.   I didn't get married, but I lived together with that person.

 9        Q.   You spoke about your arrival in Republika Srpska, and in your

10     statement which is now an exhibit in this case you mentioned a man called

11     Zoran Manojlovic.  Do you remember that?

12        A.   Yes.

13        Q.   I should like to ask you to tell us who Zoran Manojlovic is, and

14     how did you see his role in the establishment of the unit that you

15     joined?

16        A.   When I came to Bijeljina, that person of Serb ethnicity whom I

17     had helped move from the area controlled by the BH Army and the HVO did

18     not keep the promise to help me move abroad from Yugoslavia, move to

19     Switzerland.  He had promised that to me and the girlfriend I was living

20     with at the time.

21             In Republika Srpska a mobilisation was underway, and everyone who

22     was fit to serve in the army had to join.  First of all, from

23     Republika Srpska some men in some units started to mistreat me, tell me

24     that I couldn't stay there, that I had to join the army.  So from

25     Republika Srpska I went to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia --

Page 13721

 1        Q.   Let me stop you here for a moment.  My question was:  How did you

 2     make contact with Zoran Manojlovic, and who is he, and what was his role?

 3        A.   I made contact with Zoran Manojlovic because individuals of Croat

 4     ethnicity had already been in contact with Zoran Manojlovic, and as far

 5     as I was able to see, he was the commander of that unit that consisted of

 6     six Croats, one Slovene, and one Muslim.  That was a unit attached to the

 7     Main Staff.

 8        Q.   Where were they physically located when you joined that group of

 9     six or seven men?

10        A.   At Dvorovi near Bijeljina.

11             THE INTERPRETER:  Interpreter's note:  Could counsel speak into

12     the microphone, please.

13             JUDGE ORIE:  Mr. Stojanovic, could you speak into the microphone

14     when you put questions to the witness.

15             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] I understand, Your Honour.  I

16     will try this way.

17        Q.   Tell me, what did Zoran Manojlovic tell you?  What kind of unit

18     was that, and what were your tasks to be?

19        A.   Before making contact with Zoran Manojlovic I had spoken to two

20     or three Croats I had known from before from Tuzla, and they told me that

21     it would be a sabotage unit that would go behind enemy lines.

22        Q.   Did Zoran Manojlovic have rank, and what was his relationship to

23     the Main Staff?

24        A.   As far as I remember, they addressed him as Captain.  I don't

25     know if that was his real rank, but I know that he was in contact with

Page 13722

 1     Colonel Petar Salapura.

 2        Q.   Did you at any time before June 1995, you as a unit receive

 3     directly any assignments or orders from Petar Salapura, or did all the

 4     orders come through your commanders?

 5        A.   Through our commanders.  All the orders I received were received

 6     through the commanders of our unit.

 7        Q.   Did there come a time when you were sent for training in the

 8     tasks that this unit was meant for?

 9        A.   Individuals from my unit did go, but at that time I didn't go for

10     the training in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

11        Q.   What was the relationship between Zoran Manojlovic and that

12     multi-ethnic unit?  What was his attitude to this multi-ethnic unit and

13     you personally?

14        A.   He was friendly.

15        Q.   You personally had no problems with Zoran Manojlovic while he was

16     commander of that unit; is that correct?

17        A.   Yes.

18        Q.   At one point there occurred a change in the command staff, and

19     2nd Lieutenant Pelemis became your commander.  Can you tell me when?

20        A.   I believe that was in 1994, in October, I think, but I can't

21     remember exactly.

22        Q.   After Pelemis arrived, did your unit get or second platoon based

23     in Dragasevac?

24        A.   Yes.

25        Q.   Would I be right in saying that when Pelemis arrived there

Page 13723

 1     occurred a change in the method of operation and the method of employment

 2     of that unit to which you belonged?

 3        A.   Yes.

 4        Q.   Could you explain to the Court what kind of change occurred.

 5        A.   First of all, the unit was expanded, as you already mentioned.

 6     Candidates were inducted into the unit from all areas of

 7     Republika Srpska, including the Vlasenica platoon.  They were an assault

 8     brigade of sorts.  They did not hold positions on the front line.  They

 9     carried out sabotage actions.  So in that sense, our unit sometimes went

10     to hold positions on the front line above Sekovici, whereas the platoon

11     from Bijeljina did not do that.

12        Q.   Was there a change in the commander's attitude towards you as a

13     non-Serb component of the unit that he commanded?

14        A.   I'm not going to speak for other people.  It's up to them to say

15     what their relationship with Pelemis was like, but my relationship with

16     him was not so good.

17        Q.   As a person who established that unit, Zoran Manojlovic wanted

18     to have a multi-ethnic, multinational unit as a part of the

19     Army of Republika Srpska; correct?

20        A.   Yes.  That was his purpose, his objective.

21             JUDGE ORIE:  Mr. McCloskey.

22             MR. McCLOSKEY:  Objection.  That assumes a fact not in evidence,

23     that he actually established the unit to the degree he's referring to the

24     testimony, fine, but establishing the unit is a fairly significant thing

25     that we have not seen.

Page 13724

 1             JUDGE ORIE:  Mr. Stojanovic, do you accept that that's not yet

 2     been established?  You were asking about the attitude of the person you

 3     mentioned in relation to the multi-ethnicity of the unit irrespective of

 4     whether he could be -- could be called the person who established it.

 5             And could you then respond to that question, Witness, which is

 6     whether Mr. Manojlovic wanted to have a multi-ethnic, multinational

 7     unit -- oh, you have answered that already.  Yes.  Yes.  I missed that.

 8             Mr. Stojanovic, next question, please.

 9             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Thank you, Your Honour.  Thank

10     you to the Prosecutor as well.

11        Q.   I'm just going to ask you this, perhaps you can give an answer.

12     This idea of a multi-ethnic unit, was that an idea that Zoran Manojlovic

13     implemented and it was the idea of the Main Staff, or was it his idea

14     that he propose to Salapura and the Main Staff?

15        A.   I never discussed this with Zoran Manojlovic, so I'm not able to

16     answer this question, unfortunately.  All I can say is that it was his

17     idea to have a special unit, but I don't think that he thought about the

18     personnel or the ethnic belonging of -- of the members.  He just wanted

19     to have a special unit, and this is something that we would talk about

20     when he came to the unit.

21             JUDGE ORIE:  Now, in the question, Witness, mention was made both

22     of Mr. Manojlovic and of the Main Staff.  Let me just see whether I

23     understood it.

24             You mean that even for Mr. Manojlovic it is true that he just

25     wanted to have a special unit irrespective of its ethnic composition?

Page 13725

 1             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Yes.

 2             JUDGE ORIE:  Next question, please, Mr. Stojanovic.

 3             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation]

 4        Q.   In order to avoid any contradictions for the transcript, I just

 5     wanted to ask you again.  You said what the position was of

 6     Stojanovic [as interpreted] regarding the ethnic composition.  Could you

 7     please repeat that.

 8        A.   Well, he had a friendly attitude.  I said earlier that this was

 9     not important to him who was of what ethnicity.  This was something that

10     he never demonstrated in relation to me or others.  I don't know what his

11     personal opinion is what he -- his thoughts were in his head compared to

12     what he was telling us.  I'm just saying what his conduct was.

13             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honours, my colleague has

14     just drawn my attention to the fact that a wrong name was recorded.

15     Instead of "Stojanovic" -- instead of "Manojlovic" it says "Stojanovic."

16     This is page 17, line 23.  So I just wanted to clarify that in order to

17     prevent any kind of mistakes or misunderstandings in the transcript.

18     Thank you.

19             JUDGE ORIE:  Yes.  Where you referred to the position taken by

20     Mr. -- logically Mr. Manojlovic, the transcript reads "Stojanovic," but

21     also with a sign that it will be reviewed after this session.  That is

22     clear.

23             You've received an answer to your question, Mr. -- yes, you've

24     received an answer to that question.  Please proceed.

25             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Yes.  Thank you.

Page 13726

 1        Q.   Now I would like to move to specific questions that relate to the

 2     events in Srebrenica.  Your first assignment --

 3             JUDGE ORIE:  Before you do so, could I put one follow-up question

 4     to the witness.  You said the unit was later expanded.  Now, those, if I

 5     could say so, the newcomers, were they Serbs, or were they Croats or

 6     Muslims or a mixture?  So I'm not talking about the original composition,

 7     but you said a team, the unit expanded.

 8             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] All the other persons who joined

 9     our units were -- our unit were Serbs.

10             JUDGE ORIE:  Thank you.  Please proceed, Mr. Stojanovic.

11             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Thank you.

12        Q.   On the topic of the action in the second half of June 1995 and

13     the entry into the town of Srebrenica, this is something that you already

14     testified about.  I just wanted to ask you a few things.  Could you

15     remember the specific task that you were given?

16        A.   In the morning when I came to the barracks in Bijeljina, I was

17     told that we were going out on an assignment.  We were told to go and --

18     to go home, to take another uniform, and to return to the barracks right

19     away because we were going out on an assignment.  And then when we came

20     back, when we started to put the things and the weapons in the bus, they

21     told us that we were going in the direction of Bratunac and that they --

22     we -- there we would meet up with the Vlasenica platoon.  When we came to

23     Bratunac, the persons were not there yet from the Vlasenica platoon, so

24     we were told to wait there for the whole unit to assemble.

25             I don't know how long we spent there.  The unit from Vlasenica

Page 13727

 1     arrived, the platoon, and then they told us after that that we should

 2     board trucks and go in the direction of Srebrenica.

 3             We went to Srebrenica from Bratunac through woods and mountains

 4     in our military vehicles.  In the evening on the 10th, we came to the

 5     outskirts of Srebrenica, to an elevation, and --

 6        Q.   [Microphone not activated]

 7             THE INTERPRETER:  Microphone, please, for the counsel.

 8             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation]

 9        Q.   I would just ask you to pause here for a moment and then we will

10     continue on this topic but just one more thing before the break.  In the

11     second half of June there was an action directed at the centre of

12     Srebrenica through the mine.  What was the task that you were given, if

13     you can remember?

14        A.   We were supposed to enter Srebrenica through the mine and to try

15     to disrupt the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, their soldiers who were in

16     Srebrenica, so that we would get them to surrender to the

17     Army of Republika Srpska, to surrender and ...

18        Q.   Did you get the order from the commander of your unit, Pelemis?

19        A.   Yes.

20        Q.   And did this order contain any instructions regarding the

21     civilian population?

22        A.   No.

23        Q.   Were you told at which facilities your actions were supposed to

24     be directed?

