As part of its Youth Outreach Project, today the Tribunal started a new round of presentations in Kosovo.
Driton Gashi, a Tribunal's representative, spoke to over 40 students at the ‘Aleskandër Xhuvani’ high school in Podujevo/Podujevë providing them with a brief overview of the history of the ICTY, including how and why it was established, its mandate, and general statistics on persons indicted and convicted by the Tribunal. The students were then briefed on various aspects of the cases specifically related to Kosovo and their contribution to the development of international criminal law. To illustrate the explanation and to highlight some of the main points, the students were shown excerpts of witness testimonies rendered before the Tribunal in those cases.
Following the presentation, the students had a number of questions for the ICTY representative ranging from the perceived slow pace of the trials to the possibility of compensation in case of an acquittal. Students were also interested to learn more about the witness protection programme.