On 23 June, a group of six students from West Point Military Academy (USA) and their teaching staff visited the ICTY Field Office in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), in order to learn more about the work of the Tribunal.
ICTY Outreach Programme representative in BiH, Ms Ernesa Ademagić, informed the future US Army officers about the Tribunal's establishment, its mandate and some of its major achievements to date. The presentation engendered a lively discussion on a number of issues, including the Tribunal's sentencing practice, support and protection of witnesses, the accused’s right to counsel, funding of the defence, and contempt of court cases. Ms Ademagić also briefed the group on the Tribunal’s pioneering Outreach Programme and its activities engaging local communities in the former Yugoslavia.
This was the fourth event organised in cooperation with the US Embassy in Sarajevo.