25        A.   The way they explained it, they said where the Naser Oric command

Page 13728

 1     was in Srebrenica.  They thought that it was located -- and they told us

 2     where they thought the troops and the police were located in Srebrenica.

 3        Q.   Does that mean that the task was to carry out actions against the

 4     facilities of the army and police in the town of Srebrenica?

 5        A.   Yes.

 6        Q.   How many people took part in the action?

 7        A.   I cannot remember the precise number, but I think it was most of

 8     our unit, both from Bijeljina and the contingent from Vlasenica.

 9        Q.   How long was the action once you came out of the mine?

10        A.   We didn't stay long, perhaps 20 minutes.  Only two shells were

11     fired from hand-held shoulder borne weapons.  Perhaps there are a few

12     shots from an automatic rifle and that was that.

13        Q.   Thank you.  I think this is a good moment for the break, and then

14     we will continue with another document after the break.

15             JUDGE ORIE:  We will do that, but before we take the break, could

16     I ask you to clarify your last answer.  You said you didn't stay long.

17     Only two shells were fired from a hand-held shoulder borne weapons and a

18     few shots from automatic rifles.  Are you talking about fire by your

19     units or your troops, or are you talking about fire -- incoming fire from

20     the enemy side?

21             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] No.  There was no enemy fire.  We

22     were the ones who fired, the Army of Republika Srpska.

23             JUDGE ORIE:  Thank you.  We'll --

24             JUDGE FLUEGGE:  One -- one follow-up question, just briefly.

25             What was the target you fired at or the members of your unit

Page 13729

 1     fired at?

 2             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] As I already said, at two locations

 3     where our commander explained to us the Bratunac unit brigade members

 4     were who helped us get through the Bratunac tunnel, they were familiar

 5     with the tunnel, they explained where the Naser Oric command was and

 6     where the police station was and the army.  The shells were fired at

 7     those two facilities.  Grenades were fired at each one of those

 8     facilities, and then automatic rifle fire was opened, but this is not

 9     something that lasted a very long time.

10             JUDGE FLUEGGE:  Were these buildings typical military buildings,

11     barracks or something like that, or how can you describe it?

12             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I think one of the buildings was

13     just a regular buildings, like a normal building, and the other facility

14     was a hangar.

15             JUDGE ORIE:  We will take the break, but not until after the

16     witness has left the courtroom, but we first need to go into

17     closed session for that purpose, and we'll resume in closed session at

18     five minutes to 11.00.

19                           [Closed session]

20   (redacted)

21   (redacted)

22   (redacted)

23   (redacted)

24   (redacted)

25   (redacted)

Page 13730

 1   (redacted)

 2   (redacted)

 3   (redacted)

 4   (redacted)

 5                           [Open session]

 6             THE REGISTRAR:  We're in open session, Your Honours.

 7             JUDGE ORIE:  Thank you, Madam Registrar.

 8             Mr. Stojanovic, you may proceed.

 9             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation]

10        Q.   Sir, before the break you mentioned it.  Can you please tell us

11     the weapons from which those two projectiles were fired?

12        A.   These were two zoljas, hand-held launchers.

13        Q.   Thank you.  Can you tell us how long it took you to pass through

14     the mine pit, through the tunnel that you passed through?

15        A.   I cannot remember exactly, but it did take a while.  I think it

16     took over two hours.

17        Q.   And the fire from the zolja, was that fired by your unit or the

18     Vlasenica unit?

19        A.   It was members of our unit who fired.

20        Q.   You received orders from your commander, Pelemis, in the course

21     of the action itself, right; is that correct?

22        A.   Yes.  He was there with us as we were going through the mine.  We

23     received our orders before we entered the mine.  They told us what needed

24     to be done.

25        Q.   If I stop for a moment, it's because I'm just waiting for the

Page 13731

 1     interpretation, because we speak the same language.  So don't worry about

 2     that.

 3             In the Army of Republika Srpska, did you have any training

 4     regarding the tasks that you were performing?

 5        A.   Yes.  Yes.

 6        Q.   Could you tell us where and what kind of training?

 7        A.   In the beginning when we were just the eight of us in the unit,

 8     we underwent training from an officer who was in our unit.  He was a

 9     former JNA officer, and he was a sabotage operative.  He taught us to use

10     explosives and other things.  This took place in Bijeljina.

11        Q.   After Zoran Manojlovic left, this officer stopped working with

12     you; is that correct?

13        A.   Yes.

14        Q.   And in the JNA, did you have any kind of specialist training

15     about the use of explosives, dynamite, or anything like that?

16        A.   No.

17        Q.   You already had combat experience from Vukovar; correct?

18        A.   Yes.

19        Q.   Where did you serve your regular military service -- correction:

20     Where did you serve around Vukovar?  Where was that combat?

21        A.   Honestly, I can't believe [as interpreted] the place close to

22     Vukovar where we were based.

23        Q.   In the Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina or in the HVO, did you undergo

24     any specialised training as to how to use explosives and how to conduct

25     sabotage operations?

Page 13732

 1        A.   No.

 2        Q.   While you were with that unit, did you receive a military rank?

 3        A.   When the unit was expanded, I was commander of the first group in

 4     the Bijeljina Platoon.  I had the rank of sergeant.  However, due to a

 5     disagreement with Pelemis, I was stripped of that rank later.  I became a

 6     private again.

 7             JUDGE ORIE:  The answer to the last question, we find that in

 8     the -- in the testimony which was admitted into evidence, and for all the

 9     previous questions the Chamber is lost as far as the relevance is

10     concerned.  I mean, whether you are trained in explosives, yes or no,

11     seems to be rather far away from what the Prosecution is dealing with in

12     the evidence presented, that is to participate in executions of persons

13     who were unloaded from buses by the hundreds.  So therefore, we do not

14     see whether to be trained or not to be trained in -- in explosives plays

15     any role in that, but if you could make it clear to us, then please do it

16     with such focused questions that we are able to follow it.

17             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Thank you, Your Honour.  I shall

18     do that.

19        Q.   Just tell me, when were you stripped of the rank of sergeant?

20        A.   I can't remember exactly when, but I know there was a difference

21     of opinions between me and Pelemis, because I had said that an operation

22     could not be carried out because it would cause civilian casualties.

23     Pelemis did not believe me.

24             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Could we call up in e-court

25     65 ter 05677.

Page 13733

 1        Q.   You have the document before you, and I should like us to look at

 2     it together.  Before the break you were saying that on the 10th of July

 3     you set out to carry out the task related to Srebrenica.  We see at the

 4     top:

 5             "Pursuant to the order of the Republika Srpska Army Main

 6     Staff - Intelligence Sector, strictly confidential number 12/45-852,"

 7     dated "10 July 1995, "related to the movement of the elements of the

 8     unit, I hereby order."

 9             The first thing I want to ask you:  Did you ever see this order

10     coming from the intelligence sector of the VRS Main Staff?

11        A.   Yes.  The Prosecutor showed it to me when I testified in the

12     Karadzic case, I believe.

13        Q.   Can you remember who signed this document ordering the movement?

14        A.   Milorad Pelemis.

15        Q.   And do you know who signed the order originating from the

16     intelligence sector of the VRS Main Staff?

17        A.   What do you mean do I know who signed it?

18        Q.   I'll try to put this question differently.  Who issued

19     assignments to Milorad Pelemis as the commander of your unit?

20        A.   From what I was able to see and find out, it was

21     Colonel Petar Salapura.

22        Q.   In this document you have before you, it says that it was the

23     commander, 2nd Lieutenant Milorad Pelemis, who ordered elements of your

24     unit to move.  Do you see that?

25        A.   Yes.

Page 13734

 1        Q.   But please look, who signed this document?

 2        A.   Milorad Pelemis, 2nd lieutenant.

 3             JUDGE MOLOTO:  Could we see the end of the English version,

 4     please.

 5             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation], Your Honour.  We need to see

 6     the end of the document and zoom in on the signature and stamp.

 7        Q.   And then when you take a better look, can you see that this

 8     signature is by Franc Kos, and it says, "For the commander"?

 9        A.   I don't know whether this is how Franc Kos signed himself, but I

10     can see in English that it's signed by Franc Kos.

11             JUDGE ORIE:  Is there any dispute about the signature, who signed

12     this document?  Apparently you are -- Mr. McCloskey.

13             MR. McCLOSKEY:  Mr. President, I -- I really don't know.  I just

14     would go on what the witnesses say.  I have no reason to disbelieve the

15     CLSS's reading of it.

16             JUDGE ORIE:  Yes.  Okay.  Please proceed.

17             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Thank you.

18        Q.   On the 10th of July, tell us what were the responsibilities, the

19     duties of Franc Kos in your unit?

20        A.   He was the commander of the Bijeljina Platoon.

21             MR. McCLOSKEY:  Excuse me, Mr. President.  Before we go on, could

22     we agree that this document can come into evidence so we don't forget?

23             JUDGE ORIE:  Yes.  I take it that you want to tender this, Mr. --

24     we'll then wait until the Defence deems the time there to -- to do it.

25     Please proceed.

Page 13735

 1             JUDGE MOLOTO:  How does one realise -- find out from the B/C/S

 2     version that this is signed by Franc Kos?  Well, I see the signature,

 3     yes.  Okay.  Please proceed.

 4             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Thank you.  That is why I wanted

 5     us to zoom in on this part.

 6        Q.   Do you know whether Franc Kos had authority from your commander

 7     to sign such orders on his behalf?

 8        A.   I cannot answer that.

 9             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Could we now look at the same

10     page on the B/C/S but zoom out and see the first page in the English

11     version.

12        Q.   Here under number 7 we see your name, and it is indicated that at

13     that moment, on the 10th of July, you were a sergeant.  Does this change

14     your earlier position that at that time you had no particular duties or

15     rank?

16        A.   As I've always said, I did not see this document then, and I can

17     only tell you what my unit commander had told me, that he had no trust in

18     me, that I'm not a sergeant, and I was never told that I would become a

19     sergeant again.  Only later at some celebration of our unit at

20     Dragasevac, footage of which I was shown by the Prosecutor, that was the

21     time when I got the rank of sergeant, in August-September 1995.  And my

22     contract also says that I'm a sergeant.  This document says that I'm a

23     sergeant.  And then they tell me that I got the rank of sergeant only in

24     July or August 1995.  That's what's shown on that footage.  I don't know

25     why that happened, but after that operation that I refused to carry out,

Page 13736

 1     I was told by my commander that I was no longer going to be a sergeant

 2     and no longer going to be the commander of our group in Bijeljina.

