As part of the cooperation of the Outreach Programme with the International University of Sarajevo, a group of twenty students of international relations visited the ICTY’s Field Office in BiH. The visit to the Tribunal is part of their interdisciplinary studies programme providing students with an opportunity to see how specific international organisations operate.
Following the introduction about the Tribunal’s establishment, mandate and main achievements, ICTY Registry Liaison Officer Almir Alić answered numerous questions in order to explain to the students, who come from different backgrounds, the differences of specific crimes prosecuted before the Tribunal, and discussed the concept of individual criminal responsibility. One student from Bosnia and Herzegovina was interested to hear more about Tribunal’s judgments related to wartime sexual violence, while his colleague from Sudan wanted to know the difference between ethnic cleansing and genocide. Some of the questions were also in relation to guilty pleas made before the Tribunal, their validity and sentencing policy applied in such cases.
Souleymone Quedrago, second year student, shared his impressions after the presentation: „Indeed, I have learned a lot from this presentation, which helped me better understand what happened in Bosnia that I did not know before. I encourage these types of activities to be accessible to wider Bosnian population“.
His colleague Emina Bašić added that: „Such dynamic and interesting presentation is very useful and should be made accessible to everyone“.
The cooperation between the Outreach programme and the International University of Sarajevo will continue with guest lectures at the International Summer School organised by the University during summer.