The fifth documentary film produced by the ICTY Outreach Programme - „Crimes before the ICTY: Višegrad“ - premiered today at the Art Cinema of the Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade. The screening was attended by 35 NGO representatives, members of the diplomatic core, journalists and students.
Višegrad was the scene of some of the most brutal crimes committed during the war in the former Yugoslavia. Based on the testimonies of victims and witnesses, trial and appeals judgments, as well as interviews with the protagonists of the proceedings, „Crimes before the ICTY: Višegrad“ provides an insight into the Tribunal's investigation, prosecution and judicial findings of these crimes.
Following the screening, Outreach Programme representative and associate producer of the film, Petar Finci, answered questions from the Belgrade audience. Finci underlined the importance of establishing the facts about crimes committed in the former Yugoslavia and spoke about the relevance of this and other documentaries produced by the Outreach Programme in bringing the work of the Tribunal closer to the public.
After viewing the documentary, Jasmina Lazović, member of the NGO Youth Initiative for Human Rights, said: „This film directly speaks about the most horrible crimes committed in BiH and it would be very good if it were to be used for educational purposes both in Serbia and in Republika Srpska and throughout BiH.“