 3        Q.   Do you agree that what you are saying runs counter to all the

 4     documents you've mentioned, the contract that you signed, the order dated

 5     the 10th of July, and the video recording of that celebration and the

 6     awarding of decorations where you were indicated as a sergeant?

 7             JUDGE ORIE:  Mr. McCloskey.

 8             MR. McCLOSKEY:  Objection.  That doesn't make logical sense, and

 9     it's not correct.

10             JUDGE ORIE:  Whether it's logical or not, you're referring to a

11     ceremony, Mr. Stojanovic.  Could I first hear from you what ceremony

12     exactly you are referring to.  The order is clear, appointment -- we also

13     understand what you're referring to.  Whether it's logical or not is a

14     different matter, but the ceremony was -- Mr. Stojanovic, which ceremony?

15             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honours, the recording of

16     that ceremony is on the Prosecution exhibit list.  The witness has

17     answered, and I can answer.  That was the ceremony of celebration, and

18     the recording shows the 10th Sabotage Detachment and the decorations

19     awarded to them.  And that video recording is 65 ter, on the Prosecution

20     list -- just a moment I'm trying to locate this video-clip.  I believe

21     it's 65 ter 22290.  And it was already used in the other case where this

22     gentleman testified.

23             JUDGE ORIE:  Has it been used in this case?

24             MR. McCLOSKEY:  I had not planned to play it, but we can play it

25     very easily, and -- but my objection was based on the fact that this --

Page 13737

 1     my recollection of the video shows that he's promoted to sergeant, not

 2     that he is sergeant.  So it's absolutely against what he said.

 3             JUDGE ORIE:  Mr. McCloskey, I'd like to deal with my problem

 4     first and then if you would not mind deal with the other one.

 5             MR. McCLOSKEY:  Of course.

 6             JUDGE ORIE:  Mr. Stojanovic, if this is a video which is played

 7     in another case, don't expect the Chamber to be aware of it if it's not

 8     admitted, and it apparently is not in any way.  So therefore, if you want

 9     to ask a question about the logic and referring to other evidential

10     material, you should take care that the Chamber is aware of that material

11     so they can follow your logic or lack of logic, especially when

12     Mr. McCloskey thinks that you are misrepresenting what is found on that

13     video.

14             Please proceed.  Mr. McCloskey, does that deal with the matter?

15             MR. McCLOSKEY:  Yes.  I would say perhaps misinterpreting.  I --

16     I'm -- and my memory is not always perfect.  Mr. Stojanovic and I rarely

17     disagree, but my point is that it was consistent with what the witness

18     said, not with his conclusion.

19             JUDGE ORIE:  Yes.  Now, another matter arises:  To what extent

20     being promoted or demoted or being appointed in those positions is really

21     the core of the testimony of this witness or whether it is just an

22     element in the margin, because whether you participate as a demoted

23     sergeant or someone to be promoted as a sergeant in the execution of

24     people unloaded from buses, and that's the evidence the Prosecution

25     presents, may be a marginal issue on the whole matter.  Please proceed.

Page 13738

 1             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation]

 2        Q.   I will ask you this way then:  Is it correct that the document

 3     you have before you and the contract whereby you were inducted into the

 4     Army of Republika Srpska for an indefinite time as a sergeant runs

 5     counter to what you've said today, namely that in July 1995, you were not

 6     a sergeant?

 7        A.   How can I say this to you?  What is the best way to tell you

 8     this?  I don't know.  I didn't see this document until I testified in the

 9     Karadzic case.  The Prosecutor asked me, just as you are asking me, the

10     same question, and then we watched that footage, and then I explained

11     what Pelemis did.  I knew that according to the contract I was a

12     sergeant, but he told me at one point that I was no longer a sergeant or

13     a commander of one group in the Bijeljina Platoon, and then I saw that

14     video recording from late 1995.  I saw that they gave me the rank of

15     sergeant only then.  So I don't know what you make out of that, whether I

16     was a sergeant or not a sergeant.  I saw on the video-clip that it was

17     only then they gave me that rank.  I cannot explain it any better.

18             JUDGE ORIE:  Mr. Stojanovic, the witness has at least been clear

19     that he didn't remember exactly when he was stripped of the rank of

20     sergeant.  Page 25, line 9, "Just tell me, when were you stripped of the

21     rank of sergeant?"  The witness says:  I have no clear recollection of

22     that.  I can't remember exactly.

23             So therefore, the witness has at least shown that being appointed

24     and then being stripped of is something which happened but without

25     details as to when exactly.  Let's proceed.

Page 13739

 1             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation]

 2        Q.   We will come back to the 10th.  In the evening you were in the

 3     wider Srebrenica area; is that correct?

 4        A.   Yes.

 5        Q.   The night of the 10th to the 11th, there were no combat actions

 6     or contact with the BiH Army; is that correct?

 7        A.   Yes, that's correct.

 8        Q.   On the 11th you received a new combat assignment, and I would

 9     like to ask you to tell us what it was according to your best

10     recollection.

11        A.   On the 11th, in the morning, the commander of our unit told us

12     that we would be the first unit to get into the town and that we would be

13     assigned some 15 people from the Drina Wolves, and he told us that we

14     should not fire at the civilian population and that we should be

15     directing the civilian population, if they were still in their homes,

16     that we should call them to come out of their houses and go to the

17     football stadium in Srebrenica.  I don't know where the stadium is, but

18     that's what they told us.

19        Q.   And did you at any point find yourself close to the positions

20     that were bombed by the NATO Air Force?

21        A.   Yes.

22        Q.   Did you reach the first houses of Srebrenica before the NATO

23     bombing commenced?

24        A.   Yes.  We had reached the first houses, and that was when one or

25     two bombs exploded at an elevation close to us, above us, as far as I can

Page 13740

 1     remember.  They were dropped by NATO planes.

 2        Q.   And under whose command were you at that specific point in time?

 3        A.   Milorad Pelemis was there with us in the action.

 4        Q.   And were there any members of the unit noted in the order that

 5     you have in front of you, with you at that time?

 6        A.   Yes.

 7        Q.   In the group that was going towards Srebrenica.

 8             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honours, perhaps this is a

 9     good time, since I'm not going to be using this document anymore, to

10     tender it.  It's 65 ter document 05677.

11             JUDGE ORIE:  No objections, I do understand.

12             Madam Registrar.

13             THE REGISTRAR:  Document 05677 receives number D320,

14     Your Honours.

15             JUDGE ORIE:  And is admitted into evidence.

16             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation]

17        Q.   Up until that point when you reached Srebrenica, were you able to

18     see or hear General Ratko Mladic?

19        A.   No.

20        Q.   Did you know if he was in that area at all until the next order

21     that you received relating to General Ratko Mladic?

22        A.   No.

23        Q.   After entering Srebrenica, you received a new order from your

24     commander, Pelemis.  You received -- you personally received this order.

25     Could you please tell the Trial Chamber what kind of an order it was?

Page 13741

 1        A.   Three other members of my unit and I received an order to go back

 2     to the entrance on the outskirts of Srebrenica, and we were told that we

 3     should form a check-point there and wait for General Mladic to pass, and

 4     when he passed that check-point, we would need to inform our unit

 5     commander about it.

 6        Q.   The incident with the killing of a male that you talked about by

 7     a man nicknamed Maljic had already occurred before General Mladic

 8     arrived; is that correct?

 9        A.   Yes.

10        Q.   And how long did you wait at this newly set-up check-point before

11     General Mladic passed by?

12        A.   I cannot remember precisely, but I think it was one to two hours.

13     I cannot give you a precise answer about that.

14        Q.   And was there any combat underway during that time, shooting,

15     clashes, or anything that would indicate that the warring sides were in

16     combat?

17        A.   No, there were no combat activities, there was no fire.  Perhaps

18     in the nearby woods you could hear shooting above Milici and so on, but

19     in the town itself there were no combat actions.

20        Q.   And do you have an explanation that you could provide to the

21     Trial Chamber and to us regarding the fact that Pelemis said, "Go to

22     Srebrenica.  Don't fire at civilians," and so on and so forth, but then

23     an hour or two later he then issued an order that a man be killed?

24        A.   I cannot explain that to you.  How can I explain that?  I cannot.

25     I didn't understand that myself.  I know that it's incomprehensible when

Page 13742

 1     you tell someone who was not a part of that war about, you know, someone

 2     who would say not to touch civilians and then an hour later would say

 3     that a civilian should be killed.  I cannot explain that, I cannot.

 4        Q.   I will rephrase the question or put it in a different way.  You

 5     personally, did you take it very seriously when he issued an order that

 6     you were not to kill civilians?  Did you yourself take that order

 7     seriously?

 8        A.   Yes, I did.  And even without Pelemis's order, I as a soldier,

 9     would not touch civilians.

10        Q.   Thank you.  As General Mladic was passing by, did he stop at the

11     place where you were or did he just pass the check-point?

12        A.   No, they didn't stop there.  They passed, as far as I can

13     remember.  Mr. Mladic was in a Puh vehicle of the ex-JNA, the

14     Army of Yugoslavia.  There was also a Praga there and I think another

15     vehicle, but I cannot remember it all exactly.

16        Q.   How far was Pelemis from where you were when you reported that

17     General Mladic had passed by?

18        A.   When he issued that order that we should go back to the place

19     where we entered the town, he was in the centre of town.  So I cannot

20     tell you precisely where Pelemis was at that point.

21        Q.   Did you see if at any point in time Pelemis reported or briefed

22     General Mladic?

23        A.   No.

24        Q.   Thank you.  That evening - now we will proceed faster - and that

25     night, you spent in facilities in the town of Srebrenica; is that

Page 13743

 1     correct?

 2        A.   Yes.

 3        Q.   And there were no combat actions, and you did not take part in

 4     any fighting; is that correct?

 5        A.   No.  On the 11th we were told that we would remain in Srebrenica

 6     because we had passed through the mine.  So we were told that we would be

 7     searching the mine.  So when Pelemis came on the 12th, he said that this

 8     did not need to be done, and then in the course of the 11th, during the

 9     evening and the night, there were no combat actions in the town of

10     Srebrenica.

11        Q.   Would it be correct to say that at the point in time when the

12     Army of Republika Srpska entered Srebrenica there was no longer any

13     civilian population in Srebrenica as they had all abandoned the town?

14        A.   Most of them had left.  When we were calling on people to leave

15     their houses, there were perhaps 100 or 200 persons who responded, and

16     they were mostly elderly people.

17        Q.   And what was the conduct towards those persons you found in those

18     abandoned houses in the abandoned town, your conduct?

