Legacy website of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

Since the ICTY’s closure on 31 December 2017, the Mechanism maintains this website as part of its mission to preserve and promote the legacy of the UN International Criminal Tribunals.

 Visit the Mechanism's website.

‘More people in Croatia should have the chance to attend one of these presentations’

Sisak, 8 May 2012

Staff from the Zagreb Outreach office today travelled to the central Croatian town of Sisak, where they gave a presentation on the work of the Tribunal to more than 40 students of the Sisak Gymnasium high school.

Sisak was on the frontline of the war between the Croats and the Serbs in 1991 and the town suffered a heavy degree of damage.

The students listened attentively to the presentation and raised a variety of questions in the ensuing discussion.

After the presentation, the ICTY staff talked with the students’ professor, Vesna Šipuš, who herself lived through the war in Sisak. Ms Šipuš was extremely happy with the event and asked for a copy of the presentation on DVD for future use.

“This presentation and video material should be sent to all schools because it is a good way for the students to learn about international justice, as well as human rights in general, their duties towards their own people and duties towards the international community,” Ms Šipuš said.