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ICTY Weekly Press Briefing - 25th Oct 2000

ICTY Press Briefing - 25 October 2000

note that this is not a verbatim transcript of the Press Briefing. It is merely
a summary.

Weekly Press Briefing

25 October 2000

11:15 a.m. 


Landale, Spokesman for Registry and Chambers made the following statement:

As most of you
will have seen, the Prosecution’s cross-examination of General Radislav Krstic
began earlier this morning in the Krstic trial. My understanding is that this
is likely to continue for the remainder of this week.

In addition, there
will be a pre-trial conference in the Krnojelac case tomorrow at 1400 hours
in Courtroom II. You should all have the pre-trial briefs for that case, which
I handed out last week - if any of you do not, you can pick up copies from my
office after this.

Finally, you can
collect the latest Status of Ongoing Cases Factsheet from us after this briefing.


Florence Hartmann,
Spokesperson for the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) made no statement.



Asked for information
on the Prosecutor’s and Deputy Prosecutor’s visit to Greece and Cyprus, Hartmann
replied that the Prosecutor was satisfied with the visit and the will of Greece
and Cyprus to cooperate with the Tribunal.

Asked whether
there were any movements for change in the relations between the OTP and Belgrade
regarding the opening of OTP offices in Belgrade, Hartmann replied that the
OTP was waiting for a reply to the Prosecutor’s letter requesting a meeting
with President Kostunica. She added that there was no dialogue at the moment.
She concluded by saying that the OTP was encouraged by the statement by President
Kostunica concerning the possibility of opening an OTP office in Belgrade.
This was a positive sign and the OTP was waiting for the first opportunity
to arrange a meeting with the President.

Asked whether
there was any indication when this would take place, Hartmann replied that
there was not.