19        A.   All of us in our unit told them that they should walk in front of

20     us and go to the football stadium.  I don't know where the football pitch

21     was.  I don't know if it existed or not, but anyway, that's where we

22     directed them to go.

23        Q.   On the 12th of July, at some point you set off towards your

24     headquarters, and you did not pass through Potocari and Bratunac.  Would

25     that be correct what I'm saying?

Page 13744

 1        A.   Yes.

 2        Q.   And were you told why you should not go along the

 3     Bratunac-Konjevic Polje-Milici route but should take a different route?

 4        A.   As far as I can remember, we were told that that road was still

 5     not -- I'm trying to find the words in our language, but it's hard,

 6     because the road had still not been secured, that there was still

 7     fighting on that road.

 8        Q.   Because a vehicle broke down, it was only on the night of the

 9     12th to the 13th that you reached your base again; is that correct?

10        A.   Yes.

11        Q.   And then the following two days you attended the funeral of your

12     colleague Koljivrat who was killed.  The funeral was in Trebinje; is that

13     correct?

14        A.   Yes.

15        Q.   And now we come to the 16th, in the morning.  I would like to ask

16     you, if you are able to remember, who was at the base in Dragasevac when

17     you returned from Trebinje that night?

18        A.   All the people from the Bijeljina Platoon were there, and then

19     also some troops from the Vlasenica platoon.  When we came back from

20     Trebinje in the morning, they were there.

21        Q.   Your colleague Koljivrat was killed in a traffic accident on his

22     return from Srebrenica on the 12th of July; is that correct?

23        A.   Yes.

24        Q.   And your unit commander was also injured in the accident; is that

25     correct?

Page 13745

 1        A.   Yes.

 2        Q.   And on the 16th of July in the morning, did you see him anywhere

 3     at the unit command?

 4        A.   I did see him in Dragasevac on the 16th of July.  He had a

 5     Band-Aid on his head.

 6        Q.   And who specifically issued orders to you on the 16th in the

 7     morning?

 8        A.   On the 16th in the morning Brano Gojkovic came to the premises

 9     where we were sleeping, where our beds were in Dragasevac, and he said

10     that I, Zoran Gorenje and Franc Kos should take our weapons and proceed

11     for an action as ordered by Pelemis.

12        Q.   And now we come to the question which prompted us to deal with

13     your rank.  Could you please tell the Trial Chamber who Brano Gojkovic

14     is.

15        A.   Brano Gojkovic is a soldier from the Vlasenica platoon.

16        Q.   Can a soldier from a different platoon issue an order, an

17     executive order, to you or to Franc Kos who at the time was a lieutenant?

18        A.   In our unit it was possible, because if the commander of our unit

19     assigned him to be the commander of the squad for that assignment, then

20     he could issue an order to me or to anyone else that Pelemis assigned to

21     that particular action.

22        Q.   Did you personally see or hear Pelemis issue to him an order that

23     he was supposed to pass on to you?

24        A.   No.

25        Q.   Practically you took his word for it, that it was an order from

Page 13746

 1     Pelemis that he was just passing on.  Is that a correct conclusion?

 2        A.   Yes.

 3        Q.   Did Gojkovic mention you by name when he said it was Pelemis's

 4     order that you should go into a new mission?

 5        A.   Yes.

 6        Q.   Do you know a member of your unit called Dragan Todorovic?

 7        A.   I was asked about that name when I testified in the Karadzic

 8     case, and I couldn't remember.

 9        Q.   Can you remember who was in charge of logistics in Vlasenica for

10     your unit?

11        A.   If I remember well, it was Zoran Stupar.

12        Q.   Thank you.

13             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honours, could we call up

14     in e-court now a part of the transcript from the Popovic case marked

15     65 ter 1D1090, page 14041, lines from 21 through line 6 on the next page.

16        Q.   At some point we'll have to move to the following page, but

17     before we do that I would like to read certain passages.  So, sir, in the

18     Popovic case the Prosecution had called Dragan Todorovic as a witness, he

19     was a member of your unit, and he was examined by my learned friend

20     Mr. McCloskey.  And his evidence ran as follows:  The question by

21     Mr. McCloskey was:

22             "Among this group that you've named that left, do you know who

23     was in charge of the group?"

24             Todorovic answers:

25             "Franc Kos, who was a 2nd lieutenant, signed for the equipment.

Page 13747

 1     If he was not around, Drazen Erdemovic had the rank of sergeant, and he

 2     would have to sign because privates could not sign.  Their signature

 3     meant nothing.

 4             "Q. And you mentioned that Drazen Erdemovic joined this group a

 5     bit later.  Can you tell us more about it?  Do you know under what

 6     circumstances Erdemovic joined the group?"

 7             He answers, and we have to move to the following page:

 8             "Well, quite simply so that he wouldn't stay alone in the unit,

 9     because everybody would go to their homes if their homes were close.  One

10     part of the intervention group that was at the ready had already left.

11     So as he was not going to Bijeljina, he joined the group that left the

12     base."

13             Does the evidence of this witness refresh your memory, first of

14     all, in the sense that it says you were treated as a sergeant at the

15     time, and perhaps you even signed the document on drawing supplies that

16     were issued to you.

17             JUDGE ORIE:  Yes.  Could you take it step-by-step what you put to

18     the witness in detail, Mr. Stojanovic.

19             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] I understand, Your Honour.  I

20     will do that.

21        Q.   So my first question:  Does this passage, where the witness in

22     the Popovic case says that it was either Franc Kos or you as

23     2nd lieutenant and sergeant respectively signed that list drawing

24     supplies, weapons, ammunition, et cetera?

25             JUDGE ORIE:  Mr. Stojanovic, could you please read exactly the

Page 13748

 1     portions you would like to put to the witness.  Let me start with the

 2     first:

 3             "France Kos, who was a 2nd lieutenant, signed for the equipment."

 4             That apparently is not a question but something put to the

 5     witness.

 6              "If hadn't be there," it does not say what or who had not been

 7     there, "it would have been Drazen Erdemovic who would have signed for a

 8     document like this."

 9             That is what the witness says and not as you phrased it.

10             Does this -- did you ever sign a document like that in the

11     absence of Mr. Kos?

12             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Your Honours, if I had signed any

13     document at all, I'm 100 per cent sure it would have been produced here

14     and shown to me.  I never signed anything that had anything to do with

15     withdrawing weapons or being issued with weapons.

16             JUDGE ORIE:  Mr. Stojanovic, you misrepresented the evidence of

17     the witness, what you just read in your questions.  Now, is there

18     anything else you would like to put to the witness in order to see

19     whether it refreshes his memory?  If you do so, please do it literally

20     and not in vague terms.

21             Mr. McCloskey.

22             MR. McCLOSKEY:  I know the practice is sometimes they get the

23     audio of the Serbian, so that may be the explanation, because I know --

24     as you know, he's reading from the Serbian, so that may be what the

25     glitch is.

Page 13749

 1             JUDGE ORIE:  If that's the case, then it should be verified.  Let

 2     me see.  We have a -- one second, please.  Yes.  First of all, if there's

 3     any doubt as to what was -- what is written down in English deviates in

 4     any way from what is written down in B/C/S, then we would have to verify

 5     it.

 6             Mr. Stojanovic, I take it that within your team there's

 7     sufficient knowledge to make a first assessment of any discrepancies.

 8     Perhaps you could take the next break to look at that, the next break by

 9     the way is about to start anyhow.  So please compare what is there in

10     B/C/S and in English, see whether there's a -- any discrepancy.  If so,

11     we'd like to be informed about it.  If not, please stick very much to

12     what the witness really said, because that's not what you put to -- have

13     put to this witness, at least on the basis of the English.

14             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] One request, Your Honour, with

15     your leave.  Could you just tell me where is the misrepresentation of the

16     witness's evidence in my question to this witness in order for me to

17     address it.

18             JUDGE ORIE:  The witness talked about the potential situation,

19     and you are putting it as if either of the two would sign it.  That is --

20     and the witness was talking about such documents, not this document.  A

21     literal reading will make clear to you that it's not exactly the same.

22     Not to say that you intentionally did so, Mr. Stojanovic, but read it

23     carefully and you'll find out, or discuss it with your colleagues.  If

24     there is any doubt remains, then of course you are free to address the

25     Chamber at any point in time.

Page 13750

 1             We -- in order to allow the witness to leave the courtroom, we

 2     will move into closed session and take a break of 20 minutes.

 3                           [Closed session]

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22                           [Open session]

23             THE REGISTRAR:  We're in open session, Your Honours.

24             JUDGE ORIE:  Thank you, Madam Registrar.

25             I take the opportunity to put on the record that as discussed in

Page 13752

 1     closed session the Defence will file its expedited response to a 92 ter

 2     motion in relation to Christopher Lawrence by the 10th of July.

 3             Mr. Stojanovic, please proceed.

 4             MR. STOJANOVIC:  With your leave, Your Honour, in keeping with

 5     the instructions you gave us, we have tried to compare the English

 6     version of the transcript and the transcript which is the official

 7     transcript based on the audio recording of the evidence of this witness,

 8     and we have found significant discrepancies.

 9             JUDGE ORIE:  Work should be done on that.  It is not the official

10     document.  Still, the official document is the English version, and if

11     there's any translation error, then of course it should be corrected, but

12     the B/C/S transcription from the audio is not an official document of

13     this Tribunal, although it may be very helpful, and we're all glad that

14     these transcripts do exist.

15             Then it should be -- it should be verified whether the B/C/S

16     audio is translated accurately in English and whether the English

17     transcript accurately reflects what is the accurate translation.  That is

18     the work that should be done.  And we can't do it at this very moment.

19     Again it seems to be not an issue which is central to the evidence of

20     this witness, but if you have any questions or if it's clear to you how

21     any confusion could be avoided or corrected, you please do so,

22     Mr. Stojanovic.

23             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Yes, Your Honour.  When I tender

24     this exhibit, I will also ask at the same time for this confusion to be

25     addressed, because obviously you were not able to see in English what I

Page 13753

 1     was reading from the B/C/S.  So the misunderstanding and the confusion

 2     are quite understandable, and I understand your objection.

 3             I will continue, with your leave.

 4             JUDGE ORIE:  Yes.  I would like to add one thing, and I'm also

 5     addressing the Prosecution.  The issue was raised not long ago, I think,

 6     and we asked for submissions by the Defence on the matter, if the witness

 7     attests to the accuracy of his testimony, then he does so on the basis of

 8     the audio.

 9                           [Trial Chamber confers]

10             JUDGE ORIE:  We'll discuss this matter later.  The Chamber might

11     want to discuss it among themselves as well.

