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Statement of Carla Del Ponte, Chief Prosecutor



Press Release
(Exclusively for the use of the media. Not an official document)

The Hague, 6 December 2006


I would like to announce that I have appointed a new spokesperson of the Prosecutor, Ms. Olga Kavran.

Ms. Kavran is well known to those familiar with the Tribunal, as she has been one of the key persons in the Tribunal's Outreach programme, with over six years of experience working with the communications efforts of the ICTY. She is a lawyer by education and also had experience in public relations and advertising, and thus has a good combination of skills for this position.
Importantly for us, being originally from Belgrade, she is obviously fluent in what we at the Tribunal refer to as B/C/S.

Welcoming Olga on board of the Office of the Prosecutor, I am positive that she will be a valued member of my team, and I hope that she will be also welcomed by the journalists covering the work of the Tribunal.

Certainly, Olga will need a certain amount of time for the hand over and familiarization with the specific work of the OTP, but we have agreed that not later than next week she will be fully in charge of the media related issues for the prosecution.

I would also like to thank Anton Nikiforov for his readiness to take over the duties of the spokesperson since March this year. Anton has done an excellent job, using his extensive knowledge in the region to very good effect, and I am grateful for the job he has done and the dedication he has shown. We faced a number of challenges while Anton has been the Acting Spokesperson, and
he handled his duties with credibility, seriousness and integrity. Fortunately for us, Anton will be returning full-time to his duties as Special Adviser to the Prosecutor where his work is very much appreciated by me, as well as the Office as a whole.
