Tribunal hosts Croatian judges and trial monitors

The Tribunal’s Outreach Programme today welcomed five war crimes judges and a group of war crimes trial monitors from Croatia on a two-day visit to the ICTY. The visit is organised by the Croatian NGO Dokumenta in association with the Office of the Secretary General of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
The visit is taking place as part of the Tribunal’s ongoing efforts to strengthen cooperation with members of the judiciary and civil society from the former Yugoslavia and promote better understanding of the ICTY’s mandate, practices and legacy.
Vesna Teršelič, Head of NGO Dokumenta said: “We hope that this visit will contribute to a better understanding and the resolution of outstanding issues regarding the cooperation between the ICTY and the regional judiciaries. This is important given the number of remaining crimes left for processing at the local courts".
Francesco Moneta, Legal Officer at the OSCE Secretariat, said: “We are confident that judges and NGO monitors, in their respective roles, will utilise the Tribunal’s legacy for the common goal of promoting the rule of law and serve as a role model in the region.”
The judges and trial monitors will attend presentations on a variety of topics, including the impact of the Tribunal’s judgements in the region and the provision of support to victims and witnesses. They will meet with Judge Moloto, Judge Morrison, and other senior representatives of the Chambers, including Deputy Chef de Cabinet for the President.
The group will also have the opportunity to meet with members of the Office of the Prosecutor, including Head of the Transition Office, with whom they will discuss the transfer of knowledge and evidence onto the local courts.
Following their meetings, the judges and trial monitors will attend the Mladić and Karadžić hearings.
As the ICTY moves towards the completion of its mandate, the Outreach Programme is intensifying its efforts to provide the communities of the former Yugoslavia with increased access to the Tribunal’s work and to promote a greater understanding of its achievements.