12             You may proceed, Mr. Stojanovic.

13             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Thank you, Your Honour.  Then we

14     will tender this part of the transcript later when we have seen what the

15     witness really said.

16        Q.   Thank you for your patience, Witness.  Let me ask you this now:

17     Do you remember that at any point you told anyone that you wanted to go

18     on that mission of your own free will?

19        A.   No.

20        Q.   With your leave, I would call up again 65 ter 1D1091, which is

21     again the testimony of Witness Dragan Todorovic, page 2402 -- 24204,

22     excuse me, lines 1 through 23.  Witness Todorovic in his evidence says,

23     among other things:

24             "Q.  Thank you.  And he addressed whom?

25             "A.  He addressed Obrenovic, and I later found out why --"

Page 13754

 1             JUDGE ORIE:  Before you continue to read, it's for the Chamber

 2     important to know who "he" is, otherwise it's difficult to understand.

 3     Was Mr. Todorovic talking about Mr. Erdemovic at that point in time?

 4             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] No.  He was talking about

 5     Pelemis, Your Honour, and the context is --

 6             JUDGE ORIE:  I don't know, and therefore what you usually would

 7     do is to also include the previous page.  Now, you have uploaded only one

 8     page, so I can't look one page back, but apparently you say that the

 9     previous part of the transcript makes clear that Mr. Todorovic is

10     testifying about Mr. Pelemis.  That's -- then please proceed.

11             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Yes.

12             JUDGE ORIE:  Yes.

13             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Thank you.  And I will begin

14     here."

15        Q.   "Q.  And then he turned to Gojkovic and asked for a couple of

16     soldiers because they were supposed to carry out a mission."

17             And the witness answers:

18             "Yes."

19             "Q.  France Kos, was he a lieutenant?  Was he at the base at the

20     time?

21             "A.  Yes.  He took up that role on himself.

22             "Q.  Was Franc Kos a Slovene?

23             "A.  Yes."

24             And now the crux of my question:

25             "Q.  Was Drazen Erdemovic there?

Page 13755

 1             "A. Erdemovic was with me in Trebinje but he volunteered.  He was

 2     not forced to go.  He was a sergeant.  That was his rank."

 3             Now I ask you, Witness which if any part of this evidence by

 4     Todorovic is consistent with your memory; namely, did you really

 5     volunteer to go on that mission?

 6        A.   I don't understand.  It says here that I was with him in Trebinje

 7     and that I volunteered what, to go with him to Trebinje?  What are you

 8     asking?

 9             JUDGE ORIE:  Mr. Stojanovic, there's talk about a mission.  Now,

10     you were kind enough to tell us that "he" is Mr. Pelemis, although that

11     doesn't appear from the transcript itself.  You left out a few lines.

12     That seems to be no major problem either.  It was about quarreling about

13     something.  And then he spoke to Gojkovic.  It's not -- let's just assume

14     that that is again Mr. Pelemis.  And then later it is about a mission of

15     which the transcript doesn't tell us what mission it is.  The only thing

16     it says, that Mr. Erdemovic was with the "he" in Trebinje and that he

17     volunteered.  But again, not volunteering to what.  He was not forced to

18     go -- forced to go where, to do what?  It's totally unclear without

19     further context.  So therefore, I do understand that the witness is

20     unable to answer this question which is so unclear.

21             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] I will -- I will try to deal

22     with it with a different question.

23        Q.   Do you remember, Witness, that you at any point asked to go on

24     that mission yourself?

25        A.   Which one?

Page 13756

 1        Q.   The one you got on the 16th.  On the 16th of July, in the

 2     morning, you received a new assignment.  We discussed this.  The

 3     assignment was conveyed to you by Brano Gojkovic, and you concluded that

 4     it was from Pelemis.  I'm asking you about that mission.  Did you at any

 5     point express your readiness to go on that mission voluntarily?

 6        A.   No.  As I've said already, Brano Gojkovic came to our rooms where

 7     we slept and he told me and Franc Kos and Zoran Gorenje to get ready,

 8     that we are going on a mission, that Pelemis had ordered it.

 9        Q.   Thank you.

10             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Now could we call up in e-court,

11     please, 65 ter 1D1088, page 53, straddling 54 in B/C/S, and page 76 in

12     English.

13        Q.   While we're waiting, this is a statement given to the OTP by

14     Franc Kos after he was arrested in Croatia, and he gave this statement

15     while in detention in Osijek.  And among other things, he says -- let us

16     just wait to get the B/C/S.

17             The Prosecutor asked him, and you can see that in front of you in

18     the B/C/S and in the English, and he mentioned that place, meaning

19     Pilica, and Franc Kos replies:

20              "Yes, and nothing I got out of the office.  At that point I met

21     Erdemovic, and Erdemovic asks the commander, 'Boss, can I go with them?'

22     As well, he asked and the boss commander said, 'Yes, go, go.'

23             "Q.  Pelemis?

24             "A.  Yes, Pelemis told him that he can go too.

25             "Q.  What was your task?"

Page 13757

 1             And Franc Kos replies:

 2             "Guarding and securing of prisoners, probably the same as those

 3     four had, probably."

 4             And then:

 5             "Okay.  But your task at Dragasevac when you went to the

 6     commander, your task was to collect these people, gather these people and

 7     to prepare them for the trip."

 8             So I'm asking you whether you recall.  If at any point in time

 9     you addressed Pelemis in the presence of Franc Kos, asking Pelemis if you

10     could go to that assignment.

11        A.   No.

12        Q.   Do you have any logical explanation why Franc Kos would say

13     something that does not correspond to the truth?

14        A.   Well, I cannot explain that.  How could I explain something like

15     that to you?

16        Q.   Thank you.

17             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] I would like to tender this part

18     of the transcript of Franc Kos's testimony from the 8th of May, 2010.

19             JUDGE ORIE:  That's a 157-page document, Mr. -- you have

20     uploaded.  You want all of this in evidence just for the reason that you

21     read a few lines of it?

22             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] No, Your Honour.  We just wanted

23     to use sections of it.  There will be two.  We will use one more excerpt

24     and then tender that if there are no objections from the other side and

25     if you agree.

Page 13758

 1             JUDGE ORIE:  Yes.  Let me first see exactly what it was in

 2     English that you were reading from.  What page in e-court, I mean.  I'm

 3     talking about 75 and --

 4             JUDGE FLUEGGE:  Seventy-six.

 5             JUDGE ORIE:  Seventy-six.  Let me just ... if you give me one

 6     second.  Because in order to understand it fully what -- what they were

 7     discussing, whether he could join, yes or no, what the tasks were,

 8     et cetera, et cetera, there needs some more context.  That's the reason

 9     why I'm at this moment looking at 75 and also because there maybe other

10     inconsistencies, because being woken up and receiving orders seems not to

11     be fully in line with what we read here.  So therefore, could you

12     carefully consider what we need to understand the portions you read, and

13     if the Prosecution would consider that as well so that we have a

14     selection, a useful selection of this transcript.  That is one.

15             The second, under what rule would you like -- Mr. Stojanovic,

16     under what rule would you like it to be admitted, because this is of

17     course a statement which is prepared for the purposes of this Tribunal,

18     where you would expect that a Rule 92 bis or ter would apply, but you --

19     if you want more than just reading a line of it and to understand it, we

20     need more than one line.  So could you please consider that carefully

21     both from a factual point of view and a procedure point of view.

22             Mr. McCloskey, would you like to add to the problems or --

23             MR. McCLOSKEY:  Hopefully try to resolve something.  This is a

24     perfect candidate for what we've done before.  He's made his point, he

25     read it into the record.  It's very brief.  It's very clear.  There's no

Page 13759

 1     reason to get into the details of this document for actually many of the

 2     reasons you've stated.  I think what they've done is clear.  It's part of

 3     the record.

 4             JUDGE ORIE:  Yes, but then I would like the parties to agree on

 5     what the subject matter exactly is, because there is quite some -- at

 6     least looking at it only for -- for one minute I see that the witness

 7     says, We were woken up in the morning, whereas here it is at least

 8     unclear whether this was all done early in the morning or after a

 9     meeting, a quarrel with Obrenovic.  To understand the context we might

10     need a bit more than lines read.

11             MR. McCLOSKEY:  And, Mr. President, I would say to go deeper into

12     a statement like this, as you have learned, this is -- he's been arrested

13     in Croatia on very serious charges.  He has been questioned by

14     Mr. Blaszczyk as we can see, and Mr. Erdemovic has been very public for

15     many years on his version of events, so you have a person that is saying

16     other things.  And this is not, in my view, the most reliable document in

17     the world, and I think it needs to come in under the Rules of the

18     Tribunal, not -- not under an 89(C) backhanded way.  If any of it's going

19     to come in -- I don't mind what he's read, but when you start having to

20     get in the context and understanding from a document like this I would

21     say no.

22             JUDGE ORIE:  Yes, I do understand.  Well, I invite the parties to

23     seek an agreement on what they would consider to be necessary for the

24     Chamber to understand the testimony of this witness and the portion read

25     by Mr. Stojanovic, whether that would be sufficient, yes or no, but I

Page 13760

 1     already warn you in advance that just those lines in isolation might not

 2     be of great assistance to the Chamber.

 3             Please proceed.

 4             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Thank you for this help.

 5        Q.   Sir, after you were given this assignment from Brane Gojkovic, I

 6     would like you to tell the Trial Chamber how did you understand this

 7     assignment?  What was it to consist of?

 8        A.   They took the -- we took our equipment, weapons.  We got into a

 9     van, and then we went off towards Zvornik.  And in the vehicle

10     Brano Gojkovic and Aleksandar Cvetkovic said that they were supposed to

11     report to someone in a building in Zvornik.  I didn't know who it was

12     that we were supposed to report to or why, but that's what they said,

13     that they would receive other instructions from that person.  So we

14     didn't know until Brano and Aleksandar came out of that building with

15     that lieutenant-colonel.  We didn't know what our task exactly was

16     supposed to be.  I didn't know what it was supposed to be.

17        Q.   And did you get out of the vehicle when you came in front of the

18     Zvornik Brigade command?

19        A.   I don't know whether that was the Zvornik Brigade command.  The

20     van parked in the compound on the left-hand side.  The reception desk or

21     area was on the right-hand side next to the fence.  Brano and Aleksandar

22     went to the building.  They entered the building.  They didn't stay long.

23     We stayed near the van.  We didn't go anywhere.

24        Q.   And this lieutenant-colonel, did he address you at any point?

25        A.   No.

Page 13761

 1        Q.   And who was in the escort of the lieutenant-colonel when you set

 2     off from Zvornik?

