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ICTY Weekly Press Briefing - 21st Apr 2004

ICTY Weekly Press Briefing - 7 April 2004

note that this is not a verbatim transcript of the Press Briefing.
It is merely a summary.

ICTY Weekly Press Briefing

Date: 21.04.2004

Time: 12:00


Jim Landale, Spokesman for Registry and Chambers, made the following

Good afternoon,

In terms of the court schedule:

In The Prosecutor v. Stanisic and Simatovic,
there will be two hearings on 10 May 2004 commencing at 10 a.m.
to discuss motions for provisional release that have been filed
confidentially by both accused.

There will be a status conference in The Prosecutor
v. Pasko Ljubicic
before the Pre-Appeal Judge, Judge El Mahdi,
at 3 p.m. on Thursday 22 April.

In The Prosecutor v. Pavle Strugar, Trial
Chamber II has ordered that a hearing be held on Wednesday 28 April,
during which the Croatian Government will have an opportunity to
be heard with respect of a Defence motion in which the Defence requested
the Trial Chamber to order the Croatian Government to produce a
number of documents pursuant to Rule 54 and 54 bis of the
Rules of Procedure and Evidence. The scheduling order will be available
after this briefing.

There will be a status conference in The Prosecutor
v. Dragan Nikolic
before the Pre-Appeal Judge, Judge Guney,
at 2.30 p.m. on Friday 14 May.

Finally, I am very pleased to be able to announce
that the Association of Defence Counsel (ADC) has decided to take
up the Registrar’s longstanding offer to hold its own separate press
briefing immediately following our weekly press briefing in this
room. The ADC has indicated that it will hold a briefing next Wednesday.

Office of the Prosecutor:

Jean-Danien Ruch for the Office of the Prosecutor
made no statement.


There were no questions.
