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ICTY Weekly Press Briefing - 22nd Mar 2000

ICTY Press Briefing - 22 March 2000

note that this is not a verbatim transcript of the Press Briefing. It is merely
a summary.


ICTY Weekly
Press Briefing

Date: 22 March 2000

Time: 11:00 a.m. 


Jim Landale, Spokesman for Registry and Chambers made the following statement:

The initial appearance
for Mladen Naletilic, or "Tuta" will be this Friday, 24 March, at
3:30 p.m.

is in the prison hospital undergoing medical checks. At the moment we are in
the process of confirming our view, based on the medical teams’ examination
on 24 and 25 February in Zagreb, that he is fit to appear in court.

We have just
been informed that the planned visit by Prime Minister Dodik, which was scheduled
for this Friday has been postponed due to his engagements in the pre-election
campaign in the Republika Srpska. However, the Minister of Justice, Milan Trbojevic
will visit the Tribunal.

Blaskic’s defence
team on Friday 17 March has filed a notice of appeal against the Sentence and
Judgement handed down on 3 March this year.

We still have
no decision on whether Dragoljub Prcac will be joined to the Kvocka and others
trial, however there is a status conference scheduled for later today where
a decision could be made. The status conference could be held in closed session,
but as soon as I learn anything that can be made public, I’ll let you know.

Following the
end of the Prosecution’s case-in-chief in the Kordic and Cerkez case, both of
the accused have filed motions for judgement of acquittal. We have copies of
the Cerkez accompanying brief, which was filed on 17 March, but not for Kordic
which was filed confidentially

On 20 March,
Judge Rodrigues, acting as President of the Tribunal in the absence of Judges
Jorda and May, declared that the President of the Tribunal has no competence
to revise the decision of the Registrar refusing to assign Milan Vujin as counsel
for Kovac, dated 14 February 2000. This matter was decided upon by the Trial
Chamber on 14 March 2000.

Also some reminders:

The Judgement
in the Aleksovski appeal will be handed down by the Appeals Chamber this Friday,
24 March at 9:00 a.m. in Courtroom III.

Also, the Judgement
in the contempt of court case against Milan Simic and his counsel, Mr. Branislav
Avramovic, will be handed down by Trial Chamber III on Wednesday 29 March, at
8.45 a.m. in Courtroom I.



Paul Risley, Spokesman for the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP), made no statement.



Asked who
the Minister of Justice would meet during his visit to the Tribunal, Risley
replied that he would meet with the Prosecutor, Landale added that he could
also meet with the Vice- President, Judge Mumba, (in the absence of the President)
and with the Registrar.

Asked for
further clarification of the reasons for the postponement of Prime Minister
Dodik’s visit to The Hague, Landale replied that the pre-election campaign
was the reason given to him. He added that journalists should contact Minister
Dodik’s office in Banja Luka for further information.