 3        A.   Two military policemen.

 4        Q.   And do you know where these MPs were from?

 5        A.   I cannot remember precisely now, but I think that they wore the

 6     insignia of the Drina Corps, but I cannot remember this right now.  I

 7     assumed that they were members of the Drina Corps by the very fact that

 8     they were there.

 9        Q.   And how did you identify this officer as a lieutenant-colonel by

10     rank?

11        A.   He had a tag on his left-hand pocket, uniform pocket.

12        Q.   How long were you driving to the destination where you stopped?

13        A.   It didn't take long from Zvornik.  We stopped at the Pilica farm.

14     I cannot remember exactly how long the trip took.

15        Q.   Before you stopped at the Pilica farm, did you stop off at some

16     school?

17        A.   No, not as far as I can remember.

18        Q.   And the farm, at any point in time did this lieutenant-colonel

19     address you there?

20        A.   No.  As I said before, the lieutenant-colonel spoke with

21     Aleksandar Cvetkovic and Brano Gojkovic only.

22        Q.   Are you able to tell us what Brano Gojkovic told you what you

23     were supposed to do then?

24        A.   Brano Gojkovic said that this lieutenant-colonel said that buses

25     with civilians would start arriving, civilians who were supposed to be

Page 13762

 1     executed at that location, civilians from Srebrenica.

 2        Q.   You did not hear that conversation between Brano Gojkovic and

 3     that lieutenant-colonel?

 4        A.   I did not hear the whole conversation.  I heard some of the

 5     things that they were saying.  I cannot recall that now, but you are

 6     correct, I did not hear the entire conversation.

 7        Q.   And what time of day do you estimate it was when you reached the

 8     farm?

 9        A.   I think that it was approximately 10.00 a.m.  I cannot remember

10     exactly.

11        Q.   I understand that, but this is very important to me because of

12     the questions that follow:  Do you recall saying in the Karadzic case, in

13     your testimony, that it was around 11.00?

14        A.   Well, as I said, I cannot remember.  10.00, 11.00, I don't know

15     precisely what time it was.  It was in the morning, in any case.

16             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Can we please look at

17     65 ter 1D1094 in e-court, page 46 in e-court.  This is part of the

18     Karadzic case transcript.  Lines 20 to 21 and 22.

19        Q.   The question there was:

20             "At what time were you at the farm?"

21             And then you answer:

22             "I can't remember exactly what the time was, but I think it was

23     about 11.00, but I don't know exactly."

24             So my question would be:  Do you stand by this answer that you

25     gave under oath in the Karadzic case?

Page 13763

 1        A.   As I've already said here, perhaps it was 10.00, but I don't know

 2     precisely.  I did not read my testimony over.  I don't know what I said,

 3     but I know that it was around 10.00 or 11.00.  I cannot confirm the time

 4     to you exactly.  If I were to say 11.00, I know that this is not that

 5     precise time.  That's why I'm saying it's not precisely that time.  I --

 6     perhaps it wasn't exactly at 10.00, perhaps it wasn't exactly at 11.00.

 7     Maybe it was earlier or later.  I cannot give you an exact reply.

 8        Q.   But the time that is closest to the actual time according to your

 9     best recollection would be sometime between 10.00 and 11.00; is that

10     correct?

11        A.   Yes.

12             JUDGE ORIE:  The question has been put three times to him.  He

13     says he can say it was during the morning, 10.00, 11.00.  It has been

14     asked three times.  It has been answered three times.  Let's not try to

15     force the witness into anything more than he can tells us.  Please

16     proceed.

17             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation]

18        Q.   And are you able to estimate how much time after you came to the

19     farm did buses begin to arrive?

20        A.   I don't know after how long the buses started to arrive.  How can

21     I explain that to you?  Perhaps it was 15 minutes, perhaps it was half an

22     hour, I don't know exactly.  I didn't have a watch.  I wasn't looking at

23     a watch.  I wasn't paying attention to what time it was, how much time

24     passed before the buses started to arrive.  I cannot tell you exactly,

25     but that lieutenant-colonel still had not even left the farm when the

Page 13764

 1     first buses started arriving, as far as I can remember.

 2        Q.   Who specifically told you to proceed to execute these people?

 3        A.   That lieutenant-colonel told Brano, as I was able to overhear,

 4     that same lieutenant-colonel that had prepared to leave a bit later, said

 5     that people from Srebrenica would be arriving.  I was mistaken when I

 6     said earlier that Brano told us civilians.  Now as I'm trying to

 7     recollect this, I'm not able to swear that he said civilians.  He said

 8     people would be arriving on buses to be executed there.  Brano told us

 9     that.

10        Q.   Did any of you oppose the execution of this task?

11        A.   I did not agree with that.  I believe Franc Kos didn't agree

12     either.  Zoran Gorenje and Marko Boskic, perhaps, I'm not quite sure, but

13     I know that we were not willing to do this.  Then Brano Gojkovic told me,

14     Hand in your rifle, and go stand together with them.

15        Q.   Were you aware of fact that you were doing the most heinous thing

16     imaginable, depriving people of life?

17        A.   Yes.

18        Q.   In the army system, how is it possible for a soldier like

19     Brano Gojkovic to order something like that to a 2nd lieutenant like

20     Franc Kos?  Is that simply possible as a situation?

21             JUDGE ORIE:  Let's ask about facts.  And whether something is

22     possible or not, something -- the impossible turns out to be possible,

23     and the possible turns out to be impossible.  So let's primarily focus on

24     facts and not on these kind of thoughts.  Please proceed.

25             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation]

Page 13765

 1        Q.   I will ask you factually, as the Judge instructs me.  What was

 2     the reaction of Franc Kos, the 2nd lieutenant, upon being issued such an

 3     order by another soldier subordinate to him?

 4        A.   I cannot tell you how Franc Kos felt at the time.  He's the only

 5     one who can tell you that.  How am I supposed to explain it?

 6        Q.   My question was:  Was there any specific reaction on the part of

 7     Franc Kos?  Did he do anything?

 8        A.   In what sense?  What kind of reaction?

 9        Q.   I'll take it one step at a time.  Did Franc Kos say at any point

10     that he did not wish to carry out that order given him by a soldier?

11        A.   Before we came to Pilica, Franc Kos had already accepted that

12     Branko Gojkovic was in command of that group.  As we set out from

13     Vlasenica, Branko Gojkovic and Aleksandar Cvetkovic acted as if they were

14     completely informed about that whole operation.  That was clear when we

15     already set out from Vlasenica.  Franc Kos had accepted already in

16     Vlasenica that Branko Gojkovic was going to be the commander of that

17     group.

18        Q.   Based on what did you conclude that he had accepted already in

19     Vlasenica that Branko Gojkovic would be the commander of that group?

20        A.   I concluded that from the fact that he set out with us on that

21     mission.  That's the only answer I can give you.

22        Q.   How long did the prisoners have to travel from the point where

23     the bus stopped until the site of the execution?

24        A.   I cannot remember exactly.  I've told you 100, 200 metres, maybe

25     more, maybe less.  I can't explain it.  You go on as if I had measured.

Page 13766

 1        Q.   I understand that.  That's why I'm asking you.  You also didn't

 2     count the buses that brought prisoners; is that correct?

 3        A.   Of course I didn't count them.

 4             JUDGE ORIE:  That's already in the evidence, Mr. Stojanovic.

 5     There was an estimate, between 15 and 20, and you don't give such an

 6     estimate if you have counted them.  Could you please try to focus on the

 7     core of the matter.

 8             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation]

 9        Q.   To the best of your recollection, did all or the majority or the

10     minority of the prisoners wear blindfolds?

11        A.   As far as I can remember, only the people on the first bus were

12     blindfolded.  That's the best I can remember.  I can't tell you exactly.

13        Q.   Did you take people from the place where the buses stopped to the

14     site of the execution?  When I say "you," I mean members of your group.

15        A.   Yes.

16        Q.   You spoke in your earlier testimony about the fact that their

17     pockets were searched and they were ordered to empty their pockets.  Did

18     that happen on the walk between the place where the buses stopped and the

19     site of the execution?

20        A.   I believe they were told that when they got off the buses.

21        Q.   You took people out in groups of ten; correct?

22        A.   Yes.

23             JUDGE ORIE:  Mr. Stojanovic, I hear a lot of questions which are

24     answered by the witness in the -- in his previous testimony, and there's

25     no follow-up, so it's just a repetition of what is already in evidence,

Page 13767

 1     such as the first bus, people being blindfolded or not.  Well, you accept

 2     the answer, apparently.  That's what the witness testified before.  Would

 3     you please conduct cross-examination rather than spend time in court on

 4     matters which are unnecessary at this moment.

 5             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Thank you, Your Honour.  I know

 6     that many of these things have been asked already and there are

 7     differences in these statements.  Let me just finish.  This is just an

 8     introduction to what I want to ask.

 9        Q.   I will end with this question:  To the best of your ability to

10     estimate, how long did the whole process take, to take people out of the

11     buses, to take their personal items away, to take them to the execution

12     site and to execute them?

13        A.   I cannot tell you.  I cannot tell you how long that took.  As I

14     told you before, I wasn't looking at my watch and timing how long things

15     lasted, how many buses came, how many people were on them.  It was sheer

16     horror to any human being, and in that situation to think about how many

17     minutes, how many hours it took to count the people, the buses, I'm

18     really sorry, I didn't do that.

19        Q.   But you took part in it, sir.

20        A.   Yes.

21        Q.   You were a witness to that.

22        A.   Yes.

23        Q.   And we're asking you why --

24             JUDGE ORIE:  Mr. Stojanovic, there's no reason to put to a

25     witness that he should know the exact times, numbers, et cetera, because

Page 13768

 1     he was there.  Would you please refrain from doing that.  And would you

 2     please try to conduct cross-examination of this witness.

 3             JUDGE MOLOTO:  Mr. Stojanovic, if you can help me find from this

 4     witness's testimony where he said that personal items were taken from the

 5     people as they came out of the buses.

 6             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Yes, Your Honour.  Bear with me

 7     a moment.  I'm trying to find a reference from one of his earlier

 8     appearances.

 9             JUDGE ORIE:  The part where stepping down from the buses is dealt

10     with is in page 844 of the transcript of the 61 -- Rule 61 proceedings.

11     But if you have found where it says so, please tell Judge Moloto.

12             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Microphone not activated]

13             THE INTERPRETER:  Microphone, please.

14             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] I can't find the exact page that

15     was said in the Milosevic case, and if I'm not mistaken, it's page 26156

16     of the Milosevic transcript, but I may be mistaken.

