Legacy website of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

Since the ICTY’s closure on 31 December 2017, the Mechanism maintains this website as part of its mission to preserve and promote the legacy of the UN International Criminal Tribunals.

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Documentary “Crimes before the ICTY: Central Bosnia” screened in The Hague

The Hague |

The fourth in a series of documentaries produced by the Outreach Programme, Crimes before the ICTY: Central Bosnia, premiered today in The Hague. The screening took place at The Hague Institute for Global Justice and over 180 diplomats, representatives of international and non-governmental organisations, academics, government officials and ICTY judges and senior staff were in attendance.

The documentary tells the story of some of the gravest crimes committed against civilians during the Croat – Muslim conflict in Central Bosnia. Investigations into alleged crimes committed by both sides began while the conflict was still ongoing, and led to some of the Tribunal’s first indictments.

Speaking before the screening, ICTY and MICT Registrar John Hocking stressed the importance of Outreach’s work over the last 16 years. “The presence of a robust Outreach Programme has allowed the ICTY to take its achievements far beyond its courtrooms, bringing them to the people most affected by the crimes under the ICTY jurisdiction and assisting them in rebuilding their communities” Registrar Hocking said.

H.E. Ahmed Halilović, Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Netherlands in his address said: “It is tremendously important for the people in BiH and the rest of the region to continue to have access to information about the findings of the ICTY, the facts established by its trials, and the testimonies of the many witnesses who participated in its proceedings.” Ambassador Halilović stressed that in this respect the work of the ICTY Outreach Programme has been invaluable.

The event concluded with a reception that provided guests with the opportunity to share their impressions of the film and to talk to the documentary producers Petar Finci and Steve Coulson.