Legacy website of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

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Meetings in Zagreb between ICTY President and Croatian Ministers.

Press Release  

(Exclusively for the use of the media. Not an official document)

The Hague, 29 May 1996

Meetings in Zagreb between ICTY President and Croatian Ministers

President Cassese has commenced a series of talks with Ministers and other senior officials of the major parties to the Dayton Agreement, in the former Yugoslavia. The purpose of these talks is directly to verify the degree of co-operation of those States with the ICTY. President Cassese will then report on his findings to the Florence Mid-Term Conference on the Implementation of the Dayton Agreement, on 13-14 June.

Mr Cassese held his first talks in Zagreb on 24 May. He met with Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Granic. Deputy Foreign Minister Simonovic, as well as Deputy Prime Minister Mintas-Hodak, the Minister of Justice Separovic and the Attorney General, Mr Hranjski.

The meetings, which were cordial and extensive, focussed essentially on three questions: the possibility for the Croatian authorities to exercise their influence in the Croatian part of the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina, with a view to the apprehension and surrender of Bosnian-Croats indicted by the Tribunal; the investigations and prosecution by the Croatian judicial authorities for crimes allegedly committed in Krajina by Croatian forces during and after "Operation Storm", in August 1995; the modalities for the implementation of the Croatian legal undertaking to have convicted persons serve their sentences in Croatia.


International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
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