17             JUDGE MOLOTO:  We were not given the Milosevic transcript, we

18     were given the Rule 61 hearing.  So unfortunately I don't have that.

19             JUDGE ORIE:  And there's one more portion.

20             JUDGE MOLOTO:  One page, a small portion at the end from --

21             JUDGE ORIE:  I think that was Popovic.

22             JUDGE MOLOTO:  From the Popovic case.

23             JUDGE ORIE:  Don't waste our time, Mr. Stojanovic, with referring

24     to evidence which is not even presented by the Prosecution in this

25     respect.  You don't know the page.  You say it's somewhere in Milosevic.

Page 13769

 1     The Milosevic transcript is not in evidence.  Therefore, why put to the

 2     witness what is not in evidence before us?

 3             Please proceed for another five minutes, and I may give further

 4     instructions to you in the break -- before we take the break, but you may

 5     proceed for the next five minutes.

 6             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] I understand, Your Honour.  I

 7     asked the witness if that happened and where.  I did not mean to waste

 8     time.  I'm moving on.

 9        Q.   Sir, you stayed at that location until about 1500 hours when

10     different people came and you concluded those different people were from

11     Bratunac.  Do you think this estimate of 1500 hours is correct according

12     to what you remember today?

13        A.   I'm telling you again I cannot be exact about time.  It could

14     have been 3.00 p.m.  It could have been 2.00 p.m.  I cannot be precise

15     about time.

16        Q.   Did you have ammunition and how much?

17        A.   Yes, we did have ammunition.  What do you mean how much?

18        Q.   I'll ask you specifically.  How much ammunition was issued to you

19     personally on that occasion?

20        A.   I don't know.  I believe 150 rounds.

21        Q.   Did you receive additional ammunition at any point?

22        A.   I cannot remember exactly, but I don't think I got additional

23     ammunition.

24        Q.   Did you see any other member of that group receive any additional

25     ammunition?

Page 13770

 1        A.   When you mean that group, which group do you mean?  My unit or --

 2        Q.   The group of you who came from Vlasenica.

 3        A.   I can't tell you exactly whether anybody resupplied ammunition.

 4     I cannot be sure, but I know that they wanted to use the M-84

 5     machine-gun, and I know Aleksandar Cvetkovic had in his van ammunition

 6     for that weapon, and at one point he used that machine-gun.  I don't know

 7     about the rifles.  I don't know if anybody put in extra ammunition.  I

 8     can't remember.

 9             JUDGE ORIE:  Mr. Stojanovic, what is the point you want to make

10     in this respect about the ammunition so that the Chamber understands what

11     you are eliciting as evidence.  It's totally unclear to me.  Is it that

12     you say you couldn't have killed them because you didn't have sufficient

13     ammunition, or we do not find in the records anywhere that the ammunition

14     was supplemented where perhaps a thousand or more cartridges had been

15     used?  What's the point so we understand what we're listening to.

16             Mr. Mladic apparently wants to consult Mr. Stojanovic.  You have

17     30 seconds if Mr. Mladic keeps his voice down.

18                           [Defence counsel and accused confer]

19             JUDGE ORIE:  Mr. Stojanovic, the issue of ammunition.  I asked

20     you to explain.  Perhaps we could already -- no, we have to --

21             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Yes, with your leave,

22     Your Honours.

23             JUDGE ORIE:  No, because we would have -- if the witness -- we

24     can ask the witness to take his earphones off.

25             Do you understand the English language, Witness?

Page 13771

 1             Mr. McCloskey, you might have some --

 2             MR. McCLOSKEY:  Can we go into private session briefly?

 3             JUDGE ORIE:  We move into private session.

 4                           [Private session]

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 9                           [Open session]

10             THE REGISTRAR:  We're in open session, Your Honours.

11             JUDGE ORIE:  Thank you, Madam Registrar.

12             You may proceed, Mr. Stojanovic.

13             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Thank you.  I apologise.  I will

14     try to complete my examination as soon as possible.

15        Q.   Could you please tell us if you recall after all the events in

16     Branjevo you had any ammunition left in your rifle or your magazine?

17        A.   If I recall correctly, I think that there was some ammunition

18     left over.

19             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Can we look at document 96.

20     This is the statement of Franc Kos.  This is 1D1088, 65 ter document, in

21     e-court.  1088.  Can we look at page 96 in the B/C/S and page 142 in the

22     English.  This is the statement that we had the opportunity to see

23     earlier.  This is Franc Kos's interview with the OTP on the 8th of May,

24     2010.  I'm going to read the relevant part that I would like to focus on.

25     These are lines 28 to 33 in the English, lines 2 to 5 in the B/C/S

Page 13775

 1     version.

 2        Q.   The Prosecutor asks him, Tomasz Blaszczyk:

 3             "Did you fire in the direction of the garage?"

 4             And Franc Kos answers:

 5             "Not right directly at the garage but more towards the bushes."

 6             Tomasz Blaszczyk asks him:

 7             "Okay, what do you think?  How many people were killed that day,

 8     your estimation?"

 9             Franc Kos replies:

10             "On Branjevo the assessment is 650 to 700 people."

11             Now, this is what I would like to ask you:  Would you agree with

12     this estimate by Franc Kos?

13        A.   Would I agree with that?  I don't know.  I cannot answer that.

14     Perhaps that is correct.  Perhaps my estimate is correct.  I cannot tell

15     you how many people it was.  I always emphasised that I did not know and

16     that I did not want to know how many people there were.  It's not that I

17     don't want to know because of those people.  I don't want to know because

18     of my own conscience.

19        Q.   Thank you for that answer.  At one point you mentioned

20     Aleksandar Cvetkovic.  I would like to ask you:  Was he a member of your

21     unit?

22        A.   Yes.

23        Q.   And was he the one who fired from the 84 machine-gun?

24        A.   Yes.

25        Q.   And do you know that he is in Israel and his proceedings for

Page 13776

 1     extradition are underway?

 2        A.   Well, I did hear something about that, but I cannot remember

 3     exactly what.

 4        Q.   Now I'm going to present to you a part of his statement.

 5             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Could I look at 1D1087, 1D1087,

 6     page 31 in the e-court system.

 7             JUDGE ORIE:  Mr. Stojanovic, it may be interesting for the

 8     Chamber to know whether, and you're referring to proceedings against him,

 9     whether those are proceedings for the same events as the witness

10     testifies about here today.  Okay.  Yes.  I didn't know.  You can be

11     extradited for all type of offences, but -- extradition sought by?

12             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] According to my information, in

13     view of my contacts with his family, yes, it is connected with this case.

14     The request is made by the court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the

15     extradition proceedings on this matter are underway in Israel.

16        Q.   Sir, briefly I'm just going to present this document, because we

17     want to establish the truth about all of this.

18             In the interview that Aleksandar Cvetkovic had with the

19     Prosecutor's office, on the 18th of October, 2005, Bruce Bursik showed

20     him this part of your statement.  I'm going to try to do this as fast as

21     possible.  Bruce Bursik:

22             "All right --"

23             THE INTERPRETER:  Could the counsel please indicate where he's

24     reading from.

25             JUDGE FLUEGGE:  Mr. Stojanovic, are these the right pages?  Both

Page 13777

 1     page 31 in English and B/C/S, but they apparently don't correspond.

 2             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Thank you, Your Honour.  In the

 3     English the page is correct.  In the B/C/S it should be page 33 of the

 4     working translation, draft translation that we have.

 5             JUDGE MOLOTO:  Thirty-three of the English.  What is the draft

 6     translation?

 7             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] It should be page 31 of the

 8     English.  The English page is good.  And with your leave, if I may

 9     continue.

10        Q.   You can read here Bruce Bursik tells him:

11             "Erdemovic at one point --"

12             JUDGE ORIE:  Mr. Stojanovic, I have to stop you there.  I think

13     it would have been appropriate to inform the Chamber that this is not a

14     witness statement but it is an interview with a suspect, isn't it?  I see

15     on the first page, which of course is now not -- not on our screens, that

16     the interviewer says:

17             "I first want to advise you that your rights, your status here is

18     that of a suspect, and as such you are entitled to certain rights."

19             So this is a suspect interview and this is not a witness

20     statement which is a relevant difference.  Please proceed.

21             JUDGE FLUEGGE:  From which line are you reading?

22             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honours, I'm reading from

23     line 7 of the B/C/S and line 9 of the English version.  And for the

24     purpose of the transcript, I want to confirm that he was interviewed in

25     the status of a suspect, and I will continue.

Page 13778

 1        Q.   I apologise.  I apologise.  Erdemovic testifies that you,

 2     Aleksandar Cvetkovic, and Brano had the idea to speed up the execution by

 3     using the M-84 machine-gun.  He further states that you positioned the

 4     machine-gun at a spot of firing at a group of ten prisoners, and he goes

 5     further on to say that an argument brought up between yourself and him

 6     with regards of the use of such a weapon.  Can you comment on that?  And

 7     then he answered, Aleksandar Cvetkovic:

 8             "I don't know how to comment.  It's nonsense."

 9             Now I'm asking you this:  What Aleksandar Cvetkovic says in his

10     statement that what you said was nonsense, does that refresh your

11     recollection in any way to indicate that he did not take part in that

12     activity in the manner that you described?

13        A.   Aleksandar Cvetkovic was there at the Branjevo farm, and he used

14     an 84 machine-gun.  As it says in the statement, we had an argument

15     because he was using that.

16        Q.   Thank you.  And now I'm briefly just going to ask you some

17     things.  At any point in time after all of these ugly incidents did you

18     find out that there was some promises to the commander of your unit that

19     he would be compensated in money and gold for everything that was

20     committed in Pilica or Branjevo on that day?

21        A.   Yes.

22        Q.   Could you please tell us about what you know about this and what

23     it was exactly all about regarding this compensation for everything that

24     had been done by you that day.

25        A.   After what happened in Pilica on that day, we came back to

Page 13779

 1     Bijeljina, and in Bijeljina I heard from individuals from my unit, and

 2     this was also confirmed by the deputy commander of our unit when I saw

 3     him, when they came back from that assignment that Pelemis was promised

 4     gold and money for what our unit did in Srebrenica and in Pilica.  I

 5     don't know whether he was actually given the gold and the money.  That's

 6     something I cannot say because I didn't see it, but this was the story

 7     that was going around in Bijeljina.

 8        Q.   And is it correct that Pelemis's lover told your wife something

 9     about this during a trip to Belgrade?

