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Weekly Press Briefing - 19 October 2011

Date: 19.10.2011
Time: 11:30

Registry and Chambers:

Nerma Jelačić, Spokesperson for Registry and Chambers, made the following statement:

Good Morning, 

Dragomir Pećanac, former Security and Intelligence Officer of the Main Staff of the Army of the Republika Srpska, pleaded not guilty to charges of contempt of the Tribunal at his further initial appearance which took place this morning. Pećanac has been charged with contempt of the Tribunal for failing to comply with, or to show good cause why he could not comply with, a subpoena in which he was ordered to testify in the case of Zdravko Tolimir. A date for the start of trial will be scheduled in due course.

I’ll turn now to the courtroom schedule: -

Proceedings in the retrial of Ramush Haradinaj and others resume next Wednesday 26 October at 9:00 am in Courtroom I.

The trials of Radovan Karadžić,  Mićo Stanišić and Stojan Župljanin as well as that of Jovica Stanišić and Franko Simatović continue this week and next as scheduled.
In the trial of Radovan Karadžić, the Trial Chamber is currently hearing the testimony of a protected witness in closed session.

In the  Stanišić and Župljanin trial, the Trial Chamber will this afternoon hear the testimony of Goran Šajinović, former member of the Serbian State Security Service.
In the Stanišić and Simatović trial, the Trial Chamber will continue hearing this afternoon the testimony of a protected witness in closed session.

Finally, please note that the Tribunal will be closed next Monday for UN Day.

Office of the Prosecutor:

Frederick Swinnen, Special Adviser to the Prosecutor, reminded journalists present that Prosecutor Brammertz would be meeting the media at 12:30 today.


No questions were asked.

International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

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