10        A.   As far as I can remember, I cannot remember exactly whether she

11     said that to my wife or not, perhaps she did and perhaps she did not.  If

12     I said something like that, this must have been in my initial statements.

13     I know that Milorad Pelemis had a good time in Belgrade.  They went to

14     hotels and to listen to music.  I mean, these were -- this was the talk

15     in Bijeljina.

16        Q.   [Microphone not activated]

17             THE INTERPRETER:  Microphone, please.

18             JUDGE MOLOTO:  Microphone, Mr. Stojanovic.

19             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Thank you.

20        Q.   And among you who were in that group, was there any talk that the

21     objective of what you were doing was to destroy the entire Bosniak

22     people?

23        A.   I didn't hear any talk of that about the gold being the

24     destruction of the Bosniak people.  Perhaps there was such talk, but I

25     was never present if -- to hear such talk.

Page 13780

 1        Q.   And did you receive any money for everything that happened and

 2     because you participated in these events in the military farm in Pilica

 3     and Branjevo?

 4        A.   No.

 5        Q.   At no point in time did you see with your own eyes how many

 6     people were killed in the cultural hall in Pilica; is that correct?

 7        A.   I don't know how many people were killed.  When this man came

 8     again to the farm, he said that there was some 500 Muslims in the hole in

 9     Pilica who were trying to break through the door and get out there.  So I

10     know that there was talk about the number of 500, because this is what he

11     said.

12        Q.   Do you know to which unit the men who had come to Branjevo and to

13     the cultural hall in Pilica belonged?

14        A.   I don't know who they were.  I don't know to which unit they

15     belonged.

16        Q.   You don't know if they were soldiers or self-organised

17     paramilitaries who just got together for some interests of their own?

18             THE INTERPRETER:  Could counsel please speak into the microphone.

19             JUDGE ORIE:  Mr. Stojanovic, you're invited to speak into the

20     microphone.

21             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I cannot answer that question.

22             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation]

23        Q.   After going into Srebrenica on the 11th of July, did you see

24     General Mladic at any point during those days?

25        A.   As I've already said, I only saw him on that day, on the 11th,

Page 13781

 1     passing by in his vehicle.  That was the only time, the only moment.  I

 2     never saw him later.

 3             JUDGE ORIE:  Mr. Stojanovic, it's 2.00.  It's beyond 2.00.  This

 4     was your last question?

 5             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Just one more question, with

 6     your leave, Your Honour.

 7             JUDGE ORIE:  One.  One is one, Mr. Stojanovic.

 8             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation]

 9        Q.   Sir, at any time were you able to determine who that

10     lieutenant-colonel was whom you saw at the farm in Branjevo?

11        A.   No.

12             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] Thank you, Witness.  I have no

13     further questions.

14             I thank the Court.

15             JUDGE ORIE:  Thank you, Mr. Stojanovic.

16             Mr. McCloskey, you had -- you needed two minutes, and you wanted

17     to play a video.  But before you do that, perhaps you -- Judge Moloto

18     would have one question.

19             JUDGE MOLOTO:  Just one question.

20             Mr. Witness, who promised Pelemis money and gold for what

21     happened?

22             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I don't know who promised that.  I

23     just heard rumours that he was supposed to get it.  I don't even know

24     whether it happened.  But the stories made rounds among members of our

25     unit once we returned to Bijeljina.  So I cannot give you a precise

Page 13782

 1     answer to at that question.

 2             JUDGE MOLOTO:  Thanks.

 3             JUDGE ORIE:  Mr. McCloskey.

 4             MR. McCLOSKEY:  Thank you, Your Honours, Mr. President.  Could we

 5     pull up 65 ter 22429.

 6                           Re-examination by Mr. McCloskey:

 7        Q.   And, sir, you had mentioned a video that you had seen, and I'm

 8     about to show you a video, the first page of which has been printing on

 9     it.  We have a transcript for this video, though, and this, I understand,

10     says, "10th Sabotage Detachment, One Year in Operation.

11     14.10.1995 - Vlasenica.  Recorded by Ozren Draskovic."

12             Is -- is this the video you were thinking of when there was a

13     discussion about your promotion to sergeant?

14        A.   I think that is the recording, but I was not promoted into a

15     lieutenant but a sergeant.  At least I got interpretation "lieutenant."

16     It concerned the rank of sergeant, actually.

17        Q.   Yes.  And I had said sergeant.  If we could now go to a portion

18     of this video at 00:03:55, and we'll play it, I believe the plan is,

19     until about 05:05.

20                           [Video-clip played]

21             THE INTERPRETER: "[Voiceover] Order number 09/30/18-73 issued by

22     the command of the Main Staff of the Army of Republika Srpska:  Pursuant

23     to Article 40 of the Law on the Army of Republika Srpska, the

24     Official Gazette of Republika Srpska number 7/92, of the Order on

25     commissions and promotions of the officers and non-commissioned officers

Page 13783

 1     during a state of war, no. 01-842/92 from 10 February 1992, Order

 2     amending the Order, paragraph 5.E, Order determining the responsibilities

 3     and powers of officers deciding in service-related issues on military

 4     personnel and other personnel in the VRS, gives an exceptional promotion

 5     to the rank of reserve infantry sergeant to Drazen Erdemovic, whose

 6     military record is in the Bijeljina Ministry of Defence."

 7             MR. McCLOSKEY:

 8        Q.   Okay having seen that section and that reference to your

 9     promotion, was that the -- again, can you confirm that's the video you're

10     talking about?

11        A.   Yes.

12        Q.   And we're not going to play it now, but do you recall as this

13     video goes on that eventually you can be seen, I believe, in the

14     restaurant nearby this -- this presentation?

15        A.   Yes.

16        Q.   And this ceremony as we see on the front of the first page of it,

17     it says 14 October 1995.  And ceremonies, I think everybody will agree,

18     don't always indicate the exact date of promotion, but do you remember

19     whether this -- when in relation to this ceremony you were promoted, just

20     roughly?

21        A.   I think that day when the recording was made, on the

22     14th of October, 1995.

23             MR. McCLOSKEY:  All right.  And, Mr. President, I would offer

24     this -- this clip into evidence.  We'll get it organised so it's just the

25     short piece, because it is part of a bigger one that actually has the

Page 13784

 1     witness in it, but unless there's some kind of issue here, I think we can

 2     live with what you've seen with the transcript that goes with it unless

 3     you would like to see more of the ceremony.

 4             JUDGE ORIE:  It has been played.  Now, do the parties stipulate

 5     that there exists a video-clip to which the witness testified dealing

 6     with an event, a ceremony on the 14th of October, 1995, in which it was

 7     read to him that this witness was - and now I have to be careful - was

 8     appointed or promoted as a reserve lieutenant sergeant?  Let me just --

 9     yes.  Reserve infantry sergeant.  Is there -- do the parties stipulate

10     that such a ceremony appears on this video and that that is the video to

11     which the witness testified?  Then we don't need it into evidence,

12     Mr. McCloskey.

13             MR. McCLOSKEY:  Yes, Your Honour, that's fine.

14             JUDGE ORIE:  Any further questions?

15             MR. McCLOSKEY:  No.  I have one more document that I would like

16     to offer you.  That is -- I don't know if I have a number on it, but I do

17     have a -- it's only in Serbian or -- excuse me, B/C/S, and it is the

18     record of conviction of Franc Kos at the state court which I think should

19     give you some context to the discussion of Franc Kos.

20             JUDGE ORIE:  And you want to tender that from the bar table since

21     Franc Kos has been -- has played a role during the testimony today.

22             MR. McCLOSKEY:  Yes, Mr. President.

23             JUDGE ORIE:  Any objection to a judgement by Mr. McCloskey?  It's

24     only in B/C/S?

25             MR. McCLOSKEY:  At this time, yes.  We -- and I do have a number

Page 13785

 1     for it.  It's number 29079.  I have no English as yet, but we are asking,

 2     of course.

 3             JUDGE ORIE:  It will be marked for identification until an

 4     English -- English translation has been produced.  And I do understand

 5     that there is no objection, Mr. Stojanovic, against it being tendered

 6     from the bar table in direct connection with the testimony of this

 7     witness.

 8             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] I just didn't understand whether

 9     the trial judgement or the appeal judgement is being tendered, because

10     these are different judgements and different sentences.

11             JUDGE ORIE:  Could the parties try to seek agreement.  We don't

12     even need to see the whole judgement, I would say, only relevant parts,

13     parts considered relevant by the Prosecution or parts considered relevant

14     by the Defence, but I don't know how long the judgement is.  I don't know

15     whether there are two judgements or not.  If the appeals judgement adds

16     something to or changes anything, it might be good to have that

17     judgement, and perhaps the first instance judgement to the extent it's

18     needed to understand the appeals judgement.

19             I leave it to the parties what are the relevant portions of those

20     judgements or that judgement which they think would assist the Chamber.

21             MR. McCLOSKEY:  Thank you, Mr. President.  It's not my intention

22     to give you a complete belong judgement, which apparently this is, but

23     just the first page or two ideally of the appeals judgement.

24             JUDGE ORIE:  That's the reason why I said that you could discuss

25     with the Defence --

Page 13786

 1             MR. McCLOSKEY:  We'll get that done.

 2             JUDGE ORIE:  -- what are the relevant parts.

 3             Then have the -- you have no questions about it.  Have the

 4     questions by the Prosecution triggered any need for further examination,

 5     Mr. Stojanovic, or ...

 6             MR. STOJANOVIC: [Interpretation] No, nothing on this issue.

 7             JUDGE ORIE:  Thank you.  Then, Mr. Erdemovic, this concludes your

 8     testimony in this court.  I'd like to thank you very much for coming to

 9     The Hague and for having answered all the questions that were put to you,

10     questions put to you by the parties or questions put to you by the Bench,

11     and I wish you a safe return home again.

12             I already announce that after we move into public session, I'll

13     put on the record one very short -- after we have moved into closed

14     session, that I'll briefly put one administrative matter on the record

15     and that in closed session we'll adjourn until Wednesday, the

16     3rd of July, in this same Courtroom III at 9.30 in the morning.  And give

17     me one second, please.

18                           [Trial Chamber and Registrar confer]

19             JUDGE ORIE:  And we will resume tomorrow the 4th of July at 9.30

20     in the morning in open session and we'll then consider whether there's

21     any further need for protective measures.

22             We turn into closed session and then adjourn.

23                           [Closed session]

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13                           --- Whereupon the hearing adjourned at 2.15 p.m.,

14                           to be reconvened on Thursday, the 4th day

15                           of July, 2013, at 9.30